Where can an ex-gambler borrow money when its urgent?!

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  • #91117
    lainey87 WANTED $5

    Liberty wrote:

    He has a house. He needs to sell the house. Life sucks occasionally. His choice is to wait until the bank takes his house from him and sells it below market value at auction to move it quickly when after costs he might get a bit of money but considerably less than if he SELLS HIS HOUSE.

    Clear the debts his friends and family have taken out for him, start renting and saving so he can buy a new house.

    It’s not rocket science and was suggested extremely early on before you woke up and decided it was highly intelligent to tell his debtors to ignore the letters for the money they borrowed to help him out.

    This is either you being disingenuous or retarded.

    Keep paying mortgage. Forget about family and friends debts and any other debt. Life sucks and sometimes you gotta do what u gotta do. Right or wrong that’s the law

    Liberty WANTED $132

    So let’s say one of the people has a mortgage Lainey.

    It’s on a 2 year fix at 2%, 100k borrowed. 6 months into the fix.

    In 18 months it will revert to the svr which is about 5% so will cost him an extra 8k or so in interest while he waits for this ccj to drop off. Then he’ll have to wait a bit for his credit file to look sexy again to the prime market but even so, this is a good plan?


    These a pretty typical figures, Christ I owe about 200k so you could double the 8k for me.

    Again, you’re either bring disingenuous or retarded.

    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    Liberty wrote:

    He has a house. He needs to sell the house. Life sucks occasionally. His choice is to wait until the bank takes his house from him and sells it below market value at auction to move it quickly when after costs he might get a bit of money but considerably less than if he SELLS HIS HOUSE.

    Clear the debts his friends and family have taken out for him, start renting and saving so he can buy a new house.

    It’s not rocket science and was suggested extremely early on before you woke up and decided it was highly intelligent to tell his debtors to ignore the letters for the money they borrowed to help him out.

    This is either you being disingenuous or retarded.

    That is exactly what i posted. Agree completely. Should definitely sell the house.

    Rbreen91 WANTED $493

    lainey87 wrote:

    Rbreen91 wrote:

    lainey87 wrote:

    Seedy wrote:

    lainey87 wrote:

    Liberty wrote:

    You are some kind of retarded baboon to  suggest that the op should tell their friends and family to suck it up and accept 6 plus years of shredded credit potentially ruining house purchases and remortgages just because it’s the woke thing to do.

    Yeah shove it to the man, don’t pay it brother.. When your fixed term mortgage rate ends just pay and extra 4 points for 5 years. It’s free money brah

    It’s either that or he kills himself. Which he already will be contemplating!!! He needs to go to citizens advice not sit on a forum full of gambling addicts.

    I find it a bit strange that you assume this is a place JUST full of gambling addicts ?‍♂️

    Let’s be honest he should go get some official advice as this will help him go in the right direction. However why shouldn’t he ask his question on here is you have a drinking problem you go to AA you know to talk about it with people who are the same as yourself not only that in most cases the people running them AA classes are people who came out the other side themselves.

    So in short stop being a judgemental shit towards other people.

    Your a gambling forum because you gamble. You watch the videos because you enjoy watching gambling.. your a gambling addict. If you wasn’t you would be able to spend the next 5 years away from it. But you can’t. Because your addicted.. you don’t come to a gambling forum because you like cocaine ? .. next

    You’re a piece of shit, scumbag… so I don’t think anyone cares for your opinion.

    No, I just spoke the truth and you couldn’t take it so you spat your dummy out

    You wouldn’t know the truth if it kicked you up the arse you dense cunt.

    You’ve actually advised someone to tell other people to ignore debts. ??? what a absolute piece of fucking waste you are, pure and utter scum.

    Liberty WANTED $132

    To the opening poster.

    Sell your house. Pay your debts. Suck it up. You earn decent money and it’ll be embarrassing perhaps but it will fix your immediate problem.

    Most importantly get some help for the gambling urges.

    Life sucks sometimes but it can always get better. You can recover from almost anything except from death so put suicidal thoughts to one side and fix your immediate problem.

    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    What if one of his family or friends couldn’t afford their own mortgage lainey87 because they hadn’t been paid to pay the loan off. Still ok not to pay them ?

    lainey87 WANTED $5

    U can always pay a ccj 30 day’s before it goes on your credit record so it never goes on. Hence why I wrote earlier to start saving. Put cash in savings pot. If and when a ccj comes pay it if you wish, it won’t be on your credit record and by that time most defaults will have dropped off.

    By year 6 ull be debt free

    Learn about debt law ?

    Liberty WANTED $132

    Haz40 wrote:

    What if one of his family or friends couldn’t afford their own mortgage lainey87 because they hadn’t been paid to pay the loan off. Still ok not to pay them ?

    Christ I hadn’t thought of that. If one of them remortgaged their house to get the loan they could be fucked too.

    Rbreen91 WANTED $493

    Liberty wrote:

    Haz40 wrote:

    What if one of his family or friends couldn’t afford their own mortgage lainey87 because they hadn’t been paid to pay the loan off. Still ok not to pay them ?

    Christ I hadn’t thought of that. If one of them remortgaged their house to get the loan they could be fucked too.

    But it’s fine, some scumbag said to just fuck them off.

    lainey87 WANTED $5

    Haz40 wrote:

    What if one of his family or friends couldn’t afford their own mortgage lainey87 because they hadn’t been paid to pay the loan off. Still ok not to pay them ?

    Fuck them.. that’s how law works. Ruthless all the way

    lainey87 WANTED $5

    Rbreen91 wrote:

    lainey87 wrote:

    Rbreen91 wrote:

    lainey87 wrote:

    Seedy wrote:

    lainey87 wrote:

    Liberty wrote:

    You are some kind of retarded baboon to  suggest that the op should tell their friends and family to suck it up and accept 6 plus years of shredded credit potentially ruining house purchases and remortgages just because it’s the woke thing to do.

    Yeah shove it to the man, don’t pay it brother.. When your fixed term mortgage rate ends just pay and extra 4 points for 5 years. It’s free money brah

    It’s either that or he kills himself. Which he already will be contemplating!!! He needs to go to citizens advice not sit on a forum full of gambling addicts.

    I find it a bit strange that you assume this is a place JUST full of gambling addicts ?‍♂️

    Let’s be honest he should go get some official advice as this will help him go in the right direction. However why shouldn’t he ask his question on here is you have a drinking problem you go to AA you know to talk about it with people who are the same as yourself not only that in most cases the people running them AA classes are people who came out the other side themselves.

    So in short stop being a judgemental shit towards other people.

    Your a gambling forum because you gamble. You watch the videos because you enjoy watching gambling.. your a gambling addict. If you wasn’t you would be able to spend the next 5 years away from it. But you can’t. Because your addicted.. you don’t come to a gambling forum because you like cocaine ? .. next

    You’re a piece of shit, scumbag… so I don’t think anyone cares for your opinion.

    No, I just spoke the truth and you couldn’t take it so you spat your dummy out

    You wouldn’t know the truth if it kicked you up the arse you dense cunt.

    You’ve actually advised someone to tell other people to ignore debts. ??? what a absolute piece of fucking waste you are, pure and utter scum.

    Yes they are non priority debts. Learn about priority and non priority debts

    Rbreen91 WANTED $493

    You just know this cunt walks about with a stick they don’t need and fraudulently claims DLA.

    lainey87 WANTED $5

    Rbreen91 wrote:

    You just know this cunt walks about with a stick they don’t need and fraudulently claims DLA.

    Don’t claim benefits. Only claimed to get the ccjs down to £1 ?

    Sorry but millions of people are doing this. This is the law.. you don’t like it then go speak to parliament..

    lainey87 WANTED $5

    Anyway. Good look OP. Go to citizens advice and got off forums full of people making the same mistake you have.. which is gambling. House always wins and don’t chase losses.. we all make mistakes in life. Ull get through it. Good luck

    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    lainey87 wrote:

    Haz40 wrote:

    What if one of his family or friends couldn’t afford their own mortgage lainey87 because they hadn’t been paid to pay the loan off. Still ok not to pay them ?

    Fuck them.. that’s how law works. Ruthless all the way

    Wow you are stopping to new levels of low that would be his family your just say fuck them.

    Listen no one on here agrees with you so I suggest you walk away. You are of course allowed your own thoughts and how you want to handle your own situation. But no one is thinking along the same lines as you.

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