The gambling sixth sense

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  • #141823
    JonnyBongo WANTED $2

    I know this is probably what every gambler thinks “tonight is the night”, “this one’s due” etc

    does anyone have those <span style=”font-size: 1rem;”>nights/days where you get that feeling have a punt and you can’t lose.</span>

    don’t get me wrong I sink money through the weeks playing games that are fun to me (tigers glory, I don’t know why, it has never paid me, old school BTG and blueprints) but every once in a while you get a sudden urge to play a game you never play and a feeling and it goes off it’s tits, and suddenly everything you spin starts paying?

    I’ve had days where I’ve had a thought early doors like.     “I’m going to win today” then go home after work and have an absolute heater. This feeling doesn’t happen all the time and I’m fully prepared to lose my stake when I have bash. But it’s also crazy how when I have this feeling how often it comes good.


    was just curious if anyone knows that feeling?


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