What is your most tilted slot for this month ?

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  • #27886
    Cheesy Cock WANTED $6

    Talking of WWTBAM, how’s this for a choice? (i made the wrong one of course it was C and i picked B) 🙂

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    Lol 25/25/25/25 cheers audience!!

    chipzzcicak WANTED $4

    Cheesy Cock wrote:

    Talking of WWTBAM, how’s this for a choice? (i made the wrong one of course it was C and i picked B) ?

    Wow hard choice…i bet the audience only 4 so each of them choose different answer ?

    But still you are lucky reach 20 spin, well i have plenty bonus but none of them succes past 8 spin ?

    chipzzcicak WANTED $4

    The Bandit wrote:

    Lol 25/25/25/25 cheers audience!!

    Its an honour sir…the owner of this awesome website comment on my thread ?

Viewing 4 posts - 16 through 19 (of 19 total)