The Bonus Donation Payments

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  • #23392
    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    Hi folks


    Just to let you know, i have sent emails to Mr B, Geordiemark, Wormweed, Xbobmad, TPritchard, TBloke99 and Spanners – I have used the email addresses you joined up to here with, I think that is everyone? If any of you are unable to receive emails at those addresses then let me know on here and i can get in touch a different way hopefully.



    Mattybelle WANTED $4

    Such a lovely gesture on your part …well done Steve ..x

    Tpritchard WANTED $34

    Received and replied Steve thankyou very much ? Also when we looking at for the next vid Thursday?

    Hibs-1875 WANTED $16

    Unfortunately I am none of the above but would just like to say well done to all and hats off to bandit what a guy ?

    Belle5179 WANTED $3

    Nice Gesture, I hope all are lucky with free bonus monies. Xmas is coming and I am sure it will help!!

    chris b1 WANTED $8

    Dear Bandit,

    I have never had a swarm on Wild swarm ever. Sure i have had the boxes and the feature but no swarm i am currently on 586 bee’s and no trigger. If you are doing your videos please can you get one to show me it is still possible i don’t even want the money just say chris b1 when you get it as it is doing my cake in it’s sent me fruit loopy i ve even busted my laptop when going broke on it. Does it have to give it or not?????


    Much love keep the videos going laddyyyy.


    Regards Chris B1

    Reelsoffun WANTED $3

    I too wasn’t one of the winners, which was a shame as I have been ripped a new one on several of bandits favorite slots lately but would like to say well done to all the winners and a massive hand shake for bandit, what a true legend you are, keep up all the good you do and love all your vids!


    All the best……..

    Steve P.


    Godzooki WANTED $3

    Hi steve dont know  how to create a thread or whatever its called lol not great with technology lol .can you play some bonanza ma fave game that a cant bonus 1681 spins the other day and no bonus it rips the piss out me but a love watching the bonus on youtube cheers m8 love your vids

    Dazzo WANTED $1

    Loving the videos buddy, keeps me from doing the balls in when I can get just as much enjoyment watching your good self.

    I tip my hat to you on those donations over the remembrance weekend….top man!

    Rhyslew WANTED $1


    Daniel-MUFC WANTED $3

    Fair play on the charity donations bro I was wondering if I could request a game I don’t want money from it I would just like to watch it please it’s vikings go bezerk the normal 1 see if you can get hit mode lol cheers mate

Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)