That last video….

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  • #25935
    Jayjay230 WANTED $32

    Just jealously mate ignore em you play how the fuck you wanna play I just wish I had your luck and money haha ? keep doing what u doing Bandit btw did you cashout all the 20k or have vid slots restricted you again and have to wait?

    baggiedeano WANTED $6

    alls I wanna know is how the fuck do I become like u ??? every bonus I get pays poor play the footy and theres always a losing team in my selections ive tried hard to emulate you over the past 2 years maybe the gambling authorties have seen the similarity of play and they say fuck you son you will never be another bandit lol

    Run187 WANTED $28

    baggiedeano wrote:

    alls I wanna know is how the fuck do I become like u ??? every bonus I get pays poor play the footy and theres always a losing team in my selections ive tried hard to emulate you over the past 2 years maybe the gambling authorties have seen the similarity of play and they say fuck you son you will never be another bandit lol

    As the bandit himself well say he was massively down before the big wins . they take your money over a number of years but they will get it all eventually lol .as for the football, do a multi team corner accumulator of say like 6 teams .nice that bandit shows both sides of coin wins and loses unlike some others who only show wins and never seem to lose which is impossible..

    awesomex WANTED $136

    Steve, you have given us all countless hours of good entertainment. Excellent entertainment actually.
    The way you talk in the videos where you bring in your wife and Asda, the cat, “waking the baby” and all that, it’s just next level funny.
    Don’t mind the haters bud. I haven’t cashed out a single time in 2018 myself, and I don’t hate on your wins. Neither should anyone else. If someone isn’t happy about their situation, hating on others is just gonna keep them in that situation.
    Your true fans will always enjoy your videos. Yes, you do a bit too much reel king and picking games (suitcase crap) for my liking at times, but I still watch every single video you ever put out.
    Keep doing your own thing. it’s obviously working for you. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!

    Lots of love from Norway.

    awesomex WANTED $136

    Just wanna add this, as I’m watching your video – Novomatic will never ever change their games. They are and will remain the same. It’s waaaaaaaaaay expensive to change a slot, and then they have to go through the trouble of getting a new license for it. BTG have already said the same about their games. They will never spend time and money on changing a published game. They rather spend their time and money on making new slots. Changing a slot is a pure expense. Making a new one is profitable. Keep this in mind 🙂

    Dion WANTED $9

    Steve, I would not even bother to show deposits or withdraws or any form of proof. No matter what you show there are always idiots who post negative comments to get a response. I’d just ban them all and have the last laugh. Ya some people do vote down if they are unable to comment but only the non-supporters who don’t matter anyway. I have never felt you have ever boasted on winning, just excited like the rest of us when we win. Those people moaning are not your friends nor are they part of this community, you should know this already. I am sorry you had a big loss but try to remember, you can’t take a penny of it with you so have fun and live life to the max. You, Rocknrolla and Hypalinx are about the only genuine online gamblers I trust. Best wishes to you and your family.

    Jaffa1981 WANTED $6

    Mate I love your videos and love watching you win or lose , with regards to the haters fuck them I would just ignore them not worth your time they are only jealous

    fifebloke WANTED $1

    Interesting video to watch. I admire your honesty over the events of the session. It reminds me of the poker boom and myself. I used to complete a 12 hr night shift in one of the busiest A/E depts in the country and start playing. For me it was a second job almost. Started to win a bit then a bit more, to the point of thinking i could almost make a living out of it. Of course it came crashing down around my ears. Luckily like you it was my only my winnings that were lost. I pulled my self back and had to have a frank discussion with my other half and a compromise was made.

    All good now, my ego and self esteem are at the same level of my bankroll ( reasonably comfortable).

    Hope you build it back and continue with the videos.



    Winningbird WANTED $574

    Steve, I just want to thank for you for posting your video today. Not many streamers show their losses, especially if it’s a huge loss like you had. I felt like many people who watch your videos would have gone mad on reel king trying to reach that top, but I feel like today’s video will have showed them it’s not always possible. Thanks for being so honest about your wins/losses.

    Paul Fisher WANTED $5

    Look forward to your vids every week and always wished you luck…however I am kind of glad this inevitable loss has happened..not just as it was a much needed reality check but I think it was necessary to make anyone else thinking they could play this way and win realise it just won’t happen long term..saying it will happen is one thing (and you’ve said it repeatedly)..actually seeing it happen is another.I also hope it means you go back to playing sensible(ish) stakes for the most part and we now see a bit less reel king content ..totally get why you’ve played it so often but there’s lots of slots that are better to watch as a viewer of your channel. For me it has meant when you’ve been winning several thousand at at time on it, it kind of makes watching you then drop to £2 a spin somewhat devalued as I struggle to buy into you risking what is spare change in comparison to what you’ve been risking and winning on swarm/reel king.Hope it was a one off mega loss and you find winning ways on something different

    The Bandit WANTED $5,411
    El Bandito

    Winningbird wrote:

    Steve, I just want to thank for you for posting your video today. Not many streamers show their losses, especially if it’s a huge loss like you had. I felt like many people who watch your videos would have gone mad on reel king trying to reach that top, but I feel like today’s video will have showed them it’s not always possible. Thanks for being so honest about your wins/losses.

    Have always said if i am willing to show the big wins, i got to show the big losses too – sometimes losses occur with hardly any footage, like i may have started a video and done the grand in in record speed and just not fancied carrying on, that will often not get shown but i do like to talk about it. Whilst there was no footage of this one, such is the run i had been on, i said that when it came to an end i would show everyone how it did so and how much was lost and that’s what i did – if this kind of video deters just 1 person from doing their bollocks in then it was worth it eh! Cheers for the comment and are you “the” Winningbird? 😀 Apologies if you aren’t the one i know haha Comment much appreciated either way!

    Joeholdway WANTED $44

    On a scale of 1-100 how much spewarama was involved in last vid lol but on a serious note mate ignore the haters as long as kids are OK and the Mrs gets her trips to asda all is right in the world

    mrrickers WANTED $3

    I am not sure what to say, but I know it totally sucks.  I really hope you will be alright, that is my only concern because something like this, good or bad, can mess with your head.  I have seen it happen and I know it hurts….more than you let on and more than we can guess.

    Take care, always enjoy watching your videos….

    Winningbird WANTED $574

    The Bandit wrote:

    Winningbird wrote:

    Steve, I just want to thank for you for posting your video today. Not many streamers show their losses, especially if it’s a huge loss like you had. I felt like many people who watch your videos would have gone mad on reel king trying to reach that top, but I feel like today’s video will have showed them it’s not always possible. Thanks for being so honest about your wins/losses.

    Have always said if i am willing to show the big wins, i got to show the big losses too – sometimes losses occur with hardly any footage, like i may have started a video and done the grand in in record speed and just not fancied carrying on, that will often not get shown but i do like to talk about it. Whilst there was no footage of this one, such is the run i had been on, i said that when it came to an end i would show everyone how it did so and how much was lost and that’s what i did – if this kind of video deters just 1 person from doing their bollocks in then it was worth it eh! Cheers for the comment and are you “the” Winningbird? ? Apologies if you aren’t the one i know haha Comment much appreciated either way!

    I go by winningbird on a quite a few casinos and bingo sites, but I’m not sure what you mean by The Winningbird ?? I was just thinking about it, my biggest win picture on here was 5 scrolls on reel king.

    Sometimes it’s better not to post the video of the losses, and just to do what you did in the last video. I think if you showed the full thing, it would make people tilt with you, and want revenge on the game, or they could think ahh Steve’s just lost all that money on it, it’s got to pay now.



    Mrsukcuppa WANTED $0

    Not sure this is the best place for this but to address your video. I think it shows how honest your are and I for one relate and would like to share something in the hopes that my mistake could help some else.

    with christmas not so far away I thought I would put £500 { pot was 2k and thats all i have for december } so I thought I would do some chilli buys at £100 lost all 5. Now I should of stopped but the gambler in me thought it has to give me a bonus { I know crazy right} so re deposit £500 and i contiue and lost the next. not once landing on 16 spin.

    so now i am really kicking myself and thinking I’ve ruined chrismas for my kids n husband. Sadly Instead of keepping grand I actually put the rest into chilli and was buying at £200 a pop. I am now praying to god and really hoping my luck turns round.

    all 5 buys  either lost on the first but always on the next. so I never once got 16


    I then spent 4 hours walking around in my town crying and wondering what the hell have I done. Not just to myself but my family as well.

    That feeling of letting people down sent me into a very dark place. Instead of telling someone , I thought it was a good idea to take my own life. I actually jumped from a bridge , breaking both legs and having a fratured skill. This is being wrote from the hospital now. Iam truly grateful for the help I am getting from doctors and nurses. Whom have all not judged me for being a massive plonker.

    When i first came round i was faced with my husband. Whom i did tell about losing all our chrimas money on line. His words where as much as we could of had a great christmas. If it was a choice of 2k or you. I think both of us would rather you than money.

    he then proceed to say he loves me and said we will just get by however we can and not to worry what has happened as the important thing is we can still be a family.


    I’m sharing this with you as I want to highlight the dark side of gambling. Just don’t think your alone, theres many services you can call and ban yourself if needed. Bandit even has them on here for free for 1 or 2 months. If anything like this should happen to you please dont let it consume you and try to talk about it with friends or family. Even come to the fourm and vent about it as people on here are amazing and who knows what its like to feel the way. backinamo users do as its a  room full of gamblers.

    besides the guilt of my kids christmas which for now I cant forgive myself just yet. I am here and alive and once I’m healed i with give them another chistmas sometime next year as a way to say i’m sorry.


    I hope this helps just 1 person


    Thanks for reading and bandit thankyou for all the gam ban stuuf as i will be using it.

    play to your limits folks and never gamble with money you cant afford as you could end up like me and I would not wish that on anyone!!!!!


    stay lucky all xx

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