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  • #21823
    Makem307 WANTED $1

    Well done mate I did cringe a bit when you had reloaded so many times as it got back to my dark days of slotting of a couple a years ago and only with some help my folks I am now back in control of my finances and back to just betting on horses where at least a bit of skill is involved.

    Hope you get the house as all us gamblers can be at our worst when we get out biggest wins as we have we are playing with the houses money when in fact it’s actually our money. Also please keep tipping Sunderland to win as I am actually enjoying watching my team play with some pride for the first time in 3 seasons.

    Cheers from a fellow Steve.

    Bankieboy87 WANTED $13

    Mate, I fucking loved it, brilliant video. I appreciate that you’re very conscious about the implications your videos can have on others but people need to be big enough to differentiate these videos to reality (reality being their own life situations).


    I would never ever dream of playing slots on these stakes so that is the exact reason I come here to watch them, in the same manner I have no interest in watching people play slots on £1 a spin as I can do that myself.


    Your videos are thrilling, enthralling and entertaining. You can never please all of the people all of the time but I’d say you must be close to pleasing 90+% on this site. Great entertainment and chuffed for you on your current run, love to see someone beat the bookie pal.


    keep it up and look forward to more high stakes stuff haha ??????

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    I had started to reply to everyone but wow, it takes ages lol

    I have read every comment, both good and bad and i will just say a few general things. No i don’t consider myself to have a gambling problem, as i have said many times, i have gambled for a living for 8 years now – you cannot do that if you have a gambling problem, i’m not interested in folk who think they can second guess my mental state and say categorically somehow that yes, i do have a problem – those of you that say this need to remember that that is your opinion, not fact, it can never be fact because you simply are not me and never will be.

    I have won an extraordinary amount of money recently, it is being put straight towards the house i have been saving for for god knows how many years and i am nearly there so those who worry that i may give it all back needn’t worry, it is going towards securing the future for my two boys.

    I can’t help but think there is a selection of people that watch me that are solely watching wanting me to lose, when i don’t lose i start being accused of having changed, having some sort of attitude problem, being a bellend, being too big for my boots, being mr 45%, being whatever the fuck else you want to call me but it seems to me a large proportion of these insults are based on jealousy, simply because i am not doing my balls in, you’re not happy – i detest the sort of person that wants to sit there and see someone lose.

    I will also say, it’s simply not about just being “relatable”, people giving me grief because they would never play at a high stake and they can’t relate – it’s about entertainment. I would never play at £250 spins, does that mean i wouldn’t enjoy the fuck out of watching someone else play at £250 spins? of course not, i would love it. That is an argument i can never get my head round.

    Finally, was there any sort of affiliation element to this video? Did i mention a casino? People saying i am trying to get people drawn in to play like this you’re off your bonnet seriously. The video was recorded just in case epicness occurred, it isn’t available on any platform bar this thread, there is no link touted to you it is just a “bones n all” window in to how i play a certain game and some reasoning behind why i play it like this. Why should it be censored? I believe to some it was as exciting as it was for me and for those that are not quite in to that sort of thing, don’t press play as it’s kid of obvious the sort of gaming that is going to be witnessed isn’t it.

    Thanks for all the responses and cheers for watching, i appreciate it.

    As i tweeted, i am taking some time out for a variety of reasons now, birthday, half term, Halloween plus i am now going to wait for everything to hit my bank account, all of the withdrawals so i can evaluate my position and get a solid total of funds i have now reached, i have hit the withdrawal limit at Videoslots which was apparently £30,000 even though i have managed to actually withdraw just over £45,000 from there in this last week, they stopped short of letting me have the last £13,288 and it sits there in my account. I am going to have to enquire as to when i will be able to get that out of there but as of yet, i have no compulsion to go and have a little bash with it – i want to get it all out and all credited so i can see my total and then i will move on from there, back to normality and try not to have the bump back down to Earth run ending large loss that i have been mentioning is just around the corner. If that doesn’t show enormous restraint on my part then i don’t know what does lol

    I shall return!

    Xbobmad WANTED $734

    Nice work Mr B, takes some balls to hit that 16K gamble its just a shame it didn’t happen a few grand earlier.

    Enjoy your time off and come back with it all nicely withdrawn and stashed (and maybe purchase a new wheelbarrow, you’re gonna require 2 haha!)

    Mattybelle WANTED $4

    It’s your money as you wish… congratulations on that fantastic least you show everyone the highes and lows of gambling…people will criticize,but they can also turn off a video of they think it’s offensive…I personally enjoy all of your videos for entertainment purposes only…they don’t make me feel I want to deposit any money to gamble,as I can see the stress it causes you …anyone who feels the need to deposit after watching your videos,has clearly got their own demons with gambling ,and are blaming you for their weakness…keep those videos coming ,and just enjoy what you do Steve .x

    Anonymous WANTED $81

    Amigo please consider my previous comment before jumping to any conclusions. I have been a gambler all my life. I too was a “professional” gambler for 10 years. I made the deposit on my house and paid my mortgage with gambling. It was poker not slots, I mean you know slots are unbeatable.

    Anyway, I have a serious problem with people like yourself (or casinogrounds) saying they aren’t addicted to slots and don’t have a gambling problem. Mate you flew 5000 miles to go look at a new slot game, gambled for a week, then flew back and the first thing you wanted to do was load up Reel King, “because I missed it and it’s been a week”.

    The only difference between a problem gambler and an addicted gambler is whether they win or lose. If I had lost playing poker I would be a serious problem gambler. But as I have an ROI > 100% for MTTs, nobody can say I have a gambling problem. For every £1 I put in, statistically, over many years and > 100,000 games, I get £2.05 back. That’s printing money so not a gambling problem.

    You sir are addicted to gambling just as badly as I am. That’s why I like you because everything you do is relatable to me. God even the things you say and how you manage your bankroll could be me.

    El Bandito, my apologies, but you are addicted to gambling and have a gambling problem. I think that’s what people are trying to say rather than say you are a “problem gambler”, which is different from a gambling problem. It’s healthy to know yourself and to know these things. There’s a high chance ALL of us on this website are addicted to gambling, and addiction is a problem. It’s healthier for everyone to acknowledge this fact and discuss our collective weakness

    I refuse to watch those clowns on CasinoGrounds anymore as they lie to people. Apparently, David, Kim, Reggie, all of them, don’t have gambling withdrawal symptoms, gambling problems, addictions of any kind. That’s why they stream constantly and take holidays to gamble. That is highly deceptive on their part. Please don’t be like them and pretend what you are doing is healthy or desirable. It’s a dirty bit of fun for dirty gamblers.


    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    We must just have different definitions of “Gambling problem” then mate.

    For me, a gambling problem is when you gamble more than you can afford, simple as that. If i lose, once i have lost my limits, i stop. If i had a gambling problem, in my opinion, i would be unable to stop.

    For me the is a huge difference between enjoying a gamble and having a gambling problem. I’m not going to enter a debate about that, we will just agree to disagree, your opinion is that i have a gambling problem and my opinion is that i do not. Never going to get anywhere are we.

    Dramadog WANTED $4

    Steve,you are the reason why I don’t gamble and I mean that in a nice way,I watch your videos and wonder what size of a wheelbarrow you carry your balls around in,but seriously it’s your money and how you spend it is of no ones business,I sit in awe at the huge gambles you do but i would never question it like some on here,you bring home the dangers to all of gambling and your words are never so true,gamble only what you can afford,anything more you’re on your way to being an addict.. You’re videos are also meant for entertainment,it’s of priceless comedy value and many people on here are very appreciative we have the privilege of viewing them and are also very aware of the message they bring.. Much thanks m8

    Anonymous WANTED $81

    El Bandito – a gambling problem is when people enjoy gambling disproportionately to other activities. So if people like us spend a lifetime gambling, we have gambling problems. We could go to university and get another degree, get fit, spend time with the wife and kids, There are a million things worthy of our time but we want to gamble.

    A problem gambler is someone who is losing and can’t stop, or bets more than they can afford. I don’t think you are a “problem gambler”, you have a “gambling problem”, like me and millions of others.

    It’s scientific fact btw that we are addicted/have gambling problems. If you spend a lifetime or significant periods building those neuron highways in your brain, reinforcing them over and over, when you stop performing highway maintenance your brain will let you know about it. These are withdrawal symptoms. Stopping gambling can have serious negative consequences, or stopping any activity you have performed on a regular basis. Many people die of a broken heart if they get divorced. The simple reason being their brains were used to doing something constantly, then went cold turkey. The same thing happens when people retire. If they don’t feed the existing pathways or replace those pathways with something different, their life expectancy is reduced

    Scientifically you can’t do something every day or most days without developing a dependence on it. When I say you have a gambling problem I mean you have a psychological gambling dependence. If you stopped you would miss it.

    It is semantics and different people will have different definitions for gambling problem or problem gambler so I can understand your reluctance to admit to that. People could take it the wrong way but yea, between us degens, we know what is what.

    Sad to hear you are taking a break mate. How about some £2 stake on the usual suspects? You owe us a Saturday/Sunday slots with the Bandit !!

    Tjene WANTED $3

    I’ve been watching since early 2017, probably around the time you started uploading videos to youtube, and I have to say this was the most butt clenching, heart raising and over all enjoyable casino related video I’ve ever seen. My only hope is that your downswing is not even close to your winning streak. I know you said ‘I’ll concede if i lose 25k’ but that can be multiple 25k losses with your insane bet size.

    Tjene WANTED $3

    I’ve been watching since early 2017, probably around the time you started uploading videos to youtube, and I have to say this was the most butt clenching, heart raising and over all enjoyable casino related video I’ve ever seen.

    Chaz8181 WANTED $2

    Good on ya pal,  If you can play those stakes with money that isn’t yours , all the more sweet. And fuck the haters , I love watching your brutally honest videos. If you have the resources and hammer one game   sooner or later it will pay  And you show that. Not recommended if you don’t  but you do , so we’ll played my man??

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    I don’t have a psychological gambling dependence lol you aren’t in my head mate, i could pack it all in tomorrow if i wanted. I’d have to find a new job though wouldn’t i because that’s my crust, as if i’m ever just going to do that to just prove a point – just agree to disagree on this one, you aren’t inside my brain lol.

    BSK1 WANTED $48

    Wow pal are you for real ?


    Anonymous WANTED $81

    That still doesn’t solve anybody’s problem ….. where are weekend slots with the Bandit?  lol

    I don’t want you to think I’m insulting you or anything. I’m just kinda pointing out facts. I don’t need to be in your head because I’m a gambler too and have watched almost all of your streams. Mothers spend less time looking at their children than I’ve spent looking at you lol

    If you used facebook, twitter, YouTube on a regular basis for a couple of years, and then those things were taken away from you, you would miss them. The word “dependence” is maybe misrepresentative but we literally are what we think. If you change your thought patterns you will physically change the structures within the brain, given enough time. Buddhist monks and their engorged amygdalae would be the classic pronounced example but we each experience the mini effects of all our individual thoughts

    When we do something often, learn a musical instrument, do fitness work, watch youtube, dick about on social media, the brain grows physical structures to support what we are telling it is most important to us. Obviously the more we do the same task or think the same thoughts, the stronger and more pronounced those structures become. So it’s literally impossible for you to gamble as much as you have, go cold turkey, and not miss it to varying degrees over the next several months. Unless of course you are an alien whose brainwaves don’t conform to the laws of quantum mechanics in this universe!

    There’s nothing wrong with enjoying gambling, or playing a musical instrument, or having a psychological dependence on your friends and family. The point I guess is that you would never promote gambling as “healthy” or a good idea generally, would you? As adults we can make whatever choices we want to entertain ourselves but there are much healthier dependencies out there than gambling. Yes, it is a dependency and no, nobody is immune who invites as much of it into their lives as people on this forum.  That’s why I say both you and I have a gambling problem.

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