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  • #22834
    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    Jesus Tp that is a crap one 🙁

    A friend of mine had reached 192 bees and gave up and we have seen from another poster that 229 i think it was had been reached, my personal worst still stands at 137 and of course i had moved up the stakes so that one was a hit and a half on the wallet 🙁

    Damo WANTED $42

    Just an update on mine.. well over 200 bees, Lost count and if finally popped @ £420 in and it paid £6.60! 6 pound fucking 60! safe to say im not playing swarm again! Off to watch Bandits Vid to cheer me up 🙁

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    The Swarm paid £6.60?! On what stake?! FK me that has to be some sort of record!

    Damo WANTED $42

    The Bandit wrote:

    The Swarm paid £6.60?! On what stake?! FK me that has to be some sort of record!

    i was only playing 60p stake, couldn’t afford to lose much more so couldn’t raise up 🙁 Just checked and i was actually about £520 in not £420.. lesson learnt! Don’t play swarm unless you are prepared to stump up the balance to go high stakes, i just couldn’t stomach losing much more.

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    That is the worst paying bonus i have heard of from a Swarm to be honest! That is madness 🙁

    Damo WANTED $42

    Well at least i can go down in history.. even if it is negative! hopefully nobody ever beats me!

    Bateson1997 WANTED $3

    I have been playing wild swarm, had at least 50-100 bees on max level but no activation of bonus, I can only afford 40p/60p.. what do I do next?

    RachelP WANTED $1

    Hi guys.It was my first try on the swarm today. The bandit made it look to easy Haha. Took thousands of spins and finally when I got them out it paid around 300x and I was around £80 down after hours of playing. 20p spins lol . Think I will give that one a miss in future.

Viewing 8 posts - 76 through 83 (of 83 total)