wow begging it up really mate ?

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  • #68761

    just had to put this post on after seeing theses post over and over again makes my piss boil quite sad how low people will go trying to beg on the forum ive seen so many post clearly begging it up where are these peoples pride i think its lower than a snakes belly coming on here with post all aimed at trying to get money out of  kind hearted people need to get a  grip and stop with the begging posts we all struggle in life sometimes but we get through it but coming on here trying to beg money its quite Pathetic if ya asked me and this is not aimed a one person to all the people who do it has i have seen so many on here now doing it just anoys the hell out me just reading there pathetic attemps to play on peoples emotions for finacial gains get a fking grip sad people.

    thatfamousjimmy WANTED $23

    THEBARON wrote:

    just had to put this post on after seeing theses post over and over again makes my piss boil quite sad how low people will go trying to beg on the forum ive seen so many post clearly begging it up where are these peoples pride i think its lower than a snakes belly coming on here with post all aimed at trying to get money out of  kind hearted people need to get a  grip and stop with the begging posts we all struggle in life sometimes but we get through it but coming on here trying to beg money its quite Pathetic if ya asked me and this is not aimed a one person to all the people who do it has i have seen so many on here now doing it just anoys the hell out me just reading there pathetic attemps to play on peoples emotions for finacial gains get a fking grip sad people.

    How can I transfer you some money THE BARON? How much you need? Had some luck of the slots so want to help you?

    Winningbird WANTED $574

    Theres already a topic on this 🙂


    lol im ok thanks jimmy charity begins at home so suggest ya buy yaself something nice


    THEBARON wrote:

    lol im ok thanks jimmy charity begins at home so suggest ya buy yaself something nice

    not seen it winningbird whats the name of thread


    lol think just seen it was the name of thread not a begging post

    Winningbird WANTED $574

    Yes that’s the one 🙂

    benq99 WANTED $229
    Outlaw   this guy is fake but begs for money every day .i find him so good at putting on an act on and every mth begs to not be homeless


    haha proper streaming begging it up hes so skint still can afford is internet though wat a bell germ the lows people will go to ide rather be licking crumbs out the bread bin than be begging off anyone even if i needed help ide rather get through on my own thats pride thats life wow ive been homeless miself a few times in my younger years growing up  but pulled through all the shit its what makes us into the people we are dealing with the problems that life sometimes throws at you i dont mind giving odd bit off change to homeless people on street are buying them i sandwhich but people beging it up on forums and streaming for money i see through that and it pisses me off cause they are people who live on the streets who havent got roof over there head dont no were there next meal coming from some people  have no idea find other ways to fund ya habits are go on holiday are buy ya girlfriends gifts makes ya laugh some people no idea rant over  lol

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