Where can an ex-gambler borrow money when its urgent?!

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    hitopz1 WANTED $4

    lainey87 wrote:

    Has to respond to this. Here’s my story and how to get out of the mess your in. Listen and forget what others tell you.. simple

    6 years ago I was 14k in debt. Loans, credit cards, catalogs, phone contracts, pay day loans. Anything I could get my hands on. I had a cocaine and gambling addiction..


    One morning at 5am after walking out of a casino. Broke. No money left. And I mean I maxed everything out I was walking home and stood on a train track bridge. I wanted to jump. But was too scared. Nobody knew about this 14k debt.


    I eventually came down from the bridge and walked home. I lived with my dad.. I came home and told him I was 14k debt. He said… it’s done now.. you can’t do anything about it.. get on with your life.. so that’s what I did..


    I ignored all the debts completely.. after 6 years they are statue barred. Forget bankruptcy.. after 6 years the debts are gone.. so the years went by, I ended up with 5 ccjs.. when you get a ccj you can ask the court to pay the minimum.. so I was on the dole.. I pay £1 per month for 6 years for each of those ccjs.. after 6 years they are gone.. I will still owe the money but I won’t be paying them a penny as the ccj leaves my credit record and they will have to take me to court again to get another ccj of they want there £1 a month again..


    So Yes, just ignore them. Honestly.. pay your mortgage and ignore the loans and credit cards.. when they come at you with a ccj you have 30 day’s to pay anyway before it goes on your record. It’s not all as bad as you think..


    I can’t be trusted with money at all.. I still gamble. I have a credit card. I don’t owe anything on it , I snapped it up lol.. I won 2.7k last month, clicked withdraw, reversed it and did £20 spins on kong megaways. Lost the lot.. but I’m not in debt..


    Gambling gives you serious anxiety and depression. It ain’t worth it.. ur not chasing money. Your chasing dopamine that your brain releases.. it has nothing to do with money..


    I watch bandits videos to stop me gambling. Plain and simple. He’s an idiot. He’s gaining off depressed people with anxiety.. but hey.. it’s a cruel world.. getting money from people who sign up? He has no idea what it’s like for these people. Most of them suicidal yet he’s making cash off them.. another story for another day..


    Debt is east to get out of. My credit file has recovered. Yes I have 5 ccjs. But aqua have given me a card back, after my last debt with them was statue barred..


    Don’t jump. Don’t do anything stupid.. don’t pay them.. just get on with your life.. in 6 years you will be debt free if you listen..


    And I stop gambling when I don’t have access to cash.. get wages paid to mrs.. if you don’t have cash you can’t gamble..


    U can’t win it back.. uve gone too far.. but in 6 years you can be debt free.


    Enjoy life..

    Not good advice, my friend. This isn’t how it works and, from what you have said here, things aren’t as you think they are with you either. Far better to face up to the debts – he’s not like you – he has a wife and kid – and take the long, hard but, ultimately, more secure road to financial and mental health.

    Soxdog7 WANTED $10

    This reply has been reported for inappropriate content.

    Haha what nonsense. The guys clearly a troll.
    if he’s lost all his money then he’s a fool and deserved it.

    you can’t be on here preaching RG and defending the sites owner, it’s a oxymoron. It’s that simple.

    gambling addiction isn’t a addiction, it’s a choice.

    it he’s lost everything and in is a bad way he certainly wouldn’t come to a small site like this to help himself, it’s a lie and laughable.

    you clowns Commenting are just as bad, a guy loses his life and all he owns, yet comes on the bandits website for help!!! HahahahahaahahhahahahhaaahhHHhHhahahahahaahahah!!! Oh! HahhhahahhhHh

    hitopz1 WANTED $4

    Soxdog7 wrote:

    Haha what nonsense. The guys clearly a troll. if he’s lost all his money then he’s a fool and deserved it.

    you can’t be on here preaching RG and defending the sites owner, it’s a oxymoron. It’s that simple.

    gambling addiction isn’t a addiction, it’s a choice.

    it he’s lost everything and in is a bad way he certainly wouldn’t come to a small site like this to help himself, it’s a lie and laughable.

    you clowns Commenting are just as bad, a guy loses his life and all he owns, yet comes on the bandits website for help!!! HahahahahaahahhahahahhaaahhHHhHhahahahahaahahah!!! Oh! HahhhahahhhHh

    Your 1st sentence doesn’t make sense. Your second sentence uses the word ‘oxymoron’ incorrectly.

    As for your third sentence…If alcoholism, drug abuse and smoking are all choices, then I agree with you that gambling is a choice. You clearly have never had an addiction. Good for you. For those of us who do have addictions – that is, patterns of behaviour which are routine but which are self-harming, we understand where this guy is coming from. Saying he has an addiction doesn’t absolve him from responsibility. Far from it. It places the rest of us – and his family and friends – under an obligation to offer support to help him break that habit that he has got into. The best advice on addiction tends to come from former addicts.

    If that makes me a clown, then I am very happy to be called a clown 🙂

    benq99 WANTED $229
    ayma4quit WANTED $47

    Soxdog7 wrote:

    This reply has been reported for inappropriate content.

    Haha what nonsense. The guys clearly a troll. if he’s lost all his money then he’s a fool and deserved it.

    you can’t be on here preaching RG and defending the sites owner, it’s a oxymoron. It’s that simple.

    gambling addiction isn’t a addiction, it’s a choice.

    it he’s lost everything and in is a bad way he certainly wouldn’t come to a small site like this to help himself, it’s a lie and laughable.

    you clowns Commenting are just as bad, a guy loses his life and all he owns, yet comes on the bandits website for help!!! HahahahahaahahhahahahhaaahhHHhHhahahahahaahahah!!! Oh! HahhhahahhhHh

    Best part of you ran down the inside of your mums thigh, pondlife prick

    bobbkos WANTED $19

    I cannot even fathom how bad the advice is in here from this clown suggesting he just ignore the debt.

    The ignorance to turn around and claim that they are ‘debt free’ after having all the debt written off – be it law or not – is repulsive. It’s absolutely everything that is wrong with people and shows the absolute worst in people.

    Have some respect for yourself before claiming you are some debt free Saint – you took the cowards way out rather than fronting up. You messed up and just said ‘well I don’t wanna have to deal with this’ – it’s pathetic.

    OP – get the house sold – it really is the best. Don’t ignore your debts just isn’t worth it or right and I suspect you aren’t in the market to do that.

    Get yourself to AA or hypnotherapy – that’s what I did, I’ve around 10K left to pay of 45K of debt I ran up about 4 years ago.

    No need to cheat the system or go on the dole, hard work and dedication to getting it paid. The bloke who cried his way away from debt is a shell of a man. Pathetic.

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $706

    Soxdog7 wrote:

    This reply has been reported for inappropriate content.

    Haha what nonsense. The guys clearly a troll. if he’s lost all his money then he’s a fool and deserved it.

    you can’t be on here preaching RG and defending the sites owner, it’s a oxymoron. It’s that simple.

    gambling addiction isn’t a addiction, it’s a choice.

    it he’s lost everything and in is a bad way he certainly wouldn’t come to a small site like this to help himself, it’s a lie and laughable.

    you clowns Commenting are just as bad, a guy loses his life and all he owns, yet comes on the bandits website for help!!! HahahahahaahahhahahahhaaahhHHhHhahahahahaahahah!!! Oh! HahhhahahhhHh

    This fucker got a huge tree up his arse about something ….. right, hands up …who slept with his wife/ killed his dog / eat the last rolo to send him round the bend ?

    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    Ok I have closed this due to just now it turning into a argument thread instead of what the OP started it for.

    I hope the OP saught advice in the correct places and found a way to get himself on the road to debt free again.

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