What forum members are doing in lockdown?

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  • #92572
    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    Seyahkram1977 wrote:

    Winningbird wrote:

    On another note, seedy why am I not getting your mixer notifications?

    Yeah…. wheres our invite ????

    You are defiantly invited mate more the merrier I’ve ran out of rum now though :p

    Winningbird wrote:

    I’m usually there, mixer is fucked /:

    I have no idea why notifications are not working WB :_(

    Haz as the same issue i think he just pops in to check everyday lol around 10 pm.

    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    Smallarms wrote:

    I decided to have a heart attack last week, rushed in and had 4 stents fitted and having a week off before going back to work. Am classed as a key worker so If I don’t go to work they only give me statutory sick pay.

    NHS workers are angels and deserve a mahoosive pay rise, didn’t realise they were on such a low salary.

    Netflix is getting hammered.

    fuck hopefully you get better and in top fighting form mate after your OP

    Yes the NHS are working very hard and do deserve a pay increase.

    Netflix, amazon and Hulu etc all seeing huge increase in service demand just shows how much people are now doing as asked and staying indoors as much as possible.

    Winningbird WANTED $574

    Wish you a speedy recovery, small arms!

    I’ve been on the xbox for the past 3 nights, and that disney game is driving me crackers.

    Seedy message me on twitter if you decide you’re coming online please (:

    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    Winningbird wrote:

    Wish you a speedy recovery, small arms!

    I’ve been on the xbox for the past 3 nights, and that disney game is driving me crackers.

    Seedy message me on twitter if you decide you’re coming online please (:

    Will Do WB. 🙂

    whoswho WANTED $118

    Seedy wrote:

    whoswho wrote:

    Im from NZ. As of Wednesday we are on a 4week lockndown could stretch to 8 maybe even 10.

    we getting paid 80% of our wages every week which is good. Only aloud to go to supermarket and pharmacy. My wife is a nurse at a rest home so it’s me at home alone all day.

    I bought a exotic short hair not long ago so she keeps me company. Also got out the Xbox and bought cod. Was going to get back into grinding poker tournaments again but I really don’t want to go through all the head aches and bad beats again.

    As for slots I feel it wouldn’t be fair to play now that I’m not phisically working, and I think the money I do get would be better saved than played.

    Is it boring well not really I like my own company, and cod is kinda fun

    drop in your gamer tag mate ill add you on ?

    Hey seedy

    im whoswhO

    im just gonna be playing war zone though as it looks awesome, takes a while to download though

    Tommcfc22 WANTED $1

    I just spunked  250 quid 3 days ago bordom  mAde me do it I think

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