That last video….

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    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    Mrsukcuppa wrote:

    Not sure this is the best place for this but to address your video. I think it shows how honest your are and I for one relate and would like to share something in the hopes that my mistake could help some else.

    with christmas not so far away I thought I would put £500 { pot was 2k and thats all i have for december } so I thought I would do some chilli buys at £100 lost all 5. Now I should of stopped but the gambler in me thought it has to give me a bonus { I know crazy right} so re deposit £500 and i contiue and lost the next. not once landing on 16 spin.

    so now i am really kicking myself and thinking I’ve ruined chrismas for my kids n husband. Sadly Instead of keepping grand I actually put the rest into chilli and was buying at £200 a pop. I am now praying to god and really hoping my luck turns round.

    all 5 buys  either lost on the first but always on the next. so I never once got 16


    I then spent 4 hours walking around in my town crying and wondering what the hell have I done. Not just to myself but my family as well.

    That feeling of letting people down sent me into a very dark place. Instead of telling someone , I thought it was a good idea to take my own life. I actually jumped from a bridge , breaking both legs and having a fratured skill. This is being wrote from the hospital now. Iam truly grateful for the help I am getting from doctors and nurses. Whom have all not judged me for being a massive plonker.

    When i first came round i was faced with my husband. Whom i did tell about losing all our chrimas money on line. His words where as much as we could of had a great christmas. If it was a choice of 2k or you. I think both of us would rather you than money.

    he then proceed to say he loves me and said we will just get by however we can and not to worry what has happened as the important thing is we can still be a family.


    I’m sharing this with you as I want to highlight the dark side of gambling. Just don’t think your alone, theres many services you can call and ban yourself if needed. Bandit even has them on here for free for 1 or 2 months. If anything like this should happen to you please dont let it consume you and try to talk about it with friends or family. Even come to the fourm and vent about it as people on here are amazing and who knows what its like to feel the way. backinamo users do as its a  room full of gamblers.

    besides the guilt of my kids christmas which for now I cant forgive myself just yet. I am here and alive and once I’m healed i with give them another chistmas sometime next year as a way to say i’m sorry.


    I hope this helps just 1 person


    Thanks for reading and bandit thankyou for all the gam ban stuuf as i will be using it.

    play to your limits folks and never gamble with money you cant afford as you could end up like me and I would not wish that on anyone!!!!!


    stay lucky all xx

    Thanks for posting as that is a truly horrific story but totally shows how things can quickly spiral out of control. That game is one of the harshest games to anyone gambling minded because as you have seen, it can just lose lose lose lose and it is very simple to get in to the mindset “well i am having a bonus” and then bang, all your money has gone.

    It is devastating to hear that it led you to do what you did and i hope you are ok and recovering well, i think perhaps you do need to follow up on those thoughts that you had and maybe get some counseling in regards to feeling like that but i am also sure that the help of your family will help tremendously, it goes without saying, you should now get yourself registered with GamStop and put in place some good prevention methods.


    Tricardo WANTED $12

    Really sorry that you had such a bad session. I congratulated you in the comments of your most recent Sunday Slots, but also said I was concerned that a meltdown was coming – I feel a bit of a jinx that you had to upload this stinking loss video within hours of me saying that. You’ll bounce back though, I know it!!

    Gambulaah WANTED $10

    Fair enough I can post it on the forum.

    Right so in my world 1+1  = 2 I am not sure how it works for everyone else, judging by what I see around me you manage to find a whole lot of different answers to that basic equation.

    You go on to say in the video that because things have changed for you with how the game supposedly plays you think someone(provider) has altered it and you’re FACTUALLY neglecting the fact that there are soo many other players playing it like you do that NEVER reach the top or reach it about 1/20-30th of what you do AT THE SAME TIME you are playing it.

    Lets try to have a think with our brain and not our brain washed emotions shall we? Variance is what makes people play slots, you can go on insane win streaks and you can go on insane losing streaks ALL WITHIN THE NORM, keyword NORM. There is no logic or reason in you thinking the way you have been running is gonna continue forever, there is an absolute undeniable fact that the machine is programmed to TAKE your money in the long term, it wouldn’t do that if you kept hitting the top would it? Just like people that are on the opposite side of the coin, running like pure shit, are more and more likely to hit those tops to make that RTP closer to even, all though the sample size of how many theoretically spins you need to reach actual RTP on avg is probably in the billions if not more, range.

    So yes I am calling you ignorant on this specific thing because you are!!!! Own it and fix it, so you don’t need to mess yourself up thinking something is right that isn’t. Sure you’re gonna top it again, but chances, mathematically is that you’re not gonna reach it anywhere close to the amount you have been hitting it, you’ve had an ABnormal swing, recognize that and be happy for it being in the direction it was and don’t spew out with “I think they’ve changed it, they’ve changed it haven’t they? It never played this horrible before” THAT IS STUPID. I am not calling YOU stupid I am calling certain part of your thinking when it relates to slots stupid, you can’t prove me wrong on it because there are facts, not made up fiction. I am blunt sure, people have a problem with that, I do not care, the facts are still the facts. Smart people take those facts and apply them to their lives to prevent things like that from happening again, also a fact. People that get emotional get invested in the fact not being sugarcoated and/or delivered how they wish it was delivered so they either ignore it or fight it because of how it was presented to them, which again is factually stupid, not saying you’re gonna do that as I have no idea, I am just simply saying those are the options.

    That’s also not to say that you shouldn’t be critical of providers etc, but the time to be that is when no one is winning anything over a fair period of time, THEN you can become suspicious because then there is again a pattern that isn’t only you that suggests something has been tampered with, as long as others are winning on a slot, there is nothing wrong with the slot, if suddenly everyone was losing over a long period of time that would be extremely abnormal. If not you could just as well say whenever someone was winning a lot on the slot that it’s broken, when it’s simply an example of the variance at play which makes the slots fun/not fun to play depending on which side of it you end up on

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    I’ve only read the first few lines tbh – i don’t respond well when someone talks to me like i’m a 5 year old, are you a teacher by profession? You talk like a teacher. You need to just remember, i am a person too, you don’t need to continually just talk down to me. You aren’t better than me, everyone has their opinions, just because you don’t agree with them doesn’t make them stupid or wrong.

    Gambulaah WANTED $10

    Read all of it and if you think it’s dumb and stupid or ignorant then break it down, talk to me like I am 3 if that’s what you want I don’t care, I care about the content of it tells me, if it makes logical or rational sense or if it doesn’t, if it makes sense, cool, I can add it and learn from it, if not.. depending on what it says I might respond or just shake my head and just say oki, no point wasting my time here.

    Also yes, everyone has opinions, but I have a real issue both people thinking opinion is fact and thinking because they see things differently there isn’t a factual answer.

    I am not saying you’re ignorant or dumb, I am saying part of your thinking is one of the 2 on THIS matter, there is a massive difference between classifying a person and classifying an act of a person.

    For example when it comes to economical stability, I think you have it completely covered. When it comes to your limits for gambling, I think you have it completely under control regardless how much you spend you have a limit you don’t cross regardless of what happens. So clearly you’re not a dumb person, nor ignorant, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be either on a certain subject. Everyone is ignorant on something, it simply means not knowing something, I don’t get why people take ignorant for meaning something else. If it offends you though, chances are it’s because it’s true or the receiver feels it’s true, it tends to be right more times than not by a big margin

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    Now that i’ve read your comment and put my dummy back in, still would like to know if you are a teacher or not though, haha, i will say this…

    As a living, i purchase gaming machines in to my house. I then work on them pretty much reverse engineering the program on them to see if i can find a preferential playing method or an error in the programming. Whilst 90% of these machines will have a compensated profile, my biggest earners have been from exploiting methods/errors in so called “random” games – unless you programmed Reel King, you can’t really say to me that factually that isn’t the best way to play the game can you? I haven’t ever categorically said publicly “i’ve got something on this game” but if that was my opinion, i don’t understand why it irks you so much. Also, when i say ahhh its changed, its more tongue in cheek and just something we all say when a game does something you haven’t experienced before isn’t it.


    Cheers for your post.

    Gambulaah WANTED $10

    I am not a teacher, I am what majority of people would call a failure as I have fallen completely out of the normality of how life is perceived to be lived due to a bunch of situations growing up I had no say or power over, but I am at peace with what happened and don’t have a problem with how I am perceived as you may have figured and a lot of that has to do with learning life the hard way. It has given me that side effect though that certain things does irk me, but not for my own sake, for others in situations where consequences of an ignorant act or statement can be dire or in some cases fatal and I’ll give a fairly mild example:

    The reason certain things irk me or more than that is because a lot of the time people with no knowledge of what they are presenting(this is not about you, but in general both online and in the so called real life world) are in a position of influence/power and society in general have a bad tendency of taking what people in those positions, such as doctors etc tell them as gospel and follow it mindlessly, not offering it a single constructive thought and in some cases even just ignoring the fact that something in their brain is going: “hey wait a minute, this doesn’t make sense” then convince themselves that “hey what do I know? I’m not a doctor, he has the job as a doctor, so of course I should trust him”. Same with role models who gets influence due to a certain skill, that has nothing to do with knowledge on anything, except that skill, that in a sense brain washes people or people brain wash themselves by putting the individual on a pedestal to blindly follow and believe things they say or claim simply because they are now looking up to the person and a person they put on a pedestal wouldn’t lie to them OR be wrong right? The answer is of course self-explanatory, of course some of them would lie for self gain and others would be ignorant about the information they are giving out and feel convincing because they believe it themselves and suddenly you have wrongly “educated” several thousand people, if not way more and that will have consequences for a lot more than those several thousand people+.

    I wouldn’t have anything to say to anything if people literally used their brain and thought for themselves, instead of having institutions, famous people, people in power etc think for them, which is the case with way more people than you might think. So yeah some of the things you said, I just see possible horrible consequences for a certain type of people and that made me feel I had to say something on it. It was not meant as an attack on you as a person, as I respect and admire a lot of the things you do and appreciate the entertainment you offer.

    I also wanna stress I did not say it wasn’t the best way to play it, I frankly don’t care what way it’s played or what is best or worse, I think the RTP at the end of the day, including the gambling ladder is gonna be what the games eventual RTP is, especially online, so that wasn’t even a part of my post or intended to be so. If the gambling ladder is paying more than it’s suppose to it would make sense for them to fix it, if not they would end up losing money, but if that happened, they would also have to take the game down for some time to fix that and you would know that way, I am fairly sure.

    It also did feel like you went a bit more than tongue in cheek with the game has changed comment as I think you explained it for about a 1 min or maybe a bit more, not entirely sure. Variance both ways can be shocking, I’ve experienced it in slots and poker, had a cold streak in poker that lasted 2 years, which is insanity and an extreme abnormality, but it can happen and mind you, that is a game you have a positive edge in when you’re good, you’re not losing, so imagine how bad slot swings can be where you’re destined to lose at the end of the day. It’s ironic in a sense, because I am told I don’t care about people, but evidently, I care too much because I can’t keep my mouth shut if I see something that can go really bad, even if that is not at all the intention behind the act. That is why I use the word ignorance a lot as the opposite would be doing things with malice intent. I haven’t seen anything that suggest malice intent in anything you’ve done or said so that leaves me with the conclusion that some information should be lacking, maybe just in the presentation of it and not the knowledge, that’s also possible. You do hold a lot more power in your hands and words than I think you might know, absolutely open to be wrong on that.

    ligarr WANTED $82

    Mrsukcuppa wrote:

    Not sure this is the best place for this but to address your video. I think it shows how honest your are and I for one relate and would like to share something in the hopes that my mistake could help some else.

    with christmas not so far away I thought I would put £500 { pot was 2k and thats all i have for december } so I thought I would do some chilli buys at £100 lost all 5. Now I should of stopped but the gambler in me thought it has to give me a bonus { I know crazy right} so re deposit £500 and i contiue and lost the next. not once landing on 16 spin.

    so now i am really kicking myself and thinking I’ve ruined chrismas for my kids n husband. Sadly Instead of keepping grand I actually put the rest into chilli and was buying at £200 a pop. I am now praying to god and really hoping my luck turns round.

    all 5 buys  either lost on the first but always on the next. so I never once got 16


    I then spent 4 hours walking around in my town crying and wondering what the hell have I done. Not just to myself but my family as well.

    That feeling of letting people down sent me into a very dark place. Instead of telling someone , I thought it was a good idea to take my own life. I actually jumped from a bridge , breaking both legs and having a fratured skill. This is being wrote from the hospital now. Iam truly grateful for the help I am getting from doctors and nurses. Whom have all not judged me for being a massive plonker.

    When i first came round i was faced with my husband. Whom i did tell about losing all our chrimas money on line. His words where as much as we could of had a great christmas. If it was a choice of 2k or you. I think both of us would rather you than money.

    he then proceed to say he loves me and said we will just get by however we can and not to worry what has happened as the important thing is we can still be a family.


    I’m sharing this with you as I want to highlight the dark side of gambling. Just don’t think your alone, theres many services you can call and ban yourself if needed. Bandit even has them on here for free for 1 or 2 months. If anything like this should happen to you please dont let it consume you and try to talk about it with friends or family. Even come to the fourm and vent about it as people on here are amazing and who knows what its like to feel the way. backinamo users do as its a  room full of gamblers.

    besides the guilt of my kids christmas which for now I cant forgive myself just yet. I am here and alive and once I’m healed i with give them another chistmas sometime next year as a way to say i’m sorry.


    I hope this helps just 1 person


    Thanks for reading and bandit thankyou for all the gam ban stuuf as i will be using it.

    play to your limits folks and never gamble with money you cant afford as you could end up like me and I would not wish that on anyone!!!!!


    stay lucky all xx

    Very sad story and one i have been in but never gone or thought about taking my life because of.

    Extra chilli is the devil,last time i played it i first deposited £1000 at £100 buy ins,i got 16 spins once from that and missed the rest,that night i ended up losing £2300,which to be honest was less than usual,i would now think im over 50k down on that slot,and whilst i still have some money it is such a depressing thing,i am now trying to stop gambling and just do what i know is in my favour like taking certain bonuses with an offer……i hope you recover well and please just sign up to gamban,i cant as i do this for extra income but im wiping all that out by actually gambing but kn ow if i stop i can make alot of money…straight up gambling only ever ends up one way.

    ligarr WANTED $82

    The Bandit wrote:

    I’ve only read the first few lines tbh – i don’t respond well when someone talks to me like i’m a 5 year old, are you a teacher by profession? You talk like a teacher. You need to just remember, i am a person too, you don’t need to continually just talk down to me. You aren’t better than me, everyone has their opinions, just because you don’t agree with them doesn’t make them stupid or wrong.

    I understand you not reading it all and it does across like hes speaking to a child which you are not,but i agree with what hes saying but would not post it in the same way,the game has not changed,you have done sooooo great on it but bad times happen for so many others going for top to cover ppls great runs…rather you not fall into the percentage by chasing another,atleast on big stakes anyway,but u have said you will try on low stakes:).

    Dale whit WANTED $1

    In all fairness mate the people that come and watch you week in week out are there for the entertainment value and other reasons. It doesnt matter the stake or the amount you spend for some people like myself (it saves me spending it) i feel on the last videos and previous videos you seem to be spending too much time explaining yourself and your reasons to the haters. And i just want to see you playing and enjoying playing. We as viewers can tell in your videos that the haters are spoiling it for you as a creator when it shouldnt be like that. Ignore them because your giving them pleasure by talking about them in your videos. Just enjoy!

    Mr B WANTED $395

    Gambulaah wrote:

    There is no logic or reason in you thinking the way you have been running is gonna continue forever

    I’d like to think any seasoned gambler knows this about slots however Bandit clearly stated more than once (he’s had a few oppos) that he knows. Heck, look at his losing video for example, he predicted that. While we all don’t want it to happen to ourselves or even others, we know it’s coming. We know if you start gambling and get a big hit, run away and never come back because it’s all ups and more so downs after that.

    So in essence, your whole post is off.

    Rossfranklin98 WANTED $0

    Well said mate I’ve been thinking the same recently the more you try and explain yourself the more people will comment on the shit you say! ??

    Dageordie WANTED $1

    In all honesty I love the

    ‘big videos’ from the start you tell every person that watches to stick in your limits and consider every deposit a loss, fuck the haters matey. Plus your reactions are priceless. I love a scratch card or 6 and love the online betting but watching your vids has never made me wanna spaff a grand on an online casino, if anything I don’t gamble at all when watching you gamble lol ?

    Chair Slots WANTED $7

    Steve your latest video was brilliant mate, had all the reasons I started watching your vids in the first place. Please keep up vids like that.

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