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    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    Yeah i can see what you mean but for me, “Gambling Problem” means Gambling is a problem in your life, i have no problem and there are no problems created for me personally with Gambling so i cannot accept, no matter how much anyone says or argues, that i have a gambling problem. I guess it just boils down to like i said, i have a different definition of the term than you.

    Do you have a Poker problem?

    Justfishing WANTED $1

    Hey Bandit,

    If you have 10k to spunk up the wall then good on you…it’s your money. Like a few have said before, a lot of gamblers watch your vids because they see the “wish that was me” side of it. For me i watch them for the highs…the lows…and the comedy, which to be honest has me in stitches some times because it’s just how i would be thinking when a bonus pays ” fuck all”….cheers thanks lol. And bringing in the “wifey” 🙂 🙂 🙂 .

    We have all had good and bad spells…mainly bad my end but i believe for me, it is better to watch your vids than going down the bookies and risk blowing everything and for that i thank you. Because of the high stakes you play then yeh the risk of a big loss is always there so just reign the demon in if you are getting carried away…..easy to say but a lot harder to do.

    Best of luck for the future vids and a small request of seeing Pink Fat Bastard Elephants being smashed would be nice .


    ligarr WANTED $82

    Gunner wrote:

    That still doesn’t solve anybody’s problem ….. where are weekend slots with the Bandit?  lol

    I don’t want you to think I’m insulting you or anything. I’m just kinda pointing out facts. I don’t need to be in your head because I’m a gambler too and have watched almost all of your streams. Mothers spend less time looking at their children than I’ve spent looking at you lol

    If you used facebook, twitter, YouTube on a regular basis for a couple of years, and then those things were taken away from you, you would miss them. The word “dependence” is maybe misrepresentative but we literally are what we think. If you change your thought patterns you will physically change the structures within the brain, given enough time. Buddhist monks and their engorged amygdalae would be the classic pronounced example but we each experience the mini effects of all our individual thoughts

    When we do something often, learn a musical instrument, do fitness work, watch youtube, dick about on social media, the brain grows physical structures to support what we are telling it is most important to us. Obviously the more we do the same task or think the same thoughts, the stronger and more pronounced those structures become. So it’s literally impossible for you to gamble as much as you have, go cold turkey, and not miss it to varying degrees over the next several months. Unless of course you are an alien whose brainwaves don’t conform to the laws of quantum mechanics in this universe!

    There’s nothing wrong with enjoying gambling, or playing a musical instrument, or having a psychological dependence on your friends and family. The point I guess is that you would never promote gambling as “healthy” or a good idea generally, would you? As adults we can make whatever choices we want to entertain ourselves but there are much healthier dependencies out there than gambling. Yes, it is a dependency and no, nobody is immune who invites as much of it into their lives as people on this forum.  That’s why I say both you and I have a gambling problem.

    Yes,ok you have repeated your message 3 times now,we get it you think he has a problem,he doesnt and says agree to disagree,you dont need to them come back repeating yourself:)

    Anonymous WANTED $81

    Yes I do have a poker “problem”. I find myself spending too many hours playing it. I multi-task when playing like I’d watch a full round of golf while I played poker, watch every football match going, but it’s time-consuming and restrictive. There are a bunch of times people will call at my house and I can’t entertain them because I’m playing 8 tables at once with a 30 second shot-clock.

    Most of my friends and family do not like me playing poker. I’m a well-educated guy and I go for job interviews. They ask what I was doing over a particular period, you know the usual BS. I would say I was a “professional” poker player and made more than the starting salary of this job, tax free, every year. I would whip out my audits from pokerstars and they would look at me like I’m the Loch Ness Monster, “what the actual fuck?”

    So yea on a personal level poker has been a negative influence. I’ve had girlfriends who felt jilted because I would be in the house with my laptop playing, they would be talking to me, and I’m like, “huh, what?”, constantly. It’s like they’re not even there. People, in general, don’t understand gambling and definitely not poker, which gave me a lot of heart-ache.

    BSK1 WANTED $48

    Gunner wrote:

    Yes I do have a poker “problem”. I find myself spending too many hours playing it. I multi-task when playing like I’d watch a full round of golf while I played poker, watch every football match going, but it’s time-consuming and restrictive. There are a bunch of times people will call at my house and I can’t entertain them because I’m playing 8 tables at once with a 30 second shot-clock.

    Most of my friends and family do not like me playing poker. I’m a well-educated guy and I go for job interviews. They ask what I was doing over a particular period, you know the usual BS. I would say I was a “professional” poker player and made more than the starting salary of this job, tax free, every year. I would whip out my audits from pokerstars and they would look at me like I’m the Loch Ness Monster, “what the actual fuck?”

    So yea on a personal level poker has been a negative influence. I’ve had girlfriends who felt jilted because I would be in the house with my laptop playing, they would be talking to me, and I’m like, “huh, what?”, constantly. It’s like they’re not even there. People, in general, don’t understand gambling and definitely not poker, which gave me a lot of heart-ache.

    If you would rather sit playing poker than shag a bird then you have a serious poker problem!!!! Stop going on about it now we all know your life story ?

    Biohazard WANTED $675

    Come on guys, Gunner is just being open about his own personal experiences, and I think we can all here, on this forum, benefit from that. He’s certainly not wrong in a lot of what he says!

    I, for one, can relate.

    Wormweed WANTED $42

    I didn’t notice this post until now. Great video. I can totally understand why you play this way, after the crazy past months you have been having. And i would keep on going too, if i was in your shoes.

    I’m not in your shoes though, sadly, so i have to stick to my weekly 150 euro deposit limit. But that’s alright, i’m in profit after 1 year.

    EnglishGuy WANTED $99

    I think your a problem gambler, when you bet money, that you know you cannot afford to lose.


    Run187 WANTED $28

    EnglishGuy wrote:

    I think your a problem gambler, when you bet money, that you know you cannot afford to lose.


    Yeah, and when you ignore friends and family to gamble and it becomes your entire life. Bandit puts family etc first so I don’t see him as a problem gambler, as far as I’m aware he doesn’t even play would have been beyond moronic playing 19k if he was not so far up, he would be the first to admit that stake is stupid and no normal person should play it..

    Joeholdway WANTED $44

    Holy shit I cant believe I was the only 1 who threw up in my mouth a little bit when you was cock and balls deep but I don’t gamble as a rule but iv found myself playin a bit of reel King in an arcade and there is no better feeling in the world than winning the jackpot even though its a 500 quid jackpot but all in all well done mate and as Jay from the inbetweeners would say “reel King nah mate completed it”

    pauluss WANTED $4

    Hi Stevie / Bandit

    I am a Paul to, based up North in Newcastle.

    Congrats on this mega big win today and your lucky streak as of late. I just wanted to share a little story of my life as a bad gambler, demise and how I pulled myself back.  Seeing this vid rekindled thoughts of how I gambled and how enough never seems to be enough, remembering the one mega high of a lifetime you hit and failing to remember the dozens and dozens failed attempts trying and do it again.

    I’m 41 now and through my twenties, I guess I must have staked and wasted around £100k+ could be even more at a rough guess through FOBTs, online poker and land-based casinos.

    Some good days but it all quickly went back as losings in the end. Never knowing when to say when and cash out ahead

    I went cold turkey at 30-31 and managed a few months until I relapsed again.

    Told myself never again. It was this time I found about GOLD, since 2008-2009 I have bought investment gold every month, a gold sovereign here, a half sovereign there, 1/2 oz on a good month, a full oz of fine gold when work was good.

    What this did was separate actual cash I could gamble and move it into another tangible thing with “value” that i couldn’t easily spunk away or spend. Slowly but surely, my gold stack has grown, every month, as i would buy another gold coin every fortnight or so.

    The ancient Aztecs called Gold ‘the sweat of the sun’ Blood, sweat, tears and toil getting it out of the ground.

    YOUR blood sweat and tears represent how hard you have worked to get this coin you now hold, and continue to hold ongoing.

    Your pile of gold increases monthly. Gold is also a little bit of a gamble, it will never go to zero, it has been money for 5,000+ years, and can also go up in value ^ Currently im nicely up in £ terms if i chose to cash in and take some profits.

    A quote stuck with me quite prophetically, as i’ve never believed in overdrafts, loans or credit cards.  If i had used for gambling i would have been in a world of shit

    “Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves.” ― Norm Franz, Money & Wealth in the New Millennium: A Prophetic Guide to the New World Economic Order

    The bigger my gold stack grows the more satisfied I become and want more.

    A positive kind of addiction.

    I have not yet cashed in one single coin for gambling and my investment pile has grew.

    This degree of separation that takes place between the gold coin and actual paper cash/figures on a screen i can spunk gambling is awesome.

    Yet i know at a glance my total gold grams i have on any given day, and know how much it is worth should i cash in.

    When money is in a bank A/C it is just like figures on a screen to me, cash in my hand just gambling token/betting voucher credits.

    I could never hold onto money while it was in a bank account, savings account would be were there for good intention but the money came out for gambling.  Online transfers making it so easy

    Gold doesn’t do that for me, the degree of separation between the time and effort it takes to cash in a gold coin, packing posting, sending, waiting for bank transfer for payment etc. is a few days minimum.

    By which times my itch/urge to gamble has long since past.

    Whilst I will always have that gamble bug inside me, i cant extinguish that flame as i like to to take risks, i’m self employed and risk = reward. and i have done well working over the years.

    I still have my monthly little gamble, but as my priority with my spare cash is always to buy a minimum amount of gold each month, i’m never exposed to lose mega money EVER, fact these days, as the money isn’t there because it has been converted from one asset class cash into another asset gold.

    The small amount i assign myself to have a gamble is minimal, £100 or £200 for a month. should i win, i actually treat myself to some more gold coins for my stack.

    With doing this approach and putting what used to be gambling stake money cash into gold, i’ve got my good nest egg of over 4kg of gold or around £120k+ if i cashed it in from my safe deposit box.

    I purposely store the gold in a safety deposit centre in a city that is over 2 hours drive/train ride away to resist the sudden urge to gamble/cash in.

    A financial advisor would tell you it is stupid and daft to put all your eggs in one basket with one asset/investments, but to a fully signed up admitted gambler? would i sooner have this, £120k in gold is much better than having nothing at all fuck all to show for it in the bank as figures on a screen – so it works for me

    Knowing this fall back of savings is there for any of lifes eventualities makes me sleep wonderfully at night.  The pension pot i can dip into should the boiler break down or car ever fooks up majorly

    This approach may not be for everyone but if you can never hold onto money it has worked wonders for me. Your stream, rocknrollas channel and NickSlots, i have slots vids playing while i work from home as i enjoy the entertainment of being with someone doing what i would do, and what i enjoy.

    I share their emotions, their highs & lows, I’m genuinely happy when you win.

    Then when i see the £1,000-£2,000+ losses, it gives the flashbacks and stomach aching cramps of ‘been there done it got the t-shirt’ but also a very small sense of very sick happiness at the loss being yours and not mine.

    The youtube stream help scratch my gambling itch that will always be there, and actually help me gamble less.

    Sorry for the rambles length here today but to those nodding their head to this and it sounds a familiar path to yours.

    if my narrative resonates with you, give gold a try. please try it, you might just like it, or start just buying some gold with your big wins when you hit


    nice win, interesting; spins played versus %return and peaks on graph and the advice about leaving to spins and new sessions. hope u put the winnings into a blue chip account or buy assests if not a house straight away. buy a business and pay urself a wage :).


    P.s. when u are back cud u play tiger rush plz 🙂

    RowRow87 WANTED $5

    Hi Bandit. Do you have the video for the new reel king record? If not, how much were you in and how much did you win?

    Wanazzi WANTED $1

    Rollercoaster video..please please please realise that this run cannot continue. You say you are £000’s in front over the last couple of months on various games\bets. Put it away safely fella and revert back to your usual\we will get just as much enjoyment with the knowledge you have life changing cash in the bank. Thanks for sharing the video and I hope you put your winnings to good use.

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    RowRow87 wrote:

    Hi Bandit. Do you have the video for the new reel king record? If not, how much were you in and how much did you win?

    No mate no footage – I was £19,800 in in total from the session records for the £38,400.

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