The Spinal Tap Video

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  • #12521
    babyface WANTED $36

    Right so here’s my view on the spinal tap video and please don’t hate on me 🙂


    firstly, did I enjoy it, damn right I did and I actually burst out laughing at the fucking bollox cunt line, or words to that effect and it was good to hear the emotion in the bandits voice when he walked off after that £1500 11 wild line loss

    however I can’t relate to the video due to the stakes involved, and when the bandit says “right go big or go home” when he is actually doing £750 spins, I sort of think “what the fuck”

    If this was on you tube the pitchfork gang, as bandit calls them, would be out in force screaming that this is evidence of massive income  and I do think, no offence bandit, that sometimes you have lost perception of money, when you said it’s only £90 I did sort of think “that’s a weeks food for a family

    basically I sort of enjoyed the rollercoaster but prefer the normal stakes video – but well done on the recovery 🙂

    cobmanchester WANTED $2

    wow great viewing, but like you say dangerous game. i would say leave it to the big hitters. bet you want to do the same again though.

    Jewels63 WANTED $5

    Still coming down from the ceiling, I did enjoy the video it triggered loads of emotions. You are always very clear in what you are doing and why and own your choices. I am not going to lectured, your money your choice your an adult I really enjoy watching enough said.

    jackfisher WANTED $3

    Hands covering eyes the entire time lol good to see summat different but what a dog shit game spinal tap is lol

    babyface WANTED $36

    Got to admit 1.05.50 was my favourite bit – who hasn’t felt like that before :-).

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    babyface wrote:

    Right so here’s my view on the spinal tap video and please don’t hate on me ?


    firstly, did I enjoy it, damn right I did and I actually burst out laughing at the fucking bollox cunt line, or words to that effect and it was good to hear the emotion in the bandits voice when he walked off after that £1500 11 wild line loss

    however I can’t relate to the video due to the stakes involved, and when the bandit says “right go big or go home” when he is actually doing £750 spins, I sort of think “what the fuck”

    If this was on you tube the pitchfork gang, as bandit calls them, would be out in force screaming that this is evidence of massive income  and I do think, no offence bandit, that sometimes you have lost perception of money, when you said it’s only £90 I did sort of think “that’s a weeks food for a family

    basically I sort of enjoyed the rollercoaster but prefer the normal stakes video – but well done on the recovery ?

    I can understand where you are coming from but I can explain.


    Many people will think the same but they are not privy to my daily habits, they don’t know what i do for a living etc and i believe it matters.


    For example, in any given fixture list that i am trading, (I trade sports markets on betting exchanges among several other gambling related forms of income, yes really), i will start by placing a bet of multiple thousands of pounds in several matches. I will usually be in the region of £25,000 in to the markets to begin with depending on how many simultaneously running games there are, over a period of time then i will watch the markets and react to specific events which in some instances can result in me being as much as £75,000 in to these markets as a whole. This may sound bonkers but whilst the money is bet and placed, it is not the sum of the risk, as long as you keep your discipline. The returns are often small, very small, but regular in comparison to the staked amounts but even when it goes sensationally wrong the loss is limited as long as like i say, you keep your head.


    Working with these kind of figures all the time means that i am sort of immune to staking say £750 on a slot for a bonus buy, even £1500. I appreciate it is a lot of money but it is thoroughly calculated to be affordable to me, to my personal financial situation, i actually have a separate gambling bank card that i fill with what i can afford to play with at casinos.


    I am not rich, i don’t own my own house, i have a Ford Mondeo, i’ve said it before i am just a normal bloke but people take exception to that sometimes when watching how i play, i have always been a gambler all my life and these videos and sessions are usually my chill out time away from all the figures and calculations and pressure that a trading atmosphere creates. I do not spend my money on literally anything else, i’m not a branded clothes kind of bloke, i don’t smoke, i don’t wear a watch, i’m not a jewelry guy so i choose to spend my money on slots.


    After explaining this sort of thing it is then sometimes thrown back at me then what is the need for affiliation if you make money from trading, well when i first started the channel, i was eating into my trading profits and sometimes using my trading bank for some deposits as the channel started to grow and i got a bit addicted to the buzz of people saying “great video” and i wanted to do more and more and more so i needed to put something in place that stopped me having to do that, despite what everyone thinks or says about the giveaways, they are there for me to give back to those that chose to support me and it’s never been a secret of where the money comes from that i give away – affiliation in the first place. I never intended them for one second to be seen as a “lure” and the thought hadn’t even entered my head until it was posted one time. My intention with this whole thing, the channel, the videos, The Bandit, wasn’t profit but it also wasn’t loss or at least excessive loss which it was starting to become after a couple of months of doing it at the start, it was simply that i enjoyed slotting and clearly so did a lot of other people so i recorded the play. Those who liked what they saw came back for the next one, those that didn’t like what they saw didn’t. I wish it was just that simple.


    My sessions are massively educational, people get to see what certain games are capable of without having to spend their own money. I have put in place various protection elements for those that feel they may need help, i have purchased codes that make casino blocking software free for a time period for those that need it. I am always full of warnings, don’t do this, don’t do that, you will lose etc


    I kind of lost my trail of thought with where i was going but i think i got a couple of points across that i hope would explain to you how i play how i do, i’l leave it there for the time being.


    Cheers for watching and i appreciate your post.

    chris608 WANTED $3

    Great video, very entertaining.

    Bit of a shocker of a game in my opinion.

    Won’t be trying anything like that anytime soon!

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    Definitely the safest approach that is Chris lol!

    kingofpennies WANTED $15

    After watching the latest video Bandit I have to say you one of the most genuine streamers I’ve seen and your luck is all over the shop. It’s a  good wake up call for others to see what you actually lose on games as some streamers are just their to reel to thinking that they win big most days . At least your honest and don’t BS anybody Carry on the good work mate with the website.



    babyface WANTED $36

    Thanks for the background Bandit, puts your approach more into perspective, and rest assured it wasn’t criticism just an observation. If anyone were actually dumb enough to think it wasn’t your money they should just skip to 1.05.50, I’m still repeating that for the Lol’s- never heard you so pissed at a game 🙂

    Definitely educational, anyone with any sense won’t be touching that game, even with the business end of a shitty barge pole 🙂

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    I genuinely thought that one in particular was going to be an unbelievable hit, how wrong i was lol


    Here’s a vent : complete disappointment at the Bandit as that was a typical example of an addicted gamblers carelessness , it was not entertaining and the Bandit WAS being a dick, bellend, twat… all those words he calls himself on occasion .

    Very nearly down at the low low level of youtube’s most depressed depressing bellend gambler Hypalinx.


    Please reign yourself in dude, you seem like a decent guy, a guy to have a pint with and i am sure an excellent father.

    Your vids have a personality, a style and are usually unique.

    Videos like this one any div could do.

    alan121 WANTED $2

    hi i thought that was a amazing video and it was good to hear real emotion but that bet level was way too high.I understand that you bet more money than that on other sports but as a loyal viewer i found parts of that video very uncomfortable to watch can we have another video today at normal stakes thanks ps your still the best streamer


    That is the bentist game i have ever seen how can the second to top feature not pay your money back its fucking crazy one fucking wild wtffffffffffffffff


    darkhand1 WANTED $7

    hi bandit, just watched the spinal tap video and  to reiterate my previous message bad movie bad group and a fucking shit slot game

    huge spinning wheel that seems to have fuck all on it how can 2 x single wild squares or 2 wild columns  be considered a bonus ??????

    but thats what you got every first spin of that wheel, and at £1500 a go what can you win £100000 £200000 £300000  ?????????? anyone know,

    no i will leave that slot alone and play slots that in my view offer something within the game ie a bit of enjoyment. mmmmmmmmm think i will play a bit of Ted ( fuck me there playing flash) love it, looking forward to your next video” bandit ” with maybe a little less spinal tappppppppppp.

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