Xbob finally gets his wish

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  • #80858
    whoswho WANTED $116

    Well done mate you finally got your beloved donuts to feature on a bandit vid.

    So can I please have a request for sweet harvest to be played on a future vid? It’s a micro gaming game with loads of potential easy to bonus unlike donuts.

    anyway thanks for the vid enjoyable as allways

    Xbobmad WANTED $734

    One of these days Bandit will hit big on the Donuts ? or put it on the banned list ?

    I think there should be an active banned list and maybe a redemption video every 6 / 12 months to see if a game gets removed from it ?

    Apart from Paint @seedy that’s on permaban

    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    I’ll have you know PAINT is a legendary game and you know it!!! ?????

    Hows the wife and the little one? Hope all is well.

    I would ask how you are but as you insulted paint you can get fudged..?????

    Xbobmad WANTED $734

    Seedy wrote:

    Hows the wife and the little one? Hope all is well.

    Mrs Xbob is still very sore, Baby Xbob is doing great 😀 She’s sleeping fairly well at the moment as well 🙂

    I’m back at work after my baby break, I really didn’t want to go back!

    Seedy wrote:

    I would ask how you are but as you insulted paint you can get fudged..


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