Yorkshire Bird!

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  • #7082
    zandralapoi WANTED $9

    Football loving, Rugby watching, middle-aged Yorkshire Bird, with a penchant for buying Cryptos just before they tank!

    Love the Bandit, he is a Legend!

    The Bandit WANTED $5,411
    El Bandito

    Haha evening Zandra, good to see you, did you have a rough time with the cryptos, i went through a phase of watching them all daily, well, hourly and then moaning at the wife… seeeeeee could have turned this into this by now if you let me, if you let me!! Haha!

    Shawn82 WANTED $2

    I got into crypto last year just before they tanked too but I didn’t have much invested and I’ve left it there to see what happens.

    Did you have just Bitcoin?

    I have some in BTC and a little in ETH.

    zandralapoi WANTED $9

    Got a shed load, however LiteCoin is my favourite.

    We have been a Bear Market pretty much since Jan 18 so it is quite boring at the moment however when i first started it was like crack, i was addicted in no time!

    HODL is my mantra at the moment, hopefully it’ll kick on later in the year!

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