Ya Banned Mate!

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  • #64908
    Anonymous WANTED $483

    This is a topic id like to speak my complete truth about.

    Im a long term follower of Bandit. And im a long time member of this forum who has created over 60 topics(some heated ones) and nearly a thousand replys or comments. So i think i have the right more than most to say what im about to say here.

    This forum is getting fucking stupid. Some members and both Mods…Yeah Bandit and Seedy are obviously allowing it to decend into a world of shit atm.

    Im all for laws and stuff. But dont dictate to me what i can and cant say. With threats of being blocked or banned. By all means ban me if im being threatening or abusive. But you Simply CANNOT ban someone if you dont agree with them.

    Yeah Mr B was a Fame hungry whore who wanted all the attention on him. But who are you to ban him? He brought a fuck load to this forum. More than almost anyone.

    Yeah Dune was a fucking muppet who spoke his complete truth, even if it made people including me wanna go off on him. But who are you to fucking ban him? He was a dick to me…but i FULLY respected him. And you ban him for a Slight bit of saltyness.

    If this is the law that Bandit and Seedy want here. Then Yeah il respect it…..but i wont be a fucking part of it.

    I want to stay. But i assume Bandit will be Bandit and say Fucking go then JB.

    Open forum means anything besides threats and abuse can be said.

    So fucking give your Heads a shake people.

    Do not lock or remove this topic please. It needs to be discussed in the correct manner.



    Kingpab WANTED $149

    Looks like your fishing here pal ?.

    Thing is certain people might write a lot on here but the forum was becoming about a handful of people. I truly believe that attitudes on this site have kept people away. Any newbie to this site was just belittled or called a cunt if he had a different view.


    The Bandit is right getting rid of some people as this might make the forum come alive again.

    Let’s see what happens next

    Anonymous WANTED $483

    Kingpab wrote:

    Looks like your fishing here pal ?.

    Thing is certain people might write a lot on here but the forum was becoming about a handful of people. I truly believe that attitudes on this site have kept people away. Any newbie to this site was just belittled or called a cunt if he had a different view.


    The Bandit is right getting rid of some people as this might make the forum come alive again.

    Let’s see what happens next

    Honestly not fishing mate believe me. This had to be said. Many long term members have said the same as i am. So dont turn this into a battle please.

    I agree new members would be turned off by reading most of the debates on here. And thats what i want to fix.

    I don’t want peace and love. I just want truths and Honesty to be heard without being scared of being banned.

    Eightblack WANTED $446

    I agree with what you say with regards to general free speech which is leaking over onto major platforms like twitter, Facebook etc but BIAM is a small forum owned by one guy who has no reason to host it, its not like its flooded with ads and I bet the casinos would pay him a chunk to let them stick a sneaky pop up here and there.. I’m sure they’ve offered, so he can decide really


    Mr B was constantly causing issues and making loads of threads for nothing more than an argument. Dune was a bit different but he did piss the bandit off before so why should he let him carry on here if he thinks he’s a dick

    Anonymous WANTED $483

    Eightblack wrote:

    I agree with what you say with regards to general free speech which is leaking over onto major platforms like twitter, Facebook etc but BIAM is a small forum owned by one guy who has no reason to host it, its not like its flooded with ads and I bet the casinos would pay him a chunk to let them stick a sneaky pop up here and there.. I’m sure they’ve offered, so he can decide really


    Mr B was constantly causing issues and making loads of threads for nothing more than an argument. Dune was a bit different but he did piss the bandit off before so why should he let him carry on here if he thinks he’s a dick


    Mr B was a wierd one but he had many good qualitys.

    Dune being a dick….is just that….he’s Just a dick who is honest about what he says. He doesent sugar coat it with “but i like Bandit”

    Being banned cos of an opinion is completly wrong.

    If all they want is Licked arses and a pat on the back. Then this is a huge problem for any open forum.

    Forums are full to the brim with different personalities…thats what makes them so inviting.

    We cant ban them cos we dont fucking agree with them. If we did that there would be no fucker to talk to.


    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    I don’t think anything you’ve said recently is too bad anyway mate. Your passionate about certain topics and there’s nothing wrong with that. Yes there has been the odd outbursts but nothing we are not used to. You say it how it is and i certainly respect that. Everyone can’t agree with everyone 100% of the time. That’s just life in general not just on this forum.

    Xbobmad WANTED $734
    aps31 WANTED $15

    You have no more rights then a person who joined this forum yesterday, if you think that you do you are more boring then this post suggests.

    Anonymous WANTED $483

    Haz40 wrote:

    I don’t think anything you’ve said recently is too bad anyway mate. Your passionate about certain topics and there’s nothing wrong with that. Yes there has been the odd outbursts but nothing we are not used to. You say it how it is and i certainly respect that. Everyone can’t agree with everyone 100% of the time. That’s just life in general not just on this forum.

    And thats is all that Dune or Mr B did mate. This is the problem we have here. Soon as they disagreed with Bandit or Seedy they got shipped! Im sure there will come a time when i watch a Bandit video and i comment something he doesent like….do i get banned for it?

    That 20k gamble for 40 was fking idiotic on the last video. He was looking 35k profit in the face and said Nah thats fuck all….its like he’s on another planet playing Reel King. And i see why people slate him for it.

    Do i now get banned for saying it?

    whoswho WANTED $118

    Regarding Dune:

    Its like your invited to someone’s house for dinner you go there eat the food then make a comment of fuck this it’s yuck I’m off to find a real cook.

    From that your never going to invite that person back for dinner likewise with Dune in this forum

    argyl53 WANTED $419

    Mr B getting booted was the best thing that could happen to him, honestly The Bandit did him a favour, the guy was not mentally well. Being on a gambling forum all the time, talking about gambling, talking to other gamblers, constantly thinking about gambling as an industry and activity…it was obviously not doing his wellbeing any favours.

    He wasn’t banned for having anti-gambling opinions, he was banned because literally the first thing he did after Seedy and The Bandit clearly said no more playground call-out threads was create another playground call-out thread. I think he actually wanted to be banned, I think in his mind it’s proved some paranoid point and satisfied him.

    Anonymous WANTED $483

    aps31 wrote:

    You have no more rights then a person who joined this forum yesterday, if you think that you do you are more boring then this post suggests.

    Yeah Maybe i said that wrongly. My apologies. I was in the keyboard Zone.

    But im in no way boring Matey. As my topics probably have the highest volume and value for your time.

    So jog on fire Starter ?



    Anonymous WANTED $483

    Xbobmad wrote:

    Is this all you have to add mate?

    Surely not ?

    benq99 WANTED $229

    this is a gambling site so should we not have a bet on who gets banned next lol.

    Anonymous WANTED $483

    argyl53 wrote:

    Mr B getting booted was the best thing that could happen to him, honestly The Bandit did him a favour, the guy was not mentally well. Being on a gambling forum all the time, talking about gambling, talking to other gamblers, constantly thinking about gambling as an industry and activity…it was obviously not doing his wellbeing any favours.

    He wasn’t banned for having anti-gambling opinions, he was banned because literally the first thing he did after Seedy and The Bandit clearly said no more playground call-out threads was create another playground call-out thread. I think he actually wanted to be banned, I think in his mind it’s proved some paranoid point and satisfied him.

    Huh? ?

    Mr B is just like the rest of us avid posters. We are here every fucking day. Spending hours replying and posting. So dont use that as a reason. Yeah he was a bit wierd but your a bit wierd too. He did the exact same thing everytime he posted. He didnt shift one inch on his opinions and beliefs. Just….Like…you.

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