The Bandits Big Loss.

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    ayma4quit WANTED $47

    Fantastic video, I think I’ve enjoyed that the most out of all the recent videos as I could actually associate with it (obviously not the amount lost?) but the waking up the next day and feeling OK for about 5 seconds until you remembered what had happened really struck a cord with me.

    The other thing I took is that this is actually a kick in teeth for anyone suggesting Steve has a gambling problem as I know for a fact, if I’d incurred a massive loss and still had access to plenty more funds, there’s no fuckin way on this earth that I’m stopping. Not a chance. Takes a level of self control that I simply do not possess to walk away with money left in the bank after losing heavily like that.

    Really genuine video from the most open and honest guy in the streaming world?. Kudos.

    bb8888 WANTED $4

    It’s a big loss but  in reality he can make it back in 2-3 weeks like he has done numerous times before.

    One thing I have noticed since bandit’s wealth has rocketed is that he has become rude and impatient

    with the trolls and non believers.  One year ago his demeanour was much friendlier and less arsey.

    Maybe he doesnt care what people think about him anymore as his affiliate money is tiny compared to his

    reel king gambles.

    Malkychamp WANTED $486

    Just caught up, very good video, as good as the slot videos themself in some ways. Can’t even imagine that sort of money, fair play though to admit when things haven’t gone as planned. Not only a hard thing to share but the ability to stop is also very important. The amount of times you have clawed it back could of lost even more trying to replicate. Not nice to see the loss but a reset back might be a good thing. Also staying loyal to the deadweight partner in crime fair play haha 😛

    All the best

    Sal139 WANTED $29

    Refreshing to see and hear the honesty regarding the loss. More streamers should follow your lead on that one.


    themagics92 WANTED $4

    Honestly give it a break for a while if your up huge still like you say (which I do believe you) it’s just time for a cool down on that game recap get a pot and give it a 6 month break.
    Also as for promoting sensible gambling to your channel I feel like you should be a little more responsible and set some deposit limits every streamer or pretty much every body has limits on their own channels/accounts.

    I feel like you could lose more than £125,000 in 1 session.

    That £125,000 could of paid for your kids education to university or something just please be a little more responsible.

    I do know how you play this game and its exciting and thrilling when you reach the top on high stakes but these brutal losses effect us viewers too as we have guilt towards your videos. (some of us).

    imo I think this channel needs a rethink as to the future because going back to some of your older videos from like September 2017 onwards+ the videos then were just classic and good to watch.

    now it’s all about reel king big win or losses. (its simple if I don’t like it I won’t watch but as I said I support you as a viewer through wins & losses)

    this is not a negative post as I support you as a channel / viewer in terms of signing up through your links, watching your vids and just watching a top bloke provide entertainment but its getting repetitive videos now.

    That game has truly wrecked you and also helped you.. as you are up so much on the game (it’s time to find another game to exploit) and It  has wrecked you because depositing £100,000+ on several occasions.

    personally I play slots on 40p – 80p average spin It’d be good if you could upload some footage or 1 session a month for responsible gambling maybe?

    having deposit limits is no shame btw as your up as Casumo its very hard to stay up there, all streamers and pretty much all players are massively down so £240,000 in profit is huge success need to keep it that way.




    PsychicSnail WANTED $111

    bb8888 wrote:

    It’s a big loss but  in reality he can make it back in 2-3 weeks like he has done numerous times before.

    One thing I have noticed since bandit’s wealth has rocketed is that he has become rude and impatient

    with the trolls and non believers.  One year ago his demeanour was much friendlier and less arsey.

    Maybe he doesnt care what people think about him anymore as his affiliate money is tiny compared to his

    reel king gambles.

    If he has become more impatient it’s because he’s sick of trolls and has said so on a fair few occasions. It has cock-all to do with affiliate earnings. If he has become less tolerant since his recent success it’s because the amount of shit he gets is far more now, mainly due to that very success. So it’s hardly surprising if there’s a correlation. He also says he doesn’t care about what they say, but in my opinion that’s not true. He cares alright and it’s hard not to, otherwise he wouldn’t spend so much time defending himself. There’s no way of winning that battle.

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    ligarr wrote:

    Just Basics wrote:

    I’ve not read any comments on this thread yet. Cos I don’t want to be influenced out of my own genuine personal opinion. I will however read em all after I post.

    Steve has been genuine from the very start until this day. And I’m so happy that he posted this video explaining and covering his thoughts on a 125k loss on Reel King. Just shows he hasent changed one iota from what he was years ago. And I proud as punch to be part of his journey into Legendism.

    However, I do disagree with him on some of his thinking in this recent loss. But like he says, he encourages the difference of opinion. Just don’t keep fucking saying it.

    I am truly proud of Steve, and anyone who thinks otherwise… saying he isn’t above board or in any way genuine.


    But he shoulda stopped at 75k in my opinion ?



    Double standards from you i see,didnt you slate fruity slots for having streamers that were funded to play(even though real cash still),yet now steve has mentioned he is 50/50 with a friend you say nothing…I ouldnt give a shit,Bandit/Rocknrolla are my 2 favourites to watch and i know its real money so couldnt carer less if 50% is his friends,but you went off on one when other streamers did it.

    There is a slight misunderstanding in your post there mate, what i meant was i gamble entirely 100% with my own money and always have done, any money that is left at the end of month from money coming in is what gets shared 50/50. From a gambling point of view i was halves for the first 3 months of the channel where i did not have any affiliation, after that it was just too much of a drawn out process to have my friend send me 50% of any stake money so i just plodded on myself.

    marka885 WANTED $1

    Long time follower of your channel and vidoes.

    Agree with the positive comments already mentioned so wont repeat them.

    Although I must say hearing that you basically have a silent partner, accountant and file tax returns has killed it for me somewhat.

    It just sounds more like a business now than a guy having a gambling session that your viewers feel a part of – riding that up and down rollercoaster with you.

    Dont get me wrong I will still watch, i enjoy the content and your personality your a real likeable guy. I think it makes it hard to relate to you now as a fellow gambler. I’m looking at the channel as a business not Steve having a bash on the slots.


    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    marka885 wrote:

    Long time follower of your channel and vidoes.

    Agree with the positive comments already mentioned so wont repeat them.

    Although I must say hearing that you basically have a silent partner, accountant and file tax returns has killed it for me somewhat.

    It just sounds more like a business now than a guy having a gambling session that your viewers feel a part of – riding that up and down rollercoaster with you.

    Dont get me wrong I will still watch, i enjoy the content and your personality your a real likeable guy. I think it makes it hard to relate to you now as a fellow gambler. I’m looking at the channel as a business not Steve having a bash on the slots.


    As with any money coming in from anywhere mate, you have to file accounts. It is no secret that commissions come in through the links, even if it is all spent, you still have to send the accounts in. I just can’t win eh lol damned if you do and damned if you dont.

    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    Something is different. Your different ? more chilled than usual. Even the replies to posts seem chilled. Is this the new you or old you back lol. 30 mins hardly any swearing as well?.

    ligarr WANTED $82

    The Bandit wrote:

    ligarr wrote:

    Just Basics wrote:

    I’ve not read any comments on this thread yet. Cos I don’t want to be influenced out of my own genuine personal opinion. I will however read em all after I post.

    Steve has been genuine from the very start until this day. And I’m so happy that he posted this video explaining and covering his thoughts on a 125k loss on Reel King. Just shows he hasent changed one iota from what he was years ago. And I proud as punch to be part of his journey into Legendism.

    However, I do disagree with him on some of his thinking in this recent loss. But like he says, he encourages the difference of opinion. Just don’t keep fucking saying it.

    I am truly proud of Steve, and anyone who thinks otherwise… saying he isn’t above board or in any way genuine.


    But he shoulda stopped at 75k in my opinion ?



    Double standards from you i see,didnt you slate fruity slots for having streamers that were funded to play(even though real cash still),yet now steve has mentioned he is 50/50 with a friend you say nothing…I ouldnt give a shit,Bandit/Rocknrolla are my 2 favourites to watch and i know its real money so couldnt carer less if 50% is his friends,but you went off on one when other streamers did it.

    There is a slight misunderstanding in your post there mate, what i meant was i gamble entirely 100% with my own money and always have done, any money that is left at the end of month from money coming in is what gets shared 50/50. From a gambling point of view i was halves for the first 3 months of the channel where i did not have any affiliation, after that it was just too much of a drawn out process to have my friend send me 50% of any stake money so i just plodded on myself.

    Ahh ok,my bad..not that it would make any difference to me watching you or not,as long as its real money being played i know matters when you win or lose,for me thats what its about,why i couldnt just watch ppl who i think play casino/fake money,i could go play play money myself:).

    Sorry about your loss but good you are still way up overall atm,hope next session you have a good hit and claw some back,especially as i like when you starton reelking and go play other slots at high stakes IF you get a top.

    ligarr WANTED $82

    marka885 wrote:

    Long time follower of your channel and vidoes.

    Agree with the positive comments already mentioned so wont repeat them.

    Although I must say hearing that you basically have a silent partner, accountant and file tax returns has killed it for me somewhat.

    It just sounds more like a business now than a guy having a gambling session that your viewers feel a part of – riding that up and down rollercoaster with you.

    Dont get me wrong I will still watch, i enjoy the content and your personality your a real likeable guy. I think it makes it hard to relate to you now as a fellow gambler. I’m looking at the channel as a business not Steve having a bash on the slots.


    Surely we as gamblers can still relate to him,as he is gambling and has emotions if he hits huge/loses bad just like we do.

    marka885 WANTED $1

    The Bandit wrote:

    marka885 wrote:

    Long time follower of your channel and vidoes.

    Agree with the positive comments already mentioned so wont repeat them.

    Although I must say hearing that you basically have a silent partner, accountant and file tax returns has killed it for me somewhat.

    It just sounds more like a business now than a guy having a gambling session that your viewers feel a part of – riding that up and down rollercoaster with you.

    Dont get me wrong I will still watch, i enjoy the content and your personality your a real likeable guy. I think it makes it hard to relate to you now as a fellow gambler. I’m looking at the channel as a business not Steve having a bash on the slots.


    As with any money coming in from anywhere mate, you have to file accounts. It is no secret that commissions come in through the links, even if it is all spent, you still have to send the accounts in. I just can’t win eh lol damned if you do and damned if you dont.

    Thanks for taking the time to reply Steve I appreciate.

    I hope you dont take my post as hate or trolling- I rarely post on forums. Just felt I wanted to share my opinion

    Biohazard WANTED $675

    Haven’t posted here much recently, had too much on. But I have been lurking, and I have watched all the videos!

    Just want to say – thanks Steve for sharing that video about the big loss. I’m sorry it’s happened, but you know as well as me that that’s just the luck of the draw! These big losses are bound to happen sooner or later. But I really appreciate, on a personal level, you sharing that info. You’re a good guy.

    Also fair play to Casumo. I really did like their email. Felt very human, which is quite rare from this industry.

    Lord loxley WANTED $1

    I can totally relate to the waking up with that feeling in the pit of your stomach. My loss was very tiny compared to yours Steve (£400) I got into a drinking session beer goggles came on deposited £20 then  kept saying to myself just one more £20 deposit and so on. Looked at my account next day thinking to myself you stupid wank stain. Now what I do is draw my cash out of bank and put in a savings pot so I can’t deposit hundreds .

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