11th August 2020 at 8:48 am #102535
I know plenty on here are gonna slaughter me for my comments but trying to give my honest opinion rather than blowing smoke up your ring.
Not me Russ, I completely appreciate where you’re coming from there. Streamers @ 2 & 3 quid stake level are dime a dozen and its not what the Bandit is known for (or why he became so popular)
But I think we can all agree that betting 40 a spin was a one way track to disaster at some point and none of us ultimately have a say in Steven’s life. We saw how many 100k loss sessions for him in recent times?
Even if you’re loaded, that’s a bad pathway.
He’s a bloke with a wife and kids. He has to be responsible here, even with his disposable throw away income he can waste on slots.
Does that mean it’ll cost him subs and views moving forward? Probably. Actually, it’s very likely.
Your feedback isn’t going to be unique here. There’s going to be plenty of long time fans watch this latest vid and think ‘what’s the point?’.
But it’s his life too. He can tone it back to these sorts of stakes on a more regular basis and I’d still still retain a healthy number of viewers, or he can go back to his old ways and ensure his future is about giving hand jobs on a street corner to pay the mortgage.
Is this video as exciting as his previous degen madness? Probably not.
But will it mean we’ll likely see another vid from the Badito next month? Probably.
Don’t worry, the simps make me want to vomit as well and there’s no shortage of them on any fan page, but I think you’re not being unreasonable on your feedback here either and if people shout at you for expressing it then I think they’re ultimately missing the point.
11th August 2020 at 9:22 am #102541I’m not bothered if he plays the £40 spins and don’t get a kick out of him doing 100 large.
I’ve spent the last few months rewatching a lot of his old stuff which was 80p or £1 spins and loved them just as much as the reel king sessions. He was “involved” on a session and got excited when he hit a bonus or a win. I can’t imagine him ever screaming the gaff down in a bonus hunt because he is just moving onto the next bonus. There will be no venom in his voice at the sliding past bitch or the scatter blocking fuck because he knows he has another 25 bonuses coming straight up.
If he chases a bonus for 400 spins or gets one after 5 presses you can tell in his voice as the bonus plays. Turning up to just press bonus….bonus…bonus must be quite boring for Steve as well. We all play for bonuses but part of the fun is trying to get them and getting stuck/ unstuck as we do so. Deciding at the start of the session I am going to do 5k and collect as many as I can gets your money back most of time, sometimes a small loss. There isn’t any real risk and Steve for me is a man who enjoys the risk (or at least you can tell with his voice if he is feeling alive). For me I think he will get bored very quick of these hunts- fuck all us viewers the key thing is if he is enjoying it because if he isn’t then whats the point.
Bonus buys are for the entertainers. Gamblers want the roller coaster…doesn’t have to always be the Big One- smaller roller coasters can be fun as well.
Difference between a degen gambler and the ordinary man on the streety-
If I offered you 2-1 on a coin toss 50 times but you could bet a maximum of £1k or I offered you 2-1 on one flip of the coin for 50k which do you think Steve would take? Ev wise you would be better taking the 50 flips as you are almost guaranteed to win but do you think Steve would take the chance for the big/max payout?
11th August 2020 at 10:40 am #102546It is great to have you back posting again but I was disappointed with the video (input abuse from yes men). It felt a bit roshtitish without the dancing or silly hat.
Reason I like your normal videos is because you degen as much as I have many times and we get to be part of the roller coaster. We see you stuck 70+ bags to get it back and end in profit on reel king. We feel the emotion in your voice. Gamblers need the roller coaster, just bonuses in a row is entertainment not gambling.
You even sounded a little bored with it yourself if you compare your voice to your normal videos.
Big benefit to this style of video is you can pump them out every day (just like roshtit and so many others) and you wont smash your bankroll in on tilt chasing a bonus which simply has to come. Obviously your following will still watch but if you are honest with yourself, did you feel it? Did that session get the juices going for you? Is there any point churning content out for the sake of it- you can get a normal job if you want to live that way.
I know plenty on here are gonna slaughter me for my comments but trying to give my honest opinion rather than blowing smoke up your ring.
Give me one good video every Sunday rather than 5 mediocre videos a week.
It’s very difficult to please even half the people half the time it seems mate. If i do few and far between videos at mad stakes i get moaned at, if i do daily content, i get moaned at, if its £2-£3 i get moaned at and if its £10 i get moaned at. But then, for all of those different approaches, it is also the best video someone has seen and plenty of people love it. What do you do there lol?!
11th August 2020 at 10:59 am #102549If you increase the stake to £10 you’ve got to increase the bonus hunt to £15k a day, that’s madness to do 5 a week! ??
Just do maths in your head to match the stake you want, that’s what the slot does. It doesn’t behave differently based on the stake. </span>
11th August 2020 at 11:07 am #102550It’s not the high or low stakes just the Bonus Hunt format which bores me with every streamer. I’ve been happily watching Stop and Step’s bookie shop videos for years but never bother with his BH videos he does at home.
11th August 2020 at 11:17 am #102522Well what a disappointment wheres the real bandit and why have you turned the comments off . I always looked forward to your videos as they were exciting.
11th August 2020 at 12:17 pm #102556It is great to have you back posting again but I was disappointed with the video (input abuse from yes men). It felt a bit roshtitish without the dancing or silly hat.
Reason I like your normal videos is because you degen as much as I have many times and we get to be part of the roller coaster. We see you stuck 70+ bags to get it back and end in profit on reel king. We feel the emotion in your voice. Gamblers need the roller coaster, just bonuses in a row is entertainment not gambling.
You even sounded a little bored with it yourself if you compare your voice to your normal videos.
Big benefit to this style of video is you can pump them out every day (just like roshtit and so many others) and you wont smash your bankroll in on tilt chasing a bonus which simply has to come. Obviously your following will still watch but if you are honest with yourself, did you feel it? Did that session get the juices going for you? Is there any point churning content out for the sake of it- you can get a normal job if you want to live that way.
I know plenty on here are gonna slaughter me for my comments but trying to give my honest opinion rather than blowing smoke up your ring.
Give me one good video every Sunday rather than 5 mediocre videos a week.
It’s very difficult to please even half the people half the time it seems mate. If i do few and far between videos at mad stakes i get moaned at, if i do daily content, i get moaned at, if its £2-£3 i get moaned at and if its £10 i get moaned at. But then, for all of those different approaches, it is also the best video someone has seen and plenty of people love it. What do you do there lol?!
To be honest I thought all your best videos where ones you made not trying to please anyone. The ones you were doing what you wanted and enjoying your play and it comes through in the video.
The minute you start trying to please everyone (or anyone) is when it becomes a job. I am not even asking you to try to please me – just enjoy what your doing again.
Did you actually enjoy doing the bonus hunt? Can you imagine doing one of those every day? How long before it gets boring to you (and that will come across as boring to us)?
The Sunday vids are the ones you built your following on and it doesn’t have to be mega high stakes. I felt involved with you when you got stuck or even when you won right off the bat. When you said at the start of the video I am going to stick to small stakes today I used to think but will he… sometimes you did, sometimes you didn’t and it made no difference the videos were always still great to watch.
I was not having a pop at you as I watch whatever you put out there. It just didn’t feel like even you were enjoying it and I don’t want you to turn into a content for the sake of it monkey (there are enough of them out there already). Check the stats on how many of your old vids still get viewed? While you have been away for the last few weeks they have racked up 100s of thousands of views.
Look forward to your video tonight and will be interested to see different slots getting played which is one of the big plus sides of this new venture.
11th August 2020 at 10:00 pm #102596You definitely got bummed on the magic mirror bankroll. I’ve never seen a game adjust itself (twice) like that. It went haywire.
The other one (the one that took £62 off your balance, and then paid a bonus of exactly £62) was likely due to your balance being adjusted when you triggered the bonus and then closed the game, and you didn’t notice it had increased by £62 at the time. In the video, the bonus played out a £62 win you’d already been credited with. No way of saying for certain unless you can review your own footage when the bonus was triggered, but the maths on that would make sense, and I know an account balance can show wins/losses before the bonuses are played (happens to me on my 888 account).
12th August 2020 at 3:53 am #102601Franky boy has fucked off on holiday……..land…….land now!……..you bastard.
You walking past waving wanker.
Have you ever considered stand up? I love the video’s for the comedy value alone.
12th August 2020 at 9:57 am #102604I think that the new format is actually alright, but I can’t help but think that you are bored to death the whole time 😀
If I may suggest something, if you are grinding for those bonuses anyway, maybe do a video out of the grind as well? That way you would obviously spend less money for 1 hour footage as the actual bonus hunt would be kind of ‘additional’ content, so if you need, for some reason, to do only bonus openings, then maybe you could do for example one video “3000 pounds bonus hunt” and another video with all the collected bonuses?
I think that many enjoy the emotions and build up same as the bonus itself, especially that we can feel the same emotions you do. Another thing is, doing 3000 pounds hunt on a 2 pound stake is going to mean that you are either going to play the same games every day, or will have to play some shitty games with small to no potential just to mix it up a little, which is going to hurt your balance like it did yesterday.
Anyway, I will watch it whatever it will be as your videos are by far the best on youtube, I even have a premium account now so the yt ads doesn’t bother me 😀 just wanted to express my opinion on that to maybe help you find some ideas to improve the new format. Cheers!
12th August 2020 at 10:18 am #102605I think that the new format is actually alright, but I can’t help but think that you are bored to death the whole time
If I may suggest something, if you are grinding for those bonuses anyway, maybe do a video out of the grind as well? That way you would obviously spend less money for 1 hour footage as the actual bonus hunt would be kind of ‘additional’ content, so if you need, for some reason, to do only bonus openings, then maybe you could do for example one video “3000 pounds bonus hunt” and another video with all the collected bonuses?
I think that many enjoy the emotions and build up same as the bonus itself, especially that we can feel the same emotions you do. Another thing is, doing 3000 pounds hunt on a 2 pound stake is going to mean that you are either going to play the same games every day, or will have to play some shitty games with small to no potential just to mix it up a little, which is going to hurt your balance like it did yesterday.
Anyway, I will watch it whatever it will be as your videos are by far the best on youtube, I even have a premium account now so the yt ads doesn’t bother me
just wanted to express my opinion on that to maybe help you find some ideas to improve the new format. Cheers!
It’s a really good idea, record the session anyway and upload the full vid and just the bonus opening, the viewers can then choose their preferred video.
the issue is time tho. Bandit trying hard to fill the YouTube channel and family and his other businesses… he doesn’t want to lose any of them but they all take time. The bonus hunt is a very shortened version of his videos now…( he doesn’t upload 10 hour sessions, and his normal videos are bonus hunts with near misses ) but By removing the teases he can ( from an editing point of view ) produce quicker videos..he can put a grand in vs put goonies on 100 spins and because he doesn’t have to narrate it, he could be doing other work as the game spins in the background..it bonuses … next game.. 100 spins … and back to what ever he was doing..he then records the bonus in real time, adds the tags and you’re done…it’s still a fucktonne of work, but it is quicker….
But yes, when he was doing his single session on reel king there were quite a lot of suggestions that he should upload an unedited version and the ladder climbs only video, because there is a market for both in his subscribers
12th August 2020 at 11:57 am #102620The videos have been as dull as anything for me personally, strange that he managed to collect exactly 29 bonuses both times too.
12th August 2020 at 2:30 pm #10263012th August 2020 at 2:43 pm #102631The videos have been as dull as anything for me personally, strange that he managed to collect exactly 29 bonuses both times too.
All I can say if you don’t like them don’t watch them no one is forcing you ??
12th August 2020 at 3:44 pm #102635Great to see you back Bandit and I really enjoyed your Monday video.
You queried about keeping the inbetween bits in or not, and I’d say yes keep them in. It will help with features that start suddenly like Book/Legacy of Dead and game sequences like Jammin’ Jars.
Good all-round result and I prefer bonus hunts as it’s less degenerate although I have noticed at least 1 poster in this thread who preferred the degenerate side.