Which is best, the moment you hit that mega win or when it hits your bank?!

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    thunderball6 WANTED $272

    Just thought I would ask . As i get a bigger buzz when it hits my bank. Then when i do when i actually win it.

    Eightblack WANTED $446

    The win unfortunately.. I think that’s what separates the problem gamblers from not.. by the time it hits my bank I’m just looking forwards to gamble with it again in the hope of the big win serotonin rush i had before..

    appleman91 WANTED $42

    Losing the concept of money made it mean nothing going into the bank, it just meant I could spin again. That’s not bragging I was flush because I wasn’t, just any spare money I had it went into a casino.

    The biggest buzz for me was going 3k down and winning it all back or nearly all back.

    Djneeds WANTED $55

    For me its deffo when it rolls in! Im like yes now i can afford to eat ?

    Kelvin WANTED $31

    when I was playing it was the win rolling in that gave a buzz most of the time when it hit the bank it would go straight back.

    brizman WANTED $46

    I’ll be able to tell you when i get a first mega win..?. ?

    Andymitzy WANTED $64

    Oh mate surely 99% of the people on here play for that buzz of the nice win over the actual cash. That’s what’s wrong with gamblers lol we get that buzz of the hit then want it again but bigger lol the money in the bank three days later knowing it’s going in is kinda boring by then and u have already spent it in ur mind or owe it…?maybe just me lol

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