Worrying video, Steve

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    argyl53 WANTED $419

    I’m 23 minutes in to today’s video and granted that knowing The Bandit and his crazy gambles, it wouldn’t surprise if by the end of the vid there’s been some epic turnaround but I have to say Steve…23 minutes in, you actually don’t sound well today. And I mean you couldn’t sound any less like someone in control of what they’re doing and any more like an addict on full tilt.

    I hope there is some turnaround, but please remember that you don’t have to be gambling your rent money to have occasionally lost control and let a habit get the better of you. Take care of yourself, please.

    Kingkennyoo9 WANTED $7

    Got to be totally honest Mr B think your latest video was the worst you have ever made. It was almost like it wasn’t even you in parts, in times gone by you have made single slot series videos, high stake videos and so on but it was like to make sure you please everyone people on here who are in our own little family community you just went into full tilt mode just to get a video up. I probably speak for 99.9% of people who watch you it wouldn’t matter if it was 1/2/3/4 weeks until your next video as long as you are you, and play how you allways tend to play. in past videos, I completely understand the frustration with the bank and the fact you were being well and truly robbed but the last thing we want is to see a broken Mr B just to please his loyal followers. I am so glad you turned it around at the end with your forever saviour REEL KING But if you ever feel rushed into putting a video up before a holiday or birthday ect ect just leave it and make one when you fully have the time we all completely understand and don’t want to see you tilt like that again. Please have an amazing holiday in Vegas and we will see you when your back all the best kingkenny009 and the wifey from Plymouth x

    Ruthy WANTED $0

    Yep you bet a lot at times, yep you have lost a lot at times and yep you have won money back/made profit at times, but most importantly…yep it’s YOUR money to do what YOU want with! Great video as always and I just wanted to say, every video I never fair to make me & my hubby laugh. Especially with “Griffin the fucking bastard fat hipacrock a pig!” ?

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    argyl53 wrote:

    I’m 23 minutes in to today’s video and granted that knowing The Bandit and his crazy gambles, it wouldn’t surprise if by the end of the vid there’s been some epic turnaround but I have to say Steve…23 minutes in, you actually don’t sound well today. And I mean you couldn’t sound any less like someone in control of what they’re doing and any more like an addict on full tilt.

    I hope there is some turnaround, but please remember that you don’t have to be gambling your rent money to have occasionally lost control and let a habit get the better of you. Take care of yourself, please.

    Tbh argyl, i have had a hell of a run lately with the Wild Swarm game and it is creeping in to my normal play – i am 6 figures up on that game currently which is mental for me, as i said it is heading towards life changing money now, I think i was actually quite restrained on Chilli, stake wise, it does go up to £2k after all lol A lot of that session there was off the back of the £4000 i won on my halves with Rocknrolla in his stream the other night, it all pretty much came from chilli so i tried to go there again haha I’m all good.

    I actually had a horse come in for £3,500 on Victor earlier so incredibly i got pretty much all i lost on there back through that!

    argyl53 WANTED $419

    Tbh argyl, i have had a hell of a run lately with the Wild Swarm game and it is creeping in to my normal play – i am 6 figures up on that game currently which is mental for me, as i said it is heading towards life changing money now

    Yeah you’ve said that in one of the big Wild Swarm videos you did and I get it, but casinos can take life changing money off you just as fast as they can give it. Only you know how you felt on Friday’s session but it really came across like you allowed your mood with the deposits to get the better of you, it didn’t seem like you enjoyed chasing Chilli like that, just like you were well fucked off with everything.

    I lost £1200 the other day in about 15 minutes on live roulette and I can sit there and go “oh yeah but it doesn’t really matter because it was all profit off my last slot session” but that doesn’t make it sting any less for me, because it’s not the money (though it is a lot of money for me, I built it up off a £35 deposit) it’s the fact that I let a run of bad numbers on roulette wind me up and take control of my mood and therefore my play. You don’t have to be losing money you can’t afford to lose control of your gambling, even if you are in control a lot of the time. You were even telling yourself to step away from the computer because you knew it was what you should do, that’s exactly what I do when the roulette gets the better of me sometimes.

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    Yeah the whole banking scenario had me going up the wall tbh – that last reload i genuinely thought it was just going to do the same thing and i was going to step away but sod’s law, it bloody worked. I like chasing chilli like that and i don’t like it – it is a very dangerous game as i have said plenty of times before. My appetite for it had just been stoked when me and Paul had the big hit on it the other night that’s all really, out my system with it for a while again now!

    Mjheath69 WANTED $1

    Best of luck in Vegas mate!

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