That last video….

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    The Bandit WANTED $5,411
    El Bandito

    Do you think it has been dealt the treatment on the dislikes for its content, or the fact there are no comments available?



    I got a couple of nasty ones saying i was rubbing peoples noses in it by showing my winning run on Casumo – between a rock and a hard place with that one tbh, show it and get that sort of comment, don’t show it and i’m called a fake and a bullshitter lol

    Despite the large amount of dislikes, there is also a huge amount of likes so i’m all good with it – just wondered what your thoughts are as to what went wrong with for people to be clicking thumbs down that many times.

    blacko1974 WANTED $248

    If I were you Steve I would take what money you can from Reel King and ignore the background noise, i’m sure you know that hitting the ladder top will eventually dry up when the casinos realise that someone is “winning too regularly”, I wouldn’t be surprised if your name creeps up in the casino boardroom. Grab what you can and fuck off out the door when it runs dry.



    Stevie25 WANTED $254

    The Bandit wrote:

    Do you think it has been dealt the treatment on the dislikes for its content, or the fact there are no comments available?



    I got a couple of nasty ones saying i was rubbing peoples noses in it by showing my winning run on Casumo – between a rock and a hard place with that one tbh, show it and get that sort of comment, don’t show it and i’m called a fake and a bullshitter lol

    Despite the large amount of dislikes, there is also a huge amount of likes so i’m all good with it – just wondered what your thoughts are as to what went wrong with for people to be clicking thumbs down that many times.

    Haters gonna hate bro… I’d concentrate on the likes as you can’t please everybody…

    I personally get a buzz when your being You, with all that shouting & stuff. And moving up & down stakes is good to see… I’m liking your recent vids even better than at the start… Chasing loses &  knowing when to push/stop when  your feeling it.

    And the promotion of safe gambling & Gamban is great to see also. I enjoyed your talk in the last vid, makes shit more real.

    Keep doing you brother, keep being you.

    Levskie101 WANTED $22

    People by nature especially when it comes to money are jealous, probably more so with you as you are very relatable for the average person. So seeing one of “our/their” own smash the back doors in is going to bring more jealously and ammo for the haters.

    Keep doing what your doing, why the fuck wouldn’t you when your rinsing them!

    Infact realese a 2 hour reel king special just to really piss the off.

    MichaelLFC96 WANTED $114

    Bandit man we all know it’s jelaousy. It wouldn’t surprise me if a couple of people here downvoted videos, people just don’t like seeing other people being successful (especially when the subject is gambling, as there are a lot of losers)

    Just keep being you Stevie, disable ratings if it’s bothering you, disable comments if it’s bothering you. At the end of the day, if you’re happy, we’re happy.

    Videos aren’t as fun when you’re having to take time out to address people that don’t like you, just ignore them and carry on ??

    Ramm WANTED $32

    Its a tricky game this keeping the fans happy lark, the secret is not to play.

    Biohazard WANTED $675

    I think a lot of gambling videos on YouTube get dislikes these days. Your ratio is actually still very healthy – take it as a positive! 😀

    Jamesr83 WANTED $18

    Pure jealousy, simple as that mate, there’s to many fu*kwits in this world who want to blame everyone else for there own and others problems.

    Fu*k em.

    ligarr WANTED $82

    Its the same losers that got all you streamers banned by complaining,they just have no life i mean who spends there evenings disliking videos?..though maybe the odd dislike is ppl who prefered you doing low stakes.

    Though you say you dont care what these ppl think you obviously do as you justify yourself in alot of videos or even on here,you shouldnt have to say anything about your winnings/losses or why you are betting how you are,its upto what you do with your money…though for us genuine watchers it is nice to hear if you are up or down.

    These trolls say you are making ppl gamble etc by showing big wins or just by showing streams,Every problem gambler bar none knows about gamban and should use it,they choose not to and then like to blame others,even though they could still join sites that are not GC approved but that is futile as you will get scammed and have confiscations and have nowhere to get help.

    I am one of these problem gamblers i know what to do if i truly want to stop,streamers dont make me gamble any more or less than i would,but a bit like you who makes a few quid from ppl using your links i also make extra money by doing matched betting which is why i can gamble alot more than what my job actually pays…i know its stupid and i should use this extra cash for good things,but hey thats life and its my choice and nobody makes me gamble.

    Just play how and when you want,maybe tell us occasionally if had a good win or big loss off stream,and defo let us kn ow if you make it to buying that house:).

    robmaffia WANTED $0

    I sometimes think you care too much about what viewers think. The real slots fans know that a) It’s real money, b) you have shown your profit loss several times and c) You try to make entertaining videos, win or lose

    notrege WANTED $41

    At the end of the day you’ve got to question why some people watch your videos

    I personally watch because I can relate to the emotions of playing the games, being up, being down and when a game finally hits a bonus and it either goes for fuck all or a massive win – it’s a rollercoaster ( like watching a football match ) and the commentary you give is like character building and a back story to get invested in to your life

    “Great game never in doubt” my favourite saying tbh because it only ever gets said after a miserable run that’s turned around

    if people watch to see you lose and your winning then it won’t appeal to them and there better off finding one of their many cousins to occupy their time

    At the end of the day the views speak for themselves, I think the format works, I’m waiting for the feature length complication video “ The ra the swarm and the reel king: the house that slots built” when you finally move into reel king kingdoms

    keep up the good work imo


    tyti1000 WANTED $43

    Dont worry about the dislikes. People are jealous, focus on doing the same good content and forget about them.

    thunderball6 WANTED $272

    It’s when they stop talking about you . You shud worry

    Xbobmad WANTED $735

    The good thing is that both likes and dislikes are considered “engagement” by YouTube’s algorithm, and all they’ve done is increased the amount of people the video will get suggested to 😀

    Huntball WANTED $7

    You are never going to please everyone on any video you do you will always get someone saying bad things keep on doing what you are doing its great to watch the ups and downs 🙂 I still not managed to get the top on that crazy Goones game always dicks me on the one just b4 it lol

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