Xbobmad Special!!!

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  • #83760
    Tricky0212 WANTED $82

    Xbob – have you seen the latest “casinogrounds” video! You’re in for a right treat ?

    Xbobmad WANTED $735

    I think everyone that mocks my choice of game should watch that video and see my point ????


    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $706

    Xbobmad wrote:

    I think everyone that mocks my choice of game should watch that video and see my point ????


    I gen like donuts, and it’s down to one Saturday a few months ago and a butt tonne of purple donuts and £ 1000 pound ish win and then when reading up on the game the btg representative said in their game testing it had dropped 50x in all the bonus x boxes, and I went …..yep …. fucking brill

    Winningbird WANTED $574

    They will say that waint they.. anything to make you play a slot more often haha. I love donuts because it’s different to many other slots, but it wouldnt be my first choice of BTG anymore.

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