The war on crypto casinos

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  • #131506
    farahtrousers WANTED $23

    The UKGC, government and media are not ignoring what is going on. What they are going to do, I don’t know but I recognise there are holes in “rules” and laws but worse than that, there is alleged corruption and ruined lives which is becoming more and more widely known.

    The legality of what is happening is being questioned and that is without any mention of alleged corruption. That means depending on the deal a streamer has, could mean they are attached to serious law breaking and maybe not even know it.

    If I were people like Chip, Bandit and others I’d be at least very concerned about what is happening and what is going to happen in future. We generally feel Chip doesn’t care about others but we also feel Bandit does. But there is a lot more going on.

    farahtrousers WANTED $23

    Smoothoperator WANTED $52

    Thing is The Bandit doesn’t advertise it through his videos! He doesn’t even mention the name. If people want to find out how to gamble via crypto then they will, a quick google search will prevail..,, if anything Sky News are indirectly advertising it themselves 😂😂

    farahtrousers WANTED $23

    Sometimes, you can just make noise and sound stupid. Anyway…

    The last thing I want to do is see Bandit in trouble and according to the ASA if I want to find out specifically if someone is breaking the law, then a complaint would have to be made.  It took some wordplay but I managed to get this response without naming anyone.

    me : “When you say advertising, do you mean in the gaps of tv programs ?”


    me : “There are many streamers or influencers out there advertising crypto casinos indirectly. The chap I like to watch, send people to his website if they want to know more and his website gives the information and a place to discuss so that would mean he is breaking the law and I think probably doesn’t know”

    I went on to thank the ASA for getting back to me and letting me know.

    Bandit and anyone else promoting a crypto casino on english land, is breaking the law.

    ImperialDragon WANTED $70

    When the Bandit directs his watchers onto, it’s still 3 or 4 mouse clicks (or taps) to find the thread in question.  It’s not like it’s on the homepage of  So I wouldn’t classify that as direct advertising.  Even if the law was updated so to include indirect advertising, the punters will always be 1 step ahead of the law.

    It’s the same debate as piracy.  A new law comes up, the pirates find another loophole.  A new preventative mechanism comes up, the pirates will find another way to circumvent it.  A new copy protection method comes up, a new crack is released.  A torrent web site gets shut down, 3 more torrent sites will appear.

    It’s whack-a-mole.

    farahtrousers WANTED $23

    I think it is a tad more serious. Bandit openly stated he was given a deal by BC to do videos. The in-direct factor is to circumvent youtube policy. It won’t circumvent the law. These people are a bit smarter than a faux youtube policy that removed THEM out the firing line. The law brings them back in.

    Look, I don’t want Bandit in any trouble, you know that. But if this is happening, which it is, then Bandit will knowingly be guilty of it, once he knows. They might not care who knows.

    eejit101 WANTED $312

    Can make videos all they want. Truth is the casino industry works in a way where the WORST that can happen is a ban on the advertising of it in more depth with fines. Its not in law you cant do it.


    The casinos are so protected nothing can ever happen. They arent owned by the actual people running them. They hire an external UBO and have holding companies to avoid this exact thing.

    Smoothoperator WANTED $52

    Be careful Phil, otherwise Farah might call you stupid! 😂

    farahtrousers WANTED $23

    ^^ and people go to jail.

    Let me be totally clear, I am posting this thread because I don’t want good people being punished. Of course I am fully aware Bandit is on a deal to promote this dangerous trade but he is very steadfast about that factor. Unlike some scum who will dribble a million links before they whisper “gambling awareness” out the side of their mouth, silently, to people who can’t lipread


    Smoothoperator WANTED $52

    Who has gone to jail? In fact has anybody even been prosecuted?

    farahtrousers WANTED $23

    Can make videos all they want. Truth is the casino industry works in a way where the WORST that can happen is a ban on the advertising of it in more depth with fines. Its not in law you cant do it.


    The casinos are so protected nothing can ever happen. They arent owned by the actual people running them. They hire an external UBO and have holding companies to avoid this exact thing.

    As stupid as I find some laws (or other people) and as much as I may understand golden handshakes protect certain things from law, I am only concerned Bandit or other genuine streamers could get in trouble. I find it very concerning and hear what you say Phil, but I feel certain individuals should be concerned. But of course, each to their own.

    Slot WANTED $51

    UKGC has no idea how crypto casinos works

    Smoothoperator WANTED $52

    We don’t need any gambling police around here, as stupid as we all are! This is a gambling forum, I’m pretty sure if Steve needs any advice then he would proceed to get some. Nobody is forced to come here.. if “one” is here then it’s most likely that “one” enjoys the videos and continues to watch or gamble at their own will!! Let’s just see what happens eh? If I was you I wouldn’t worry too much about Zee Bandit..enjoy the rest of your day fella/them/they whatever..

    farahtrousers WANTED $23

    This reply has been reported for inappropriate content.

    Smoothoperator wrote:

    We don’t need any gambling police around here, as stupid as we all are! This is a gambling forum, I’m pretty sure if Steve needs any advice then he would proceed to get some. Nobody is forced to come here.. if “one” is here then it’s most likely that “one” enjoys the videos and continues to watch or gamble at their own will!! Let’s just see what happens eh? If I was you I wouldn’t worry too much about Zee Bandit..enjoy the rest of your day fella/them/they whatever..

    1. You have been stupid.
    2. YOU are inferring everyone on here is stupid.
    3. You are trying to bait me into a forum war.
    4. YOU don’t want me posting this thread.
    5. You are finding things funny on this.

    1. I don’t want bandit getting into trouble. Fuck all else matters. I don’t care if certain other streamers get into trouble.

    This is the last time I will speak to you. Get with what the thread is about and don’t resort to 30 year old childish forum trolling tactics. C.nt.

    farahtrousers WANTED $23

    Slot wrote:

    UKGC has no idea how crypto casinos works

    <iframe title=”UKGC vs Crypto casinos 😂” src=”; width=”640″ height=”360″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=””></iframe>

    Since when does a governing body admit they know how everything works publically ? They never do. It wasn’t long ago they openly stated in government that the internet can’t be trusted and then went on to add web services to all forms of government departments. You said they have no idea. The video clearly shows they have in the very least, much more than no idea.

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