Video slots

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    Clownprosecution WANTED $15

    @burders your not being serious are you?

    eejit101 WANTED $312

    trr420 wrote:

    If you go and play a slot machine without looking at the RTP before spending money on it, then you can’t complain about not getting a higher RTP than it actually tells you that you will get. How do you think it came to your attention, that the RTP was lowered? The smart people checked it!! It is like taking a fcking credit card out without knowing the interest rate, as you didn’t bother to check the interest rate.
    Yous also don’t even understand how many spins the RTP is representative of. I know over 96% of yous will never realise the true RTP of a slot machine, 92% RTP or not…as you will never spin it enough times to confirm it fair.
    If you want me to tell you the truth, nobody anywhere can or will ever prove a slot, roulette, blackjack or online poker game to be fair or not fair. Yous all simply reply on a corrupt system and the corruption that surrounds the regulations of that system to be telling the truth from the off. That alone is questionable. However, even if it was fact.. it would NOT mean you would make money… or lose money, over a LIFE TIME or FEW DAYS of playing.
    If you want to invest money in a Solicitor, to take them to Court, you should save your money wisely and not gamble any of it. When you do that, you will maybe realise that the reason you are going to Court is useless.. as now SINCE YOU DIDN’T GAMBLE YOUR MONEY, you are actually sure to have money to spend on whatever you please.
    I highly suggest not going to a Solicitor and actually spending it on something to help take away the pain… as yous are all clearly butt hurt over not winning money.
    If the RTP was70% and you won a jackpot of 1 million pound, i doubt you would protest about the RTP.
    This whole forum and the whole gambling community is full of people that encourage higher tax, more regulations and heavily criticise the biggest and best Casinos and providers while voting in power the people that actually scam them.
    The fcking Mafia can reward players more than the Governments will allow. If it hurts you all so much to lose 2% RTP over millions of spins on average, why not spend the money of a hooker to sit on your face and stop you crying out loud? Get some Weed and Chill the fck out. The whole world does not, I REPEAT DOES NOT revolve around you and your chance of winning enough money back from what you gambled. I could buy every possible sequence of lotto number available, it has been done, and still lose money. That is because the expected return is less than my investment. However, it would be a nightmare to pull of and no FUN. Gambling is meant to be fun, not an investment. 90% rtp or over still offers fun. If that is actually the minimum RTP.

    Ok…. none of this is even remotely close to accurate.

    And im the one whose reported them to the MGA 😉

    The point is changing it without a public notice. Not changing it to begin with. If they tell us… and offer 2% cashback instead, then good. Sneaky like this? Fuck no.

    whoswho WANTED $118
    StevieG WANTED $17

    I don’t think that news post qualifies by any stretch. For starters, news posts are buried in the sidebar 3/4 of the way down the page. When I load the website, there is no direct link to any news posts visible. To view the news on their site you have to actively be seeking it out.

    Also, that ttr420 guy is clearly just a troll. Nobody in their right mind checks the RTP every time they load a slot. The first time, yes. Following that, it’s perfectly reasonable for a player to assume that it has not been tampered with since your last visit. What Videoslots have done is akin to taking out the smallest possible ad in the classified section of the local newspaper so that they could say “Well, we did tell players!” in when questioned.

    Nothing short of a pop-up notification upon login and email to all players is acceptable in my opionion.

    trr420 WANTED $7


    trr420 WANTED $7

    Why do any of yous weirdo think you can tell Bandit to stop playing on videoslots or advertising the site? Why complain about a site not advertising the reduction in RTP and then when the fact they did is posted here by seemingly the only normal person in the forum, you change the argument and tell people their advertising doesn’t meet your requirement? There is people unable to place a sports bets online incase they win money; and yet here the only issue is a slight decrease in RTP.  You have the right to play elsewhere or not play at all. How can they take 2% rtp off you over millions of spins if you can just get into bed and not gamble at all?
    Eejit… i find it funny as fck that you actually made a complaint. What were saying is this. I played a slot and lost money. I didn’t win anything and then i found out there is less rtp than i though. However, i didn’t spin millions of times, so i can’t complain about the RTP as it doesn’t actually mean anything. I could have won money and not had any reason to complain. I am mainly upset because even though they did advertise the reduced RTP, i didn’t see it. I want them banned from the interweb. The main issue with you is the fact you think you are important and able to make a change. However, the truth is that you can’t and won’t.

    trr420 WANTED $7

    StevieG. People that gamble and check the expected RTP are surely not in the right mind. I agree,It makes more sense obviously to gamble without checking the RTP. I remember this one time at bandcamp when i played 100 spins on a 85% RTP and won money. I was upset because the RTP was only 85% even though i didn’t bother to check. Even though i won money, i think it’s only fair that the Casino should increase the RTP to 95%. I am fully aware, however, that with an RTP of 95% i am probably going to lose my money and not win anything the next time i spin 100 times. I might spins millions of times to make sure i win back a certain % of what i gamble, just to make sure the RTP is correct and i am not being lied to. I am worried about the RTP so much that i am now prepared to spin millions of times to guarantee a loss, just to make sure i win back say 95% of what i spend.

    thunderball6 WANTED $272

    I remember this one time at band camp ?

    Biohazard WANTED $675

    trr420 wrote:

    i can’t complain about the RTP as it doesn’t actually mean anything.

    Of course it means something ? the worse the RTP, the shorter the session and the worse the return, on average… I’m not sure what you’re getting at here?

    trr420 wrote:

    The main issue with you is the fact you think you are important and able to make a change. However, the truth is that you can’t and won’t.

    Actually, if anyone here can make a difference, it’s eejit, as he actually works in the industry.

    mocro76 WANTED $3

    Its all the same people it doesnt make eny diferents where you play you wil always lose the house always win like the bandit said when you deposit you must think of it that it is gone if you mange to win some you must be lucky its always a lost its like 90% fore the casino and 10 % fore you never think you gonna make mony just do it fore fun and play low stackes !!

    eejit101 WANTED $312

    Biohazard wrote:

    trr420 wrote:

    i can’t complain about the RTP as it doesn’t actually mean anything.

    Of course it means something ? the worse the RTP, the shorter the session and the worse the return, on average… I’m not sure what you’re getting at here?

    trr420 wrote:

    The main issue with you is the fact you think you are important and able to make a change. However, the truth is that you can’t and won’t.

    Actually, if anyone here can make a difference, it’s eejit, as he actually works in the industry.

    I got Casino Heroes to increase their PlaynGo RTP from 93.9% to 96.4% on their games 3 months ago. Im already sleeping fine at night. If I can get one to do it, I can get more.

    The issue is why am I being hated on for being literally the only person working here who is trying to back players at every opportunity. You want me to work for purely a casino and do everything I can to take your money also? Happy to. But I have morals which mean things should be fair.


    Fair is not changing RTP and putting something in a news feed which is not clearly shown on the casino. In my OPINION that is deplorable behaviour. In FACT i dont know what it is, im checking to see if it goes against regulations for player protection. Im doing this to help exactly people like you TRR. So that sites dont do this to everyone and no one notices. So you dont log on one day and find yourself on the 88% RTP Red Tiger variants for a day and not realise.

    trr420 WANTED $7

    If Casino Heros increased the RTP on playngo sots Eejit it was because they could. I doubt Video Slots will because they want to stay in the UK market and the reason for reducing the RTP is so they can stay in the UK market. Being the biggest slot provider in the UK with more games than anywhere else on offer, i would hate for them to have to leave the market and site that you work with starting to become a last resort for UK players.

    Wise up man, you are not being hated on. I am big enough to apologise if things got heated at times and you feel like you just want to help people and are being attacked for it. That is not the truth.

    What i was doing was trying to point out a few things to you. RTP on a slot is based over millions of spins and worked out to be precise only after a certain amount of spins. There are people calling out sites like Pokerstars for 20 years now. Their pocket aces didn’t win over 84% of the time heads up against one opponent with a random hand. Some people had stats recorded on a poker tracker with say 1 million sets of pocket aces heads up recorded. They are judged to be unlucky and not being scammed due to a far smaller sample size than is needed for the 84.7 % win rate to even out when taking away LUCK and only replying on a “truly random outcome”.
    Pokerstars use a Quantum Random Number Generator with photon emitters to ensure a fair deal (totally random) This is only achievable after millions, if not billions, of deals. (Tested) Other sites like Ipoker and MPN don’t use this technology but are also accused of not being fair and totally random. The RTP is similar to the poker RNG as there is a percentage of times pocket aces will win over millions of hands; just as there is an RTP worked out on a slot machine based over millions of spins or even billions of spins. This is why an RTP for anyone that plays a slot  is not as important over 10,000 spins as it is 10,000,000. You can’t get the RTP as you are totally replying on just luck. Now considering this, why is it fair to try and risk the biggest slot provider having to leave the UK market by demanding they increase an RTP that won’t matter unless it’s over millions or billions of spins? Luck and fairness are a totally different matter when people gamble. Any player in the world is only replying on a game being fair while being unable to prove it to be fair. 

    I stand by what i say about white label platforms/Casinos. They are more likely to leave the UK market than you making videoslots leave it by forcing an increase in RTP they aren’t prepared to accept. I didn’t know the difference between White hat and White label a couple of days ago and after researching it i know more than i would like to admit. 
    Operators/platforms…. like everymatrix, softswiss, tain, progressplay, igaming cloud, softgaming, finn play and even betconstruct with an office Located in London. They aren’t as good, trusted and don’t have anywhere near as much chance of being about as long as videoslots in the UK. I struggle to find a decent Casino (White Label). 
    Everymatrix most popular. Casinocruise and jetbull. Whooopieeee! Safe to say i could do without them. Most platforms offer curacao/malta licences… not UK. You said White label Csinos don’t have to listen to everything the UK gambling commission come up with but they do and if they don’t they would be fined out of the market.  
    Others like Betconstruct located in London have a really bad name already and i can’t imagine them making enough money to afford to stay in the uk market if videoslots can’t. 

    You could spend your time helping ex gamblers get over an addiction for free. You seem to want to help other gamblers even though you don’t fully understand how or why. 
    I am finished with this thread and the other thread i didn’t comment on, after seeing multiple people starting to jump on with insults. That was never my intention. I am not a troll, a conspiracy theorist or Mr B whoever the fck that is lol… i was accused of a lot of things and felt a bit under attack so resorted to name calling. I am the kind of person to curse a lot or not take life to seriously though. Sometimes i forget other people are more easily offended than me and come across a right nasty cunt. 

    argyl53 WANTED $419


     This is why an RTP for anyone that plays a slot  is not as important over 10,000 spins as it is 10,000,000

    This is not really true; it is correct that the theoretical RTP is calculated over the long term and on a lower RTP slot, of course in an average player session of a few hundred spins you can still get big wins and finish in profit.

    But the fact is depending on various game design factors, the difference to the average player in say 92% versus 96% long term RTP can be massive. It can mean across 10 separate sessions of 1000 spins, the chances of being in profit at the end of those spins drops from 3 in 10 or 4 in 10 to just 1 in 10. Other sessions which overall lost might experience returns of 60-70% rather 70-90%. This is an example, the numbers will vary depending on the slot but mathematically even a slight change to the number of higher value symbols across a reel set can make this difference. This is very easily demonstrated by simulation on a backend.

    trr420 WANTED $7

    It is either true or it is not. There is no in between. You can’t say it isn’t really true if the RTP is worked out over 10,000,000 spins and you aren’t talking about that… you are talking about 10,000 spins. Nobody has worked out the RTP for 10,000 spins. So i know you didn’t. Too much luck involved and not enough sample size. There are new games being released weekly and players don’t need to play millions of spins to guarantee  a loss of 4%. Somebody mentioned everybody gambles hoping to win. True, so use your head and shop around hoping to win… rather than play the same old slot for years and be unhappy about the inevitable loss. Rise of the Kingdoms slots release on hills and paddy power recently are 92, 92.3 and 92.55 rtp. I really enjoyed my time playing them. That is why i played them. People that only play slots with a higher RTP need to know the first 1 million spins might result in half the advertised RTP. The next million can result in 200% rtp. However, after 1 million spins they are either broke or unwilling to play a game they never get lucky on.

    trr420 WANTED $7

    Theoretical Rtp can still find a game to be fair and offer the advertised RTP even if it falls a couple of percent short or results in 2% more after 10 mil spins.

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