The Beast

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  • #89862
    BeMyAngel WANTED $6

    There is a message in the final 60 seconds of this video, from 21:52 to 22:52, that all content creators should take a note of

    Winningbird WANTED $574

    I’m confused.. hes only thanking people. Most creators do this at big milestones dont they?

    puntzak WANTED $17

    My guess is that we must be thankfull 🙂 O,wait…pfffffff.

    Another one.

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $706

    Winningbird wrote:

    I’m confused.. hes only thanking people. Most creators do this at big milestones dont they?

    I think he might be referring to the “ come and do it , rather than talk shit “

    BeMyAngel WANTED $6

    I was referring to the World’s Strongest Man and only human to ever lift 500kg thanking all of his viewers and supporters, telling us that he couldn’t have done what he did, without us, without you and me

    If this guy has the attitude that despite his individual feats of strength he still relies on his viewership and audience, what planet is the Bandit from when he says he owes us all nothing? The Bandit owes us, his viewership and those who followed his signup links, everything that he has, by in large. He sees it the other way round that we owe HIM for him going out of his way “to be bothered to find 6 hours to gamble on slot machines”. Uh huh, don’t stress yourself too much mate, wouldn’t wanna blow a head gasket like The Beast pulling 500kg

    Xbobmad WANTED $734

    You can just leave, any time you want. Nobody is forcing you to be here and post ?

    Liberty WANTED $132

    Personally I’d be happy to watch a video of the bandit playing whatever stakes he wants even if it was disjointed because it was put together over a couple of weeks of 30m sessions whenever he fancied playing.

    Does anyone disagree?

    Bandit had said he’s still slotting, just not making videos. That’s completely his prerogative but I can’t understand why he’d make that choice unless it was a fuck you to the trolls or he just can’t be bothered to create content for his followers.

    Now obviously he owes me fuck all and I can decide to not come to the forum or not watch any further content he creates but let’s not strawman here. Is anyone here truely happy that bandit isn’t uploading content to watch?

    This forum used to be active but now it has one post wonders from I heart bandits penis, the occasional bandit is a cunt thread and 5 to 10 regulars circle jerking themselves.

    Bandit is giving away a small fortune every month, shit you don’t even have to sign up through his links for some of them, if he’s the one fronting the money then it’s insanity that he’s not creating any content and surely not sustainable.

    Anyway .. enjoy.

    Winningbird WANTED $574

    Good on him for being able to shift 500kg, but I havent helped him. I dont even know who he is.. infact I thought you meant the beast from the chase before opening the thread ?.

    Leave bandit be, he will come back and do a video when he’s ready. Anything could be going off that he doesnt want us to know about. He probably just cant be arsed, but dont do the ‘he owes us’ crap. He doesnt owe us. We like his content so we watch it. That’s that ?

    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    Bye bye…

    He play when he wants that’s the way it’s always been…

    You are not forced to sign up you are not charged to watch a video or come on this site.

    End off

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