Video advice for the bandit

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    Bigmaone WANTED $2

    Bandit love the vids. Been watching for a long time. Watch a lot of guys like you.

    Just a little advice if possible for your vids. I like most folk imagine who watch your vids have the games I love to see you play and the ones I’m not so keen on. For me I generally fast forward reel king and montezumo. (I know you don’t play that much now).

    The only problem with this is I can relate to you as a gambler and I like to see how the whole session goes. When I fast forward I’m scared I miss a reload.

    What would be the chances of a figure in the bottom of the whole video of your deposits for that session. Ie £3000 in.

    I know it’s selfish but saves me watching bits of the video that are not of particular interest to myself. But also means I can still enjoy the whole video/story.

    Thabks bandit. All the best from sunny Edinburgh

    Redcorvette WANTED $19

    Not sure I know how that works although like you I skip Reel King purely because These days it always seems to end the same way with a balance recovery as a result of hitting the top.

    Cant blame bandit for playing it as he always wins, but it bores the crap out of me as there is no surprise factor anymore, other than the scale of the win.

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    The thing with having to add a little note to the video, like on screen, even for say 30 seconds, it has quite the impact on editing and processing times weirdly so i can imagine having to have it there for the whole video would make it take a few hours to convert/process which isn’t really possible as i just don’t have an extra 2/3 hours at the end of what already took around 6-7 hours to do. It is probably down to the shite software i use but i’m used to it so changing the whole set up would be a bit of a ball ache lol


    Great videos m8 keep it up been playing reel king on 3 lines with some huge wins.Have you ever tried it?

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    WIDNESRL wrote:

    Great videos m8 keep it up been playing reel king on 3 lines with some huge wins.Have you ever tried it?

    Reel King is all about the ladder for me so reducing the lines will just reduce the number of wins i get and therefore i will see less of the ladder, the amount of times i have hit the top from an 80p win right at the bottom is crazy – reducing the lines is good if you want to make it all about the scrolls landing and then the prizes will be much bigger than usual on the total stake but for me, i need as many shots at that yellow path of glory as possible haha I need all those 20 lines 😀

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