Unpopular opinion about your latest video

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  • #23530
    -Dist WANTED $23

    I for one am extremely disappointed the way you handled that vid. Giving out is a nice gesture and all, but you only donated bonuses to people who had complained in the forums about bad luck. All gamblers have bad luck. I feel like I have more bad luck than your average gambler but no one wants to hear you complain constantly so I don’t. At the very least I’d hoped you would have donated at least one bonus to the viewers as a quick raffle (post on the prize draw section, maybe make it active for only couple days so active video watchers get to take part).


    Secondly the way you handled it and is very apparent now is that it promoted that complaining will get you free money possibly. Seen few posts here already, countless on your YT video, practically begging for money.

    It’s also discouraging to realize I get fuckall after watching you for well over an year now, not winning a single draw and just because I don’t post here about my shit luck I didn’t even have a chance in this video to get anything.

    Yeah I don’t expect you to appreciate this post of anything but I wanted to voice my opinion anyway, as sad is it may be.

    Wormweed WANTED $42

    You can’t please everyone, apparently. The more active you are, the higher the chance of getting picked for a random giveaway of any sort.

    This was the first time i won a prize draw, in 1 year 3 months. In fact its the first time i ever win any sort of giveaway in the 20 years i have been on the internet.

    I won a discman in high school, in a competition for the entire school. And these are the only 2 times i have won anything in a competition/giveaway, not counting sports and things like that.

    Making a giveaway thread will just make some people create 10 accounts each to make sure they have a higher chance of winning, and the thread will be 400 pages long in no time at all.

    You are right about it being an unpopular opinion. But it’s also an opinion that makes you sound like you think you are entiteled to winning after 1 year.

    I personally find it very disappointing that some people make threads like this one.

    Tilt_Warp WANTED $3

    This website has only been around for a small portion of Bandit’s channel. You really can’t blame the man for wanting to bring more attention to the website and the forum especially given that he has Youtube back as his platform. Whilst there may be a higher amount of people complaining about their run bad on the site, it has brought more people to the site, as well as made the forum more active, can’t complain about the marketing even if you didn’t win.

    Also, Bandit, if you see this – Fair play for the charity donations on Remembrance Day.

    Mickeyvondickey WANTED $181

    -Dist wrote:

    I for one am extremely disappointed the way you handled that vid. Giving out is a nice gesture and all, but you only donated bonuses to people who had complained in the forums about bad luck. All gamblers have bad luck. I feel like I have more bad luck than your average gambler but no one wants to hear you complain constantly so I don’t. At the very least I’d hoped you would have donated at least one bonus to the viewers as a quick raffle (post on the prize draw section, maybe make it active for only couple days so active video watchers get to take part).


    Secondly the way you handled it and is very apparent now is that it promoted that complaining will get you free money possibly. Seen few posts here already, countless on your YT video, practically begging for money.

    It’s also discouraging to realize I get fuckall after watching you for well over an year now, not winning a single draw and just because I don’t post here about my shit luck I didn’t even have a chance in this video to get anything.

    Yeah I don’t expect you to appreciate this post of anything but I wanted to voice my opinion anyway, as sad is it may be.

    I think that’s a little bit naughty to say “extremely disappointed in the way you handled that vid”.

    He donated to 2 charities and a handful of viewers/forum users that had been down on their luck in getting a bonus. They weren’t to know he was about to do a donation video.

    I very rarely see other streamers or video makers give subs money on that scale. Maybe a pizza or take away but not hundreds of pounds.

    Just be happy you have even the smallest chance of winning something. Next time, he may do a donation video in a different format, but I wouldn’t blame the bloke if he binned it altogether after certain responses.


    Mondayblues23 WANTED $41

    The only thing I agree with on the original post, is the increase in tales of woe on games from folk thinking that they will get £200 in the future lol

    Pretty sure the Bandit will do something different the next time if he does choose to giveaway his cash.

    Enjoy the content and live your life without bothering others for their charitable work.

    Slev82 WANTED $23

    Why must people qq about everything? Just let it be, its his money and now he made some people happy, why cant you just be happy for them? Is it envy?

    I Think its awesome he does these things like no other streamer do, it should please you instead of whining about it.

    Just my way of thinking.

    Sorry for the bad grammar, im Swedish .

    Cutlery WANTED $6

    One things for certain, if you were destined to be lucky enough to win a prize in the future, you just screwed that for yourself!

    Cutlery WANTED $6

    From what you just said it sounds like you’re watching his video’s for a chance of getting something for free. Personally I watch Steve because I find him amusing and enjoy the rollercoaster of his slot playing. That is all I expect of him.

    16 tktptr WANTED $3

    I would just like to thank the bandit for helping charities like help for heroes and British legion both of which  I needed this year with my mental health just watching you vids just lets me escape the demons for a short time, I get help now but with the donations like this gods knows where I would be so thank you so much keep up the good work

    Dion WANTED $9

    I have read a few posts now all similar to this. to be honest it kind of puts you off wanting to post anything for the fear of being classed as a beggar or something. Not everyone posting about their wins or losses are out with a begging bowl. You can bet your top dollar your post here would not exist if Steve chose ‘you’ as a recipient of a donation! Why can’t you just enjoy the videos and good hunour? by the way, some poeple don’t post often because they have not had any wins worth talking about. I am hoping to be able to upload some big wins myself here when the sun finally shines on me 🙂 until then I have no pics worth sharing. Good luck on all your gambling buys

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    What an absolutely mental post. I have no words.

    Retroloser WANTED $21

    Winning fuck all from a year of wacthing free videos that in bandits life cost him 1000s each video  you might be lucky one day ,great vid bandit

    aps31 WANTED $15

    The Bandit wrote:

    What an absolutely mental post. I have no words.

    Haha Steve you set up a site to which half of the community are degenerate gamblers . Let’s be right I cannot talk for others on have spunked away my food money (in my early years, I have plenty to waste now) if anything I am surprised you don’t get more insance posts on this forum,

    i say fuck em they have either been beaten as children or have a bad case of victim hood.

    If you get the chance smash In a £ 10 bonanza bonus(I got one last night paid me £12 haha could have kicked the dog if I had one.

    Run187 WANTED $28

    The rng didn’t pick me either I don’t fully get what you are trying to accomplish.

    Last year I played 900 spins on invisible man zero bonus, if this forum had existed I would have posted about it.

    I doubt bandit just gives money to people who complain or I would be rich, who wouldn’t complain at 1000 spins on bonanza and no win. People have been watching bandit since day one and got zero because they don’t expect anything ,the draw is luck the bandit does not have to give his money away..

    Xbobmad WANTED $734

    -Dist wrote:

    I for one am extremely disappointed the way you handled that vid. Giving out is a nice gesture and all, but you only donated bonuses to people who had complained in the forums about bad luck. All gamblers have bad luck. I feel like I have more bad luck than your average gambler but no one wants to hear you complain constantly so I don’t. At the very least I’d hoped you would have donated at least one bonus to the viewers as a quick raffle (post on the prize draw section, maybe make it active for only couple days so active video watchers get to take part).


    Secondly the way you handled it and is very apparent now is that it promoted that complaining will get you free money possibly. Seen few posts here already, countless on your YT video, practically begging for money.

    It’s also discouraging to realize I get fuckall after watching you for well over an year now, not winning a single draw and just because I don’t post here about my shit luck I didn’t even have a chance in this video to get anything.

    Yeah I don’t expect you to appreciate this post of anything but I wanted to voice my opinion anyway, as sad is it may be.

    Hey Dist,

    What The Bandit did was completely unexpected and a really nice surprise. Can you do me a really big favour, can you click on my username and take a look at the replies to posts that i’ve done on the forums since the page went live. Now can you pick out where i’ve complained about my luck on a game? I think i moaned about DHV once quite a while ago, i tend to use the forums to help people if i can. Bandit chose me for a bonus on Donuts (that ended up being Book of Dead) and with donuts its because i keep asking him to play it to try and break his massive run of rubbish plays on it.

    Bandit’s always looking for ways to do giveaways for people as a thank you to the viewers. If you’ve got a decent idea for a giveaway then there’s a forum post asking for them.

    You say you get fuck all after watching for well over a year, but do you realise that you’re not paying for the hundreds of hours of content that Bandit creates every year? You haven’t won a draw yet, if you enter them you’ve got the same chance as everyone else, it’s random! Do you moan to the national lottery when your numbers don’t come out?

    Of course i’m biased as I was one of the recipients of the Bandit’s generosity in the video, as were the other 5/6 other forum members and the charities. Maybe next time it’ll be you?

    Absolutely no offence was intended at all with this post, i’ve reread it many times wondering if i should hit submit, and hope it comes across in the way it was intended.

    PS – Bandit, I did have pizza lol 🙂

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