VideoSlots strange limit options?

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  • #110973
    provic WANTED $3

    Recently signed up on videoslots using bandits link after using the more mainstream UK casinos (Paddy power, Sky vegas etc) and was told to set what i thought was a deposit limit (it said daily just for the time frame), i went and deposited £30 this morning after forgetting i set the ‘deposit limit’ to only £25. didnt get very lucky, lost £25 and had a £5 balance, THEN it tells me to stop spinning because ive reached my daily, weekly and monthly wager limit of £25, EVEN THOUGH IT LET ME DEPOSIT OVER THIS AMOUNT?


    anyone else think this is a bit crazy or has experienced this, have to wait 7 days until it changes, @banit should talk to them about putting limits on depending what your wagering limit is

    Sorry for the moan, starting to sound like bandit LOL,

    cheers for the read



    ragingzeus WANTED $4

    Seems like you set the wrong limit videoslots has a deposit limit and a loss limit sounds like you set up the loss limit and not the deposit limit. I know if your a uk player videoslots now make you set up a loss limit upon opening an account

    provic WANTED $3

    ah thanks,


    thought i was being a bit of a moron when i woke up lol, was tired af

    verman4ik WANTED $2

    Don’t play tired) It can be a rule for everyone, especially for new players

    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    verman4ik wrote:

    Don’t play tired) It can be a rule for everyone, especially for new players

    Or after a few beers, never play while drunk!

    Slot WANTED $51

    how you set your limit on videoslot

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