The video has been taken down

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  • #133022
    joshieboy1998 WANTED $4

    Anyone notice the video has been taken down for violation I am normally quick to watching the uploads maybe 1 or 2 mins after it’s out but today had a busier day so didn’t get time clicked on the notification and it said no longer available

    Ate77 WANTED $4

    Yeah I just clicked to view and it’s been taken down. No idea why.  Wounded 😬

    Windy WANTED $3

    Managed to watch it. To say it was brutal was an understatement!! It was like the devs put him on eff you mode.


    JRushPixel WANTED $14

    Is the vid anywhere else.


    Wil hunt WANTED $8

    Youtube violation

    ImperialDragon WANTED $70

    I’m behind by 3 videos, 1 day ago, 2 days ago and 4 days ago, so videos posted yesterday, Mon 13th and Sat 11th.  The video I missed was presumably posted today.  What was the gist of the video and what rule did it violate?  I know he starts every BC Game video is “if you want to know where I’m playing, how I’m playing, then head over to backinamo dot com.  If you don’t want to know what I’m doing, then simple as that”, and yet some viewers still don’t comprehend that!

    Welshyb91 WANTED $2

    My night ruined. Cheers. Kids now crying. Poor bandit can’t catch a break. Stupid YouTube 😂

    Welshyb91 WANTED $2

    Cheers YouTube, night ruined 😂

    Mictas WANTED $1

    Agree I had same notification with a note saying ” it goes against community standards “

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