Technical feedback

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  • #44589
    Biohazard WANTED $675

    Hi guys,

    Just a few feedback items (that I’m sure you’re already aware of/have been raised numerous times before), but just thinks that niggle at me when using the forum!

    1) “Keep me logged in” – never works! Logs me out very quickly.
    2) “Post has been sent for moderation” when logged out. Appreciate this is to stop the post getting lost, but I find my posts that I make that get sent this way often don’t even get posted anyway! Surely there is a better way of handling these, such as holding the post and diverting straight to the logic screen to continue the post after logging in, maybe?
    3) Page listings on “Today’s Posts” aren’t always correct. Often there is an extra page or two in the thread itself (e.g. the last page visible on today’s posts may be 43, but when clicking into the thread it’s actually 44).
    4) Missing notifications when tagged in a post. I’d love to be able to see straight away when someone has tagged me in a post, but I never receive a notification for this. Is this just me, or a universal thing across the forum?

    Thanks guys – not pushing, I’m sure all of these are on your todo list already, just thought I’d speak up with my own observations that’s all. 🙂

    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    Biohazard wrote:

    Hi guys,

    Just a few feedback items (that I’m sure you’re already aware of/have been raised numerous times before), but just thinks that niggle at me when using the forum!

    1) “Keep me logged in” – never works! Logs me out very quickly. 2) “Post has been sent for moderation” when logged out. Appreciate this is to stop the post getting lost, but I find my posts that I make that get sent this way often don’t even get posted anyway! Surely there is a better way of handling these, such as holding the post and diverting straight to the logic screen to continue the post after logging in, maybe?
    3) Page listings on “Today’s Posts” aren’t always correct. Often there is an extra page or two in the thread itself (e.g. the last page visible on today’s posts may be 43, but when clicking into the thread it’s actually 44).
    4) Missing notifications when tagged in a post. I’d love to be able to see straight away when someone has tagged me in a post, but I never receive a notification for this. Is this just me, or a universal thing across the forum?

    Thanks guys – not pushing, I’m sure all of these are on your todo list already, just thought I’d speak up with my own observations that’s all. ?

    Thanks for the feedback mate a few of those issues we are aware of and are being investigated and we shall look into the others. 🙂

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    Biohazard wrote:

    Hi guys,

    Just a few feedback items (that I’m sure you’re already aware of/have been raised numerous times before), but just thinks that niggle at me when using the forum!

    1) “Keep me logged in” – never works! Logs me out very quickly. 2) “Post has been sent for moderation” when logged out. Appreciate this is to stop the post getting lost, but I find my posts that I make that get sent this way often don’t even get posted anyway! Surely there is a better way of handling these, such as holding the post and diverting straight to the logic screen to continue the post after logging in, maybe?
    3) Page listings on “Today’s Posts” aren’t always correct. Often there is an extra page or two in the thread itself (e.g. the last page visible on today’s posts may be 43, but when clicking into the thread it’s actually 44).
    4) Missing notifications when tagged in a post. I’d love to be able to see straight away when someone has tagged me in a post, but I never receive a notification for this. Is this just me, or a universal thing across the forum?

    Thanks guys – not pushing, I’m sure all of these are on your todo list already, just thought I’d speak up with my own observations that’s all. ?

    Moanin C*nt 😀

    Hehe, of course, i jest innit :p


    Think we found our forums moaning old git lol only joking @biohazard aww sorry forgot you will probaly see this sometume in the future lol

    Biohazard WANTED $675


    Definitely keeping a list of names of people I need to get when we have this meet up!

    Thanks guys, that’s my moaning done for the day xo

    Xbobmad WANTED $734

    Can we have a system rigged up directly between the website and @just-basics so we can electrocute him randomly when he annoys another member?


    @xbobmad take it jb is on your list lol

    Eightblack WANTED $446

    I’ve noticed some of these but I just thought it was my shitty phone and big thumb clicking on the wrong page ?

    Xbobmad WANTED $734

    THAGABSTAR wrote:

    @xbobmad take it jb is on your list lol

    Haha I just take everything out on JB now ? We’re good really (I think) it’s all good

    Biohazard WANTED $675

    I like where this thread is going 😉


    @biohazard moaning about technical difficulties wasnt your real agenda was it ??

    Xbobmad WANTED $734

    I’ve just messaged without logging in ? its awaiting approval when someone gets chance ?


    @xbobmad i did message biohazard but forgot he will get it sometime soon ?

    Biohazard WANTED $675

    I can safely say I’ve received no notifications for these tags ?

    Xbobmad WANTED $734

    I’ve got a technical question ish, to drag us back to that… When someone gets tagged like @just-basics is there anywhere for him to see that?

    Like a Facebook style “mentioned you in a post” alert

    Yeah reading this, it’s the same as bio’s number 4 on the list lol

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