Who holds the record?

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  • #73561
    Liberty WANTED $132

    Just Basics has got the art of being contrary down pat for sure. His threads are mostly interesting to me, if not only for the hope that talking through some of his stranger ideas might help him see that while nothing is black and white, most things are answerable to a reasonable enough degree.

    To be completely fair to just basics he is very capable of admitting an error or a mistake and while he often sees red and tilts out on the forums I think he regrets a lot of it and has certainly apologised for lots of it too.

    Right… I feel dirty now, PayPal me the agreed £2k jb. ?


    I really miss dune2000, he was an active straight talker who got banned for imho something that he shouldn’t have been banned for.

    I miss Mr B because he was just basics’ sith Lord and was mostly comedy value.

    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    Haz40 wrote:

    Ah yes seedy seen that. Jb probably has the quickest to 10 pages. Btw are you doing more horse racing stream comp things. I’ve upgraded my internet. Got new watchamacallit coming monday and upgraded tariff on my mobile?

    Be streaming Sunday night probably mate and maybe Monday lol depends how tired I am ??

    Anonymous WANTED $483

    Liberty wrote:

    Just Basics has got the art of being contrary down pat for sure. His threads are mostly interesting to me, if not only for the hope that talking through some of his stranger ideas might help him see that while nothing is black and white, most things are answerable to a reasonable enough degree.

    To be completely fair to just basics he is very capable of admitting an error or a mistake and while he often sees red and tilts out on the forums I think he regrets a lot of it and has certainly apologised for lots of it too.

    Right… I feel dirty now, PayPal me the agreed £2k jb. ?


    I really miss dune2000, he was an active straight talker who got banned for imho something that he shouldn’t have been banned for.

    I miss Mr B because he was just basics’ sith Lord and was mostly comedy value.

    Thx dude x

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    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    Seedy wrote:

    Haz40 wrote:

    Ah yes seedy seen that. Jb probably has the quickest to 10 pages. Btw are you doing more horse racing stream comp things. I’ve upgraded my internet. Got new watchamacallit coming monday and upgraded tariff on my mobile?

    Be streaming Sunday night probably mate and maybe Monday lol depends how tired I am ??

    Ok mate i think that’s today ???. You’ve no idea how long it took me to write this post. Well 26 players tonight finished 3rd no re buys. £10 for £60 ??. I’m a bit merry.

    Malkychamp WANTED $486

    No rebuys :O your a changed man haz haha 😀

    Nice work

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