15th November 2019 at 11:30 pm #83359
The advantage to using some external source of entropy to generate something closer to “true randomness” is not to the player anyway, it’s to Pokerstars; it means it’s highly unlikely anyone could break their system such that they could predict how the virtual decks of cards will be shuffled and dealt.
In terms of statistical randomness, hardware RNGs and cryptographically secure PRNGs do not provide qualitatively better randomness than e.g. Mersenne-Twister algorithm, they’re just less vulnerable to attack. If you write a computer program which simulates a million coin tosses using MT pseudo random and another which does the same via a hardware RNG, you will find the results are statistically almost identical and show an even 50/50 between heads and tails to the accuracy you would expect from the law of large numbers.
There’s no particular point to this post by the way, I just like maths and computer science.
16th November 2019 at 12:08 am #83360I recently found out that when a person tosses a coin it isn’t actually random at all. That blew my mind and made me realise that just because millions of people believe something be true, it doesn’t actually mean it is. It is considered common knowledge, yet it’s just another lie. Shit like that always makes me want to continue to dig deeper and find out the real truth, even if i am laughed at by people who just assume something to be true and not look into the facts or research shit with an open mind…… Considering the extra weight on one side of the coin, over millions of spins it is not going to even out. Rather further increase in favour of the heaviest side. Like heads on a Pound coin.
There is no particular point to this post by the way, other than to make people think about the bigger picture and check that what they believe to be correct, is in fact correct and not something a lot of people just take for granted.
16th November 2019 at 12:45 am #83361BioHazard .Blaming the customer for ‘not checking’ is not a viable counter-argument. I can say the same about a player blaming the Casino for not checking. The Casino doesn’t state anywhere in the terms and conditions it will pay out a certain percentage on a certain game forever. So when you agree to their terms and conditions, you agree that you can’t blame the Casino for not paying out a certain RTP for each game.Well, sure you can say it, but it really doesn’t mean anything. We can all say anything we like, but they’re just words.
I don’t think anyone here has blamed a casino for not paying out a certain RTP for each game? If you haven’t yet gathered, everyone here is disputing the way that players were notified.
The conclusion being all yous people are mad Videoslots didn’t do something for you, that yous all could have done for yourself.What a strange assumption to make. You sure seem to enjoy being wrong.
16th November 2019 at 12:51 am #83362I had to get other people to make me stop ? ??. I seriously think your not right in the head. Deranged lunatic springs to mind.
116th November 2019 at 1:15 am #8336516th November 2019 at 12:34 pm #83373Argyl…. Stop acting like you don’t edit comments. You got a reaction and when i prove you wrong you change the comment. Easy done. You were here with an opinion as a none gambler. Your opinion was on a site that obviously you can’t use because you had to make sure other people stopped you from gambling, rather than stop gambling yourself. That is why you are less responsible than me in relation to gambling. That is why i said you can’t take responsibility for your own actions like me. If i need to stop i don’t need other people to stop for me. Your opinion was that people should stop spending money at video slots and hit them where it hurts. That means you are going out of your way to tell people on gambling forums that they should not play with video slots. Why it has anything to do with you, i don’t know. I like playing there like others who enjoy over 3,000 slots.If 10,000 spins isn’t much then the RTP in that time isn’t as important as you seem to think. 3,000 slots at least plus x10,000 spins on each is equal to at least 30 million spins. So people that spin more than 10,000 times on one slot are almost always going to end up a loser before they stop playing that game.The same can’t be said for 10,000 spins. The increased RTP gives a slightly higher chance to win. What use is that if you play a game too long to make sure you don’t? You are meant to do it for fun or not do it at all. A better way to win playing slots is to play 10,000 spins and move onto another. If you don’t and you want to play the same one because you enjoy playing it, you have no reason to cry about losing money on it.
Comments can only be edited within 5 minutes of posting. Again, all this stuff about me calling for people to boycott VS is all in your head, I never said this and certainly didn’t go back and edit comments to try and hide the evidence. I’m really not so sad that I go back and edit comments on the internet to try and make myself look right. Perhaps you’re projecting your own mentality on to me?
I said I would play a 96% version of a slot over a lower RTP version of the same slot. I said I believe VS should have told players clearly about the changes to RTP on some of their games. That’s all. Again, everything else is in your head.
Your comments about RTP are wrong. Probability theory is a subject I know very well and have explored and explained the how’s and why’s of slot RTP in great detail in previous threads. Can’t be bothered to do it again now but you are free to look at this example:
P.s. you are right about real, physical coin tosses. They are not strictly random in terms of Newtonian physics, neither are roulette wheel spins because “true random” events only occur at the quantum level. Nonetheless, as their outcomes are dependent on so many tiny variables which cannot all be known in advance, they are in practice random and will confirm to the law of large numbers as the number of events increases. This is indeed a mildly interesting point.
16th November 2019 at 2:26 pm #8337616th November 2019 at 4:52 pm #83379I had to get other people to make me stop ? ??. I seriously think your not right in the head. Deranged lunatic springs to mind.
Definitely exhibiting some worrying signs of instability….the latest theory, when he couldn’t find any evidence in my posts of all the stuff he’s made up about me and imagined me saying, is that I must be retroactively editing my posts after he’s replied to try and make him look stupid. This is despite the fact you can only edit comments for up to 5 minutes after posting.
16th November 2019 at 5:53 pm #83381I had to get other people to make me stop ?
. I seriously think your not right in the head. Deranged lunatic springs to mind.
Definitely exhibiting some worrying signs of instability….the latest theory, when he couldn’t find any evidence in my posts of all the stuff he’s made up about me and imagined me saying, is that I must be retroactively editing my posts after he’s replied to try and make him look stupid. This is despite the fact you can only edit comments for up to 5 minutes after posting.
In hindsight that might of been a bit harsh. He does sound like he has some sort of personality disorder so i genuinely hope he get the help he needs.
16th November 2019 at 8:42 pm #83392This reply has been reported for inappropriate content.
Biohazard. The conclusion being all yous people are mad Videoslots didn’t do something for you, that yous all could have done for yourself.
“What a strange assumption to make.” You sure seem to enjoy being wrong.
Well it’s not strange considering you expected them to send an email that might have ended up in your spam section and you wouldn’t see it, just like the news article you didn’t see. Dry your eyes you big baby.This guy is obviously jb……. You like brexit trr420?
That’s a strange question to ask on a gambling forum. Maybe your time would be better spent working for the Labour Party, like all the other butt hurts here that can’t make their mind up on whether they are leaving gambling for good or not. Just like their split personality on Brexit. They enjoy getting upset for no reason, telling lies and defending something that has nothing to do with them .. rather than look after themselves and those close to them. Funny you brought up bexit though, last night i was just thinking all the butt hurts here sound awfully left wing opinion wise.Argyl… if you can’t be bothered to explain yourself i am not clicking links to suffer your opinion by choice.
Eejit . You give up. Good lad. Accept you have a responsibility to gamble wisely or not gamble at all. Stop crying and get over it.
Argyl. You did edit your post on this thread to correct a wrong that i was pointing out until you posted a new comment and i had to change what i was writing.Not that it matters. Why do you seem overly obsessed with it? I told you why you are less responsible than me gambling, why it’s stupid involving yourself in gambling after losing too much and having to make other people stop you gambling. I told you your opinion is related to an issue that doesn’t involve you in any way and that you are telling people to hurt the site by not spending money with them like you have some sort of issue yourself. You have a personal grudge maybe; an issue i can’t see, or hear about what it is from you. You have an opinion of something gambling related because even though you got other people to ban you from gambling before you ruined your own life, you are still clinging onto gambling knowing fine well that doing so will result in you going back to gambling and probably ruining your life. Fill your boots… i was just pointing out how much of a yappy cunt you sound in a place you should avoid.
Haz. What are you talking about you addict that can’t just let go and do something better with his life that won’t lead to self harm? Even somebody with a personality disorder is better fitted to be explaining his personal experience than some weirdo who doesn’t gamble or want to gamble in case he ruins his life. Addiction is a mental health issue too and a personality disorder is found, on average, in more people than a gambling addiction that can lead to self ruin. Maybe you should appreciate the funds put into helping addicted gamblers being more or even to the funds put aside to help those with mental health issues, like personality disorders which 1 in 3 people have whether knowingly or otherwise.. Rather than come here accusing people of being unwell when you have a mental health problem and still self harm on gambling forums to this day. Go get a life you nutcase and stop deflecting you pain and anxiety onto me.
16th November 2019 at 8:47 pm #8339316th November 2019 at 8:48 pm #8339516th November 2019 at 8:50 pm #83396Treatment for those who have a gambling addiction can be hampered since many such people also have personality disorders.
Meredith Brown, PhD, of Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, and colleagues reviewed existing research to find patterns and factors that might link problem gambling and personality disorders.
People with a gambling addiction frequently have characteristics similar to those with antisocial, borderline, histrionic and narcissistic personality disorders, the researchers reported in the Journal of Gambling Studies. They tend to be socially isolated, have problematic relationships with their peers, lower self-esteem and feelings of hopelessness.
In addition, Borderline Personality Disorder is more common in people with a gambling problem than in those who don’t.
Bad relationships during childhood, possible abuse, difficulty in controlling emotions, substance abuse, depression and anxiety disorder, which all can contribute to personality disorders, were also seen in people with gambling problems.
The researchers suggest routine screening for personality disorders when treating someone with a gambling addiction. People with both a gambling addiction and personality disorder are three times more likely to drop out of treatment.
“The fact that problem gambling and high levels of psychopathology often go together indicates a need to undertake routine and systematic screening and assessment of problem gamblers who sign up for treatment,” Brown said in a statement.
The researchers also say that Dialectal Behavior Therapy, which teaches mindfulness and emotion regulation, could help some people with problem gambling.
16th November 2019 at 8:52 pm #83397Like i said. deflecting issues onto me. Like yous all like to do on seemingly anybody. Including a casino … being an addict.
16th November 2019 at 8:54 pm #83398I knew all along it was an attempt to ban me. The truth hurts. I can gather plenty of support on streams and other forums. I have already. Stop with all the looking for an opinion BREXIT REMARK(COUGH COUGH) and then making ban him remarks. You’re all faggots and unhappy with your life.