Hi all,
1st time posting, been a subscriber for a while and lurking on here seeing what fellow degens post about,for the same amount of time. I don’t gamble anymore, I hit big a couple of years ago, big for me anyway, cashed out, tried to chase another cashout failed and left it, so now I watch bandit and a few others alike. I say alike, but there isnt anyone quite like our Steve though, Hes the only streamer I dont tap my screen repeatedly to skip between bonuses, as in my opinion he portrays in vocal form how we are. Calling a machine that doesnt pay a, sweaty muff vagabond with the the clap, or just calling it a straight up Cunt. Weveve all been there atleast I’ve been there and its refreshing to hear a person feel the losses, as we all have and then jump and scare the office when they hit that top!
Anyway, I digress, too much Brew Dog Elvis Juice! I guess I could have kept it a paragraph less and said, love the content combined with the commentary, and the amount you use the word, all slots should be renamed areseholes ?.
Hope you’re all well, I’m getting another beer and finishing off watching the latest upload.