We on for Sunday Slots 2Day Bandito?

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  • #37414
    Jok3st3r WANTED $6

    Immortal Romance, if you can. I fucking hate that game, maybe you can break it!

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    Jok3st3r wrote:

    Immortal Romance, if you can. I fucking hate that game, maybe you can break it!

    I did look for it but surprisingly, it wasn’t bloody there lol I have finished the vid now – I started at 07:52 just so i could be sure i managed to finish it actually on Sunday lmao

    Jok3st3r WANTED $6

    The Bandit wrote:

    Jok3st3r wrote:

    Immortal Romance, if you can. I fucking hate that game, maybe you can break it!

    I did look for it but surprisingly, it wasn’t bloody there lol I have finished the vid now – I started at 07:52 just so i could be sure i managed to finish it actually on Sunday lmao

    That’s surprising, it trolls me everywhere I go.

    Wow 7.52 on a Sunday, that’s commitment for you. Worth it though, im sure. I see all the messages you get when you haven’t done one for a day ?. Looking forward to it.

    Kazza78 WANTED $13

    Good luck on the slot today mate!

    Would love to see a bonus on Danger, high voltage if you get a chance to play it.

    I cant bonus it in about 2 months, its got to the stay that its toying with me now. It must have been close to 3K spins at this stage, no kidding!


    Those damn teases… I stay awake at night and all I hear is…………..Fire in the disco, fire in the disco…… Duuussshhhkk!

    Biohazard WANTED $675

    I’m devastated that there is no donuts in today’s video.

    Quazzi WANTED $149

    Biohazard wrote:

    I’m devastated that there is no donuts in today’s video.

    Has it gone live yet? Cant see it on YT and theres no tweet out?

    J2kjelly WANTED $3

    Bonanza bandit please it’s dicked me for the last 2 month’s for a bonus see if you can get a good one off it mate I can’t wait for that notification for the video hopefully good profit one mate

    blacko1974 WANTED $248

    7.52 am !! Fuckin hell Bandit did u shit the bed?, I was sound asleep in my wanking chariot and you were probably on ur tenth bonus.

    Anonymous WANTED $483

    Pacing around the room waiting for that magical bell notification…



    thunderball6 WANTED $272

    The Bandit wrote:

    Jok3st3r wrote:

    Immortal Romance, if you can. I fucking hate that game, maybe you can break it!

    I did look for it but surprisingly, it wasn’t bloody there lol I have finished the vid now – I started at 07:52 just so i could be sure i managed to finish it actually on Sunday lmao

    And to make sure he didn’t miss the United game today ?

Viewing 10 posts - 16 through 25 (of 25 total)