The Bandit is my saviour

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  • #30047
    Radar1974 WANTED $8

    ok, title of the post is click bait (but not entirely) i’m 44 and have battled gambling addiction since I was 18. At the last time I checked, I have repaid over 1.2 million in loans, fees, charges etc and a vast majority of that was due to gambling of every sort, and now I live at my parents rent free and my wage each month goes towards paying off what remaining debts I have. I have had a topsy turvy life inbetween, but I have been stubborn enough not to just declare myself backrupt and actually clear the debts I created myself. (Almost putting myself in hospital at one point working full-time for a bank during the day and full-time in a casino cash desk at night) Why has The Bandit helped me? I hear you ask? (Well you didn’t but I’ll explain anyway) it’s because he is honest in his commentary about money spent, number of spins we don’t see between bonuses, losses, and he promotes gamcare knowing that his videos could be misleading on how much you can win. If anyone complains that he rambles about ‘being careful’ and ‘stop and take a break’ I will defend him to the hilt.


    On a a personal note to The Bandit, my favourite insult you have shouted at the screen is ‘wank stain coconut sniffer’! I almost choked on my tizer when you said that! If you are ever doing a single game play on a slot, my personal fave was Invisible Man. Hard bonus to hit, but if you get one of the secondary bonuses within the bonus it was always a nice pay.


    Keep up the videos and and look forward to the next.

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    Shitting hell mate that is quite some repayment figure! I bet that was some insane effort working those two jobs, i can imagine you were in the casino until silly o’clock in the morning and then right back at the bank for 9am! I do like Invisible Man myself but yeah, very difficult to bonus it sometimes and lol i don’t know where some of these phrases come from, Coconut Sniffer, i mean, wtf haha Tizer though….. that takes me back…. makes me want one right now haha Welcome to the forum 😀

    Radar1974 WANTED $8

    The bank shifts were Monday to Friday, and The casino shifts were 5 a week but spread over the whole 7 days. Some weeks I never got a full day off, and at worst I was surviving on a 40 min power nap per day for 7 days in a row. Casino shifts ended at 6am, but only if the books balanced. Any shortfall meant lock down and No one was leaving until it was resolved , or we were all searched. Hard times

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    Did it happen very often where the books didn’t balance? Interesting hehe 😀

    Bladeeast WANTED $0

    Hey guys and girls steve you do amazing job keep it up buddy

    k6kaysix WANTED $51

    One thing that would drive me mad working in the arcade or casino would be the constant machine sounds!  An 8 hour shift or whatever hearing that Novomatic ‘du du de de la la reel bonk bonk bonk’ constantly, no thanks! I suppose you would get used to it

    The arcades used to have those right noise Reel King cabinets, with the massive fanfare attract video every couple of minutes on a loop at volume level 1 trillion! In fact here it is on YouTube! (Bandit will love this!)

    It drove me so mad I often stuck a quid in every terminal playing it just to shut them up, but more often than not a punter would walk up to one think ‘ooh someone has left a quid in credits’ and spin the fucker off!!!

    Radar1974 WANTED $8

    Almost every night, but if it was under a tenner it was accepted. Worst night was 200quid ‘missing’. Every chip, coin, note and receipt had to be manually checked. (And this was the only casino on the Isle of Man so we also took care of the Hilton restaurants, bingo hall and bar takings too) I was booked on a ferry at 7.30am and should have finished my shift at 4am. In the end I was running up the gangplank at 7.15am with no sleep to meet friends for an all day pub crawl in Liverpool (needless to say I was fine after a couple of pints on the boat ?)

    thunderball6 WANTED $272

    Radar1974 wrote:

    Almost every night, but if it was under a tenner it was accepted. Worst night was 200quid ‘missing’. Every chip, coin, note and receipt had to be manually checked. (And this was the only casino on the Isle of Man so we also took care of the Hilton restaurants, bingo hall and bar takings too) I was booked on a ferry at 7.30am and should have finished my shift at 4am. In the end I was running up the gangplank at 7.15am with no sleep to meet friends for an all day pub crawl in Liverpool (needless to say I was fine after a couple of pints on the boat ?)

    And £200 inbetween your arse cheeks ?

    Radar1974 WANTED $8

    I wish ???? turned out to be two missing 100quid chips from the safe, but because they were old stock, and everyone on shift was searched (and probed) they couldn’t determine it had happened on that shift so they had to release us. Thankfully we were paid for being on lock down, so there was extra money for the fact someone else was a robbing bastard 🙂

    Green2711 WANTED $492

    Welcome to the forums!

    Can I just ask out of interest that if you have been paying off debts for almost half of your adult life then why are you so stubborn about declaring yourself bankrupt rather than risking your health living on almost no sleep, respect to you for doing it though. Mainly asking as I’ve gotten into debt which will take me a few months to pay off and once it’s paid off I won’t be taking out another loan again, a few months of working similar hours to you is enough for me to have learnt my lesson but I couldn’t imagine doing it any longer than needed.

    Radar1974 WANTED $8

    Green2711 wrote:

    Welcome to the forums!

    Can I just ask out of interest that if you have been paying off debts for almost half of your adult life then why are you so stubborn about declaring yourself bankrupt rather than risking your health living on almost no sleep, respect to you for doing it though. Mainly asking as I’ve gotten into debt which will take me a few months to pay off and once it’s paid off I won’t be taking out another loan again, a few months of working similar hours to you is enough for me to have learnt my lesson but I couldn’t imagine doing it any longer than needed.

    Personality trait I guess. I caused the mess I got myself in, so it’s my responsibility to get myself out of it. I know I should have declared backrupcy years ago and move on, but I’m better than Kerry Katona and probably needed to prove something to myself at the same time.

    thunderball6 WANTED $272

    Prob a better singer too ?

    Green2711 WANTED $492

    I can understand that completely matey, much respect :).

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