Who want to be a millionaire BS

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  • #27729
    dea1987 WANTED $0

    Playing it for the first time today took over 1000 spins to bonus Got ask the audience 87% said C so obviously I go for that one but the 3% that said A was right. Feel like I have been completely shafted. Anybody else been shafted this hard lol

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    It has lost for me on the first gamble 5 times in a row now lol 😀 The chances?!!

    dea1987 WANTED $0

    I didn’t play for another one to find out .Definitely going on my bin list

    Winningbird WANTED $574

    Played WWTBAM yestday. Lost twice for me first time but they were both 4 scatter triggers. First was 87% and lost and second was 74% or something and lost.

    These answering questions must be thick as pig poop ?

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