That last video

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  • #61407
    Eightblack WANTED $446

    Im still thinking about how mental that comeback was! Just imagine if it didn’t take 100k to top the first time, And 160k out of casumo in less than a month is absolutely unreal!


    I reckon you should try build the balance to £1,000,000 next time lol the way it played after the first top makes it look genuinely achievable for you, that would break all kinds of youtube records

    thunderball6 WANTED $272

    Bet he was mentally exhausted after that . Must be very stressful, gambling so much money . I know I get all stressed when a game takes more than 50 spins to bonus

    Quazzi WANTED $149

    thunderball6 wrote:

    Bet he was mentally exhausted after that . Must be very stressful, gambling so much money . I know I get all stressed when a game takes more than 50 spins to bonus

    I agree it would be stressful but I also believe its less stressful playing with winnings. If it was 100k from his “own pocket” then yea that would be fucking mental stressful.

    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    What got me was the muted celebration on a couple of the tops. Perfectly understandable when they nowhere near got money back. I just wonder if the belief wasn’t there to get money back until 63k was reached. Then only one top away seemed the belief came back as well as the usual celebrations.

    Mickeyvondickey WANTED $181

    Haz40 wrote:

    What got me was the muted celebration on a couple of the tops. Perfectly understandable when they nowhere near got money back. I just wonder if the belief wasn’t there to get money back until 63k was reached. Then only one top away seemed the belief came back as well as the usual celebrations.

    I think the first top was around 20-25k so only a fifth of his money back at that point. Kind of like sticking 500 in a FOBT and jumping for joy when you win 100 quid back. Brilliant comeback though…. shame Utd couldn’t do the same today ? (sorry, couldn’t resist that one!). ?

    Dion WANTED $9

    should have used a heart monitor lol would have been interesting

    benq99 WANTED $229

    did any one here him say something about Hong Kong Phooey when he hit the top or am i hearing things

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    benq99 wrote:

    did any one here him say something about Hong Kong Phooey when he hit the top or am i hearing things

    I think at this point, it was when the wife hit the top and i shouted “HONK HONKKKKK” as i squeezed her tits in a comedy fashion and then i said “i’m not squeezing her tits honestly” and then i thought, well i can’t put that up can i and blanked it out.



    NudePicsForFreeSpins WANTED $20

    Dude I love amateur couples on video

    Malkychamp WANTED $486

    “Wife” knobhead

    “Bandit” am aloud to shout at the one its a fatboy ???

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