Uhm need baccarat assisstance

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  • #81062
    TheVajinator WANTED $9


    Guys shouldn’t be 8 6 K on baccarat 4 points or I’m missing something? Just had 400 euro two bets and they calculated after a scan these cards as 6 points making me lose both of my bets, if it was 4 I would have won it. Been playing for quite a while I’m pretty sure it’s suppose to be 4, unless I’m actually missing something in this situation lol Don’t want to contact casino yet and make a penis out of myself if I’m actually in the wrong.

    whoswho WANTED $118

    It’s defiantly a score of 4.

    My guess is you accidentally bet on the loser rather than the winner eg bank had 4  player had 6 and you bet bank

    TheVajinator WANTED $9

    After you confirmed it I contacted casino and I also double checked my bets. They said they’re contacting provider appeareantly there is some sort of mistake. Can’t imagine how it could happen since cards are being scanned. Maybe a faulty chip or something. I knew I was right lol

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