very small big win pics + sort/search

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  • #12696
    Wormweed WANTED $42

    Hi. I i have noticed many of the big win pictures are so small i have problems seeing how much was won etc. Is that because people are sending in really small pics or do you make them small to save space/bandwith?

    Do you have any news on the sorting and searching for specific slots etc? There are so many pics now it’s getting hard to see.

    Would also be nice if i could reply to comments on my uploaded big wins from my big wins page, finding them in the huge pile of big wins is challenging.

    Just a few things i noticed that could be improved, no major issues though.

    The Bandit WANTED $5,411
    El Bandito

    The issue about them being small, do you mean even when they expand as you click on them that they are still small or did you not see you could expand them? Currently my super site whizz is moving house and setting up his new internet connection etc, when he is back we do have some improvements for the big win section, search facility, wins over x amount etc so there are changes coming 😀

    Wormweed WANTED $42

    Very small when i click on them, some can be enlarged if i right click it and open in a new tab. I couldn’t find the the unreadable ones, but this one is almost there. Wouldnt it be possible to use more of the screen space for the picture?

    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    The ones like that picture above that you say are small are taken from people playing on mobiles mate there’s no way to make them larger then they are 🙂

    Wormweed WANTED $42

    That’s what i asked, if it was them being uploaded small or not. I couldn’t spend 30 minutes going through all the pictures to find the ones i talked about, so i took a screenshot of one that was pretty bad, but not as bad. Phones are small, but the resolution is normal.

    This image is bigger if you right click and open it in a new page, so your not 100% correct there, just try it and see. To me it seems like the page is limiting the size of the image to fit the message box under it.

    Spidermint WANTED $100

    Wormweed wrote:

    That’s what i asked, if it was them being uploaded small or not. I couldn’t spend 30 minutes going through all the pictures to find the ones i talked about, so i took a screenshot of one that was pretty bad, but not as bad. Phones are small, but the resolution is normal.

    This image is bigger if you right click and open it in a new page, so your not 100% correct there, just try it and see. To me it seems like the page is limiting the size of the image to fit the message box under it.

    I see your point @Wormweed I will take a look at what can be done with portrait or mobile images.
    Possibly clicking the screenshot will full screen it.

    Also plan to add commenting to your big win section so as you say you can easily comment on replies to your own big wins

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