Would like to thank bandit

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  • #90688

    Thanks for a great stream today mate hope you enjoyed doing it as much as we all enjoyed watching it hope there is more to come and after watching your stream today I hope people realise all the effort you go through to make a video having to play that many hours then sit through it all to edit all that footage down to make a YouTube video

    Winningbird WANTED $574

    I really enjoyed it, it’s just a shame he ended up in such a minus for the video. My eyes feel so shrimpy though.. I watched the whole thing on my phone ?

    slottinggooner WANTED $23

    Massive +1, the losses were eyewatering but this is real gambling not the contrived shit that other business streamers thrive on.

    I noticed that despite the short notice, Steve got over 2k people watching his first stream. There was only one other streamer that got more views when he was live, Mr fake man himself.

    Massive respect to Steve, and thanks for an afternoons entertainment. I do think Reel King has permanently been rebooted though probably due to your wins last year. Might be best to swerve this slot from now on.





    Babytigereyes WANTED $9

    <b><i>Thank-you Bandit and Congratulations on your first live stream on twitch so nice to see the face behind the voice you did great today hope to see more of you in the future and I think I can speak for all your fans its great to have you back.  Good luck in all you do especially on the slots.  Big Cheers from Canada</i></b>

    whoswho WANTED $118

    Awesome stream bandit, unfortunately it’s Monday here and I had to got off work. I’m a rep and had to drive 6hours away, so I hooked my phone up to my Bluetooth and just listened to the whole thing. Awesome thanks for making my ride all the more funnier

    Jazzee WANTED $14

    Enjoyed the stream, watched it later & holy crap man, you would pass as Jimbo’s dad, afterall he does look 12 lol

    Good stream though & good to see the mug shot to go with the vid 🙂


    Elvisp1977 WANTED $8

    Hi nice to see you back I watched the whole stream really entertaining a profit would have been the icing on the cake better luck next time reel king has changed and I personally don’t like it now as it never seems to let you climb the ladder to glory

    have fun

    Elvisp1977 WANTED $8

    For a great stream shame reel king let’s you down better luck next time have fun nice to see you in person

    take care enjoy your week kindest regards John

    Anonymous WANTED $110

    stay away from reel king,nice stream good luck next time

    Haggisturbos WANTED $1

    Good stuff Bandit. Something to watch o  a Sunday at last!

    EnglishGuy WANTED $99

    Great stream. Nasty reel king xx

    jayuk000 WANTED $1

    Who’s mr fake man?

    blueyes WANTED $81

    You got well stitched up on honey rush man. If that had been a premium with those multipliers ??????

    anthony WANTED $2

    yep great video think you enjoyed the company side of it as well , but pls dont get caught up in high stakes ilove the £2/£5 stakes as well dude , also put a counter banner on top saying how much you put inso you dont have to answer the same dam question (how much how much) also dude let the ppl like ourselfs deal with the tits in chat then you dont need to, just answer the questions you want to buddy, also play games you want to maybe for first part of the stream your way always works out in end most times anyway lol , then at end b4 you get off maybe take one or two from chat to play , hope any of this helps you out alittle for next stream , but from me 100% awesome cant wait till next one

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