TransUnion – affordability

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  • #131117
    columbo70 WANTED $2

    I have recently registered to Unibet Casino only to be told –

    ” We’re committed to safer gambling and use publicly available information including TransUnion to assess affordability. Following an affordability review we’ve taken the decision to block deposits on your account.”

    Seems I am been treat like some kind of homeless pauper…..I am not been offered even a small Deposit Limit just a total block. I have no debts , I have a house and an income……the only adverse record I have is a Bankruptcy back in 2017, which I am fully discharged from now……is this the reasoning for Unibet to totally blackball me. I have contacted them but wont give me a reason. Its like I am some kind of dodgy criminal the way they are going on

    Can anyone explain what is going on here?

    Weemonk23 WANTED $7

    Do you know what your lifetime net profit/loss was at Unibet? Have you recently had a good run of wins and been withdrawing more than depositing? I’ve seen casinos get rid of players who are winning more than losing using this as an excuse. WHG did it to me.

    Checking your credit file is fairly standard nowadays for a casino.

    farahtrousers WANTED $23

    Consider yourself lucky. Move on and consider quitting this dire industry.

    Slot WANTED $51

    every UK casino is doing credit checks using TransUnion, If you have bad credit or don’t live in a good Post Code chances are you will get refused to open an account or have very low limits, Is UKGC rules, I don’t think Casinos care where you live or your credit score, but they need to follow UKGC rules

    AppleSux WANTED $6

    These checks are insane now.  Grosvenor reduced my limit from £2000 to £200 after they refreshed my credit history and discovered I was no longer working. Contacted their safer gambling team and despite being able to prove £150 savings from redundancy and pension payout they didn’t care and I was given some bullshit that I shouldn’t use savings for gambling purposes. ! I shouted back “ok I’ll just spend it in crack then!” And hung y. Childish I know but funny at the time until I got an email next day saying they closed my account..oh well

    AppleSux WANTED $6


    columbo70 WANTED $2

    I feel your pain Ap…..same thing happened to me with Betfair – was a loyal customer for 7 years , was a VIP with always good communications with them then overnight BOOM!!!! £3000 limit reduced to £100… real explanation and a complete shut down of ant communications….felt like a criminal… only crime is that I am retired and do not work.

    If you dont have a job that is reputable or your retired then you are treat as a scumbag…………I havent even got a correspondence to say thank you for your custom it really is poor.

    but what concerns me is those players who are left………..with these casinos revenue been cut due to intrusive deposit limits and accounts closed , do they now make it even harder to win……..  Im sure this will come out in the coming future where casinos have cut their RTP by underhand ways

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