World Cup 2018 Fantasy Football..?

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  • #6803
    MattMorris1992 WANTED $9

    Any thought of doing a world cup fantasy league Steve?

    eejit101 WANTED $312

    Create a pick’em game on here – Everyone can be in the same pool…. simple.


    The Minkle WANTED $4

    You could make as league on The Suns website. Shit paper with shit morals but the set up is good and you only need 11 players and 50m to spend. Just a thought

    Sportito WANTED $0

    You can play World cup fantasy football leagues on Sportito as well. There’s no budget restriction when drafting the teams.  You can win real money everyday when you play on Sportito because there will be new contests available everyday..You will get the best FIFA World Cup Fantasy Leagues with more than one contest every day with real money prizes.

    Your feedback is most welcome!


    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    Sportito wrote:

    You can play World cup fantasy football leagues on Sportito as well. There’s no budget restriction when drafting the teams.  You can win real money everyday when you play on Sportito because there will be new contests available everyday..You will get the best FIFA World Cup Fantasy Leagues with more than one contest every day with real money prizes.

    Your feedback is most welcome!


    The right way to advertise your site would have been to at least ask Steve first would have been polite at least. I’ve removed the link due to this if anyone wants to advertise there own site etc a simple please to ste normaly results in him saying YES providing you are at least somewhat s active user of the forum.

    SkintForTheMonth WANTED $3

    The Sun Dream Team App?

    Get one set up Mr Bandit sir. (or Mr. Seedy)

    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    SkintForTheMonth wrote:

    The Sun Dream Team App?

    Get one set up Mr Bandit sir. (or Mr. Seedy)

    I will look into sorting this today mate and funny enough I did actually mention I would do it to Steve yesterday lol. 🙂

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