You ungrateful B**** BetVictor……

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  • #56357
    buckybalz WANTED $8

    So I recently joining BetVictor courtesy of the Bandit –  [side note hopefully your link worked, you could get a new set of wheels what I’ve pumped off recently….]

    After looking around their games I wanted to play a little Hanzo’s Dojo – not working, tried to problem solve over chat did not seem to work [Big shout out the Dermont that works there – only decent person found their in support so far]

    Day or so later I got an email a saying these games are not legal in Canada – common thing Canadian Gov has some weird rules so no Netent Games either, and classed YGGDrasil games the same – I informed them they should double check – after the standard back and fourth with all Casino chat support  “Mantra” the customer is never Right !!”

    After someone REALLY looked into it – they are Legal have not only opened the games up for me but for all Canadians, and you can play their games there now.

    I sent a reply, heavily suggesting I will take some bonus cash as a thank you got the reply ” I am afraid I have not been able to credit your account on this occasion, but I do thank you for your interest and your time.”

    Thank you for my interest ? WTF I just helped you open guessing pretty large revenue stream – and I get a
    ” Yeeeeeeeeaaahh… Nope”

    you would think they would be a little grateful right ?

    Or am i being a little presumptuous here ?

    Would you guys put a value on this ?

    EDIT – Spelling – Wanted to Edit this so bad with some good news from the Casino – look for updates







    whoswho WANTED $118

    Not really it hardly matters what Canadians would have lost on net ent they lost on other providers. Either way the casino gets paid.

    However you could email them to explain what you did, and prehaps they may revoke the salary bonus they gave to their staff memeber whom has probly taken credit for your idea.

    RollWithItRuss WANTED $21

    yeah I have never been rewarded for the times I have helped casinos work out issues and bring them to their attention.

    I can take numerous communications just to get past front line support who read from scripts, giving all manner of standard instructions which any one with half brain will have tried.

    “please try clearing your temporary internet browser files”

    thunderball6 WANTED $272

    Heavily suggesting some bonus cash . ?

    buckybalz WANTED $8

    I did tell them about this thread so they are probably following now I let someone else do an impartial poll and I’ll let you know if they stick to it or ignore it [probably the latter]

    thunderball6 WANTED $272

    buckybalz wrote:

    I did tell them about this thread so they are probably following now I let someone else do an impartial poll and I’ll let you know if they stick to it or ignore it [probably the latter]

    What impartial poll . For what?

    Dune2000 WANTED $205

    I’m not sure saying to a casino that they should check their facts is earth shattering stuff on the reward front.

    thats like me saying to the next door neighbor im pretty sure you didn’t check your front door and when he finds out I’m right expecting a reward.

    burders WANTED $55

    I used to place bets on the time section of when the first goal would be scored, 0-10 mins, 11-20 mins etc all in my mobile. This was with Bet365. I decided to place a bet on the 81-90 section in a particular match but couldn’t as it was not displaying correctly. Checked other fixtures same problem. Brought it to their attention and received a thank you email and free bets totalling £100. Bet Victor lack class – they always have. Remember the guy who built his own bet using their preset criteria? Really impressive long list of happenings in the game but they refused to pay out because a post was hit and the ball went out of play instead of rebounding into play – the small print on that selection meant they had no obligation to pay but come on! they paid in the end after it made the newspapers or online forums etc.

    Malkychamp WANTED $486

    Strangely i actually remember something like this. Bit harsh to say they lack class for paying out on a losing bet though no? As for bets to hit the post pretty much every bookie i know the ball has to rebound into play for it to count

    burders WANTED $55

    Malkychamp wrote:

    Strangely i actually remember something like this. Bit harsh to say they lack class for paying out on a losing bet though no? As for bets to hit the post pretty much every bookie i know the ball has to rebound into play for it to count

    I didn’t even know you could bet on the ball hitting the post. You’re probs right – a bit harsh to say they lack class – it just rankled with me at the time because BV built his business on the mantra that he would refuse no bet, fearless Victor, bet big bet at BV – but some small roller lands an unbelievable bet for a few hundred quod and it’s ‘sorry mate the ball went out of play you see, shame that cos the other 47 things you selected landed, better luck next time’

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