The lurkers of the gambling world

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  • #40965
    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    Bit like woman in arcade I knew who would put 20’s in the bandit even if she had couple of hundred already in there when no one was watching. She didn’t want anyone to think she’d played it off and said she was always up. I just thought what’s the point.

    Malkychamp WANTED $486

    I really don’t mind people lurking i used to have a spin on roulette everyweek when putting a saturday coupon on. Although av never had anyone ask for money if i won but would be a swift f#ck off pal. If its just watching and trying to predict the number they can fill there boots ?

    Kingpab WANTED $149

    I fail to see at any point how anything said was racist..

    How else should I of described what happens..

    100% no one would of been offended if I said Scottish  people

    odd Job WANTED $8

    I am scottish, mixed race and a lurker, i am off to the bookies

    Stevie25 WANTED $254

    Hi all…. Its just human nature to be curious & also to always have your own back and be safe, especially in a city where its heightens your feelings of awareness and imo P. C. culture is just to be nice and respectful, unfortunately the p.c. word has been taken out of context by the media & right wing nut jobs.. Not to be confused with decent right wingers.

    P.C. Is just good manners. Don’t fall for the propaganda of the nutters.

    Don’t let these people piss you of and put you off your game, stay strong everyone.

    Watch the film The Cooler for the real lurkers ???

    It’s my opinion & I think what Bandit was saying is that every culture has good bad & indifferent people. I try not to listen to the politicians who promote hatred and divide us, so they gain more power. As I’m poor and it effects us poor folks more as they take away our rights due to the propaganda of Racism. After all its the CEO’s and stockholders who decide our poor pittance of wages nowadays, nothing to do with race.

    If I’m winning nothing bothers me, if I’m losing everything bothers me, even the fucking bus drivers who cut me up, bastards… ????? I’m just glad that over the years I recognise these traits & try to stop being that asshole as it just makes me worse.

    Malkychamp WANTED $486

    odd Job wrote:

    I am scottish, mixed race and a lurker, i am off to the bookies

    Any tips? ?

    odd Job WANTED $8

    Malkychamp wrote:

    odd Job wrote:

    I am scottish, mixed race and a lurker, i am off to the bookies

    Any tips? ?

    Yes stand as close as you can with  the biggest packet of crisps going and munch them loudly. Even when they are winning it pisses them off.

    but tip of day Flood Defence 6.55 Wolves win only

    blacko1974 WANTED $248

    The Bandit wrote:

    Ezekiel2517 wrote:

    ‘The Africans, Jesus.

    I think if taken out of context this could look a bad post but if you read the couple of posts before, it is in response to someone already discussing the gentlemen of an African descent and their general behaviour in a local bookies.

    It is hard to enter any sort of discussion as to what is racist and what is not these days without offending anyone but i think it’s all gone a little too much the other way in todays society, all that is being said is the person in questions home country – same as referring to me as welsh, for example in a pub having a loud drink and someone says “christ they’re a rowdy bunch of welsh fuckers aren’t they” – i don’t really see any difference between that statement and what has been said in here, it paints a much clearer picture than to say this bloke, that bloke and the way it is going, it will soon have to be this person, that person won’t it.

    Say if i was in a bookies and some guy walks in and starts kicking off at the counter staff and everyone can hear he is Italian – if i was to ever tell the story i would probably say “and this Italian wanker comes in screaming and shouting” my use of Italian there isn’t to be associated with the wanker bit because if he was Irish, he would have been an Irish wanker, if he was Scottish, he would have been a Scottish wanker but it just tells the story better if you include as many facts as you can and that is all it is to me, a fact that he was Italian.


    The Scottish wanker was probably me, you’ve cut me deep bandit ????

    Stevie25 WANTED $254

    Lmao…. ?

    Geezawin WANTED $270

    Malkychamp wrote:

    odd Job wrote:

    I am scottish, mixed race and a lurker, i am off to the bookies

    Any tips? ?

    Number 23 pay me later ?

    Spekz2018 WANTED $16

    Really funny one here was in my local bookies just passing time betting on the horses and every know and then couple of spins on roulette some guy was watching me and loved that I could call roughly what number was coming in. He was on a business trip from America and had never seen these fobt machines so said to me after me knocking a few quid can you help me if I put some money in I was like bit strange but yeah . He then goes to the counter and loads up a grand . Next thing he’s balance is 3500 quid he then cashes out and gives me 500 quid for being his lucky charm could never believe it still to this day .

    blacko1974 WANTED $248

    Spekz2018 wrote:

    Really funny one here was in my local bookies just passing time betting on the horses and every know and then couple of spins on roulette some guy was watching me and loved that I could call roughly what number was coming in. He was on a business trip from America and had never seen these fobt machines so said to me after me knocking a few quid can you help me if I put some money in I was like bit strange but yeah . He then goes to the counter and loads up a grand . Next thing he’s balance is 3500 quid he then cashes out and gives me 500 quid for being his lucky charm could never believe it still to this day .

    Jammy Git, all I get are fuckwits burning my ears any time I’ve played them.

    blacko1974 WANTED $248

    Another one which is hard to swallow is when your playing a fruit machine and you just know a streak is upcoming, you realise you need to visit a cash machine and low and behold there is always that fucker in witherspoons who’s been watching like a hawk. I wouldn’t get tired punching fuckers like that.

    Jumpedupcustard WANTED $3

    Billy Bleach King of the Lurkers

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    Billy is a legend haha

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 45 total)