The abuse we dont see.

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  • #68734
    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    There really are some nasty people out there.


    benq99 WANTED $229

    fucking low life twats about mate its shocking

    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    benq99 wrote:

    fucking low life twats about mate its shocking

    I know mate. Think I’ve seen that culley moan on the forum before. Why are they not banned ? That’s horrendous abuse.

    Sal139 WANTED $29

    Pointless reasoning with these people.

    Part of me feels they are just trolls after a reaction?

    Surely anyone with an ounce of logical reasoning would understand that they decided to spend their own money, not get robbed?


    Mickeyvondickey WANTED $181

    I think they just get frustrated that they know it’s their own fault they lost gambling, but they can’t blame themselves now can they. Can’t be accountable for their own actions. Fucking pathetic.

    benq99 WANTED $229

    yes mate ban the pricks.the one thing i know is the bandit gives so much back and thats not me arse licking its fact.i would like to see the forum have membership fee of lets say £1 a mth and maybe do a raffle each mth .that would leave the loyal members and get rid of the pricks that get on here just to slag bandit off

    Malkychamp WANTED $486

    1 quid a month? Im out haha

    With any amount of success comes hate, from an onlooker it is ridiculous what some of these people come out with but like mickey and sal said they just look to blame someone else as thats the easy way out. Need skin as thick as a lizards sack to be in this game ?

    Xbobmad WANTED $734

    This is why I don’t like most people ??

    @seedy get that banhammer working ?

    Rbreen91 WANTED $493

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    Some people are absolute spastics

    Liberty WANTED $132

    It’s how the world is now. People don’t own their actions. Someone else is always to blame. Hell our government has been blaming the eu for stuff that has nothing to do with the eu for decades and that’s at the top level, its just maddening.

    Can’t get the job /house you want? Blame immigrants (ignore our incredibly low unemployment rates and don’t blame the government for not building enough houses or for not investing all the money immigrants bring into the public coffers into public services)

    Tripped over? Blame the council because you weren’t looking where you were going

    Burnt your mouth on the coffee you just ordered? Must be their fault for not warning you that coffee is hot

    Lost money gambling more than you can afford to lose? Must be a random guy on the Internet who spends imho way too much time talking about how you shouldn’t gamble more than you can afford and you shouldn’t copy him in his insane stunts.

    Fucks sake.


    Winningbird WANTED $574

    Morons. Absolute morons.


    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    They are banned lol seems to me they was just trolls. ??

    Winningbird WANTED $574

    @seedy you might want to check the comment section on the videos again. Just a heads up.

    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    Winningbird wrote:

    @seedy you might want to check the comment section on the videos again. Just a heads up.

    Thanks for the heads up ? tried again dunno why it didnt block them. Btw the Kyle and cully are the same person backing himself up actually makes me chuckle and shows he is a troll and a very sad individual.

    benq99 WANTED $229

    Seedy wrote:

    Winningbird wrote:

    @seedy you might want to check the comment section on the videos again. Just a heads up.

    Thanks for the heads up ? tried again dunno why it didnt block them. Btw the Kyle and cully are the same person backing himself up actually makes me chuckle and shows he is a troll and a very sad individual.

    yes one troll 2 accounts joined in april 2009 what a dick head needs to get his cock out of his hand and go get a life

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