Your worst ever bonus feature??!!!

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    thatfamousjimmy WANTED $23

    Think I might hold the record for the worse ever bonus??? 0x on £3 stake in Pink Elephants but what is yours?

    Roedgaard72 WANTED $10

    I had several 0 bonuses over the past 15 years. The strangest one was in Drive!Thats insane. The bonuses that hurt the most , was no expantions on BOD, if I think about how much I played that slot 😀

    thunderball6 WANTED $272

    Always play bonanza on 20p . But thought fuck it did some pound spins . Gold dropped in . Oh the excitement.  Payed 23p. Every bonus I ever had on 20p payed more than that . And every bonus since then on 20p has paid more than that .

    Eightblack WANTED $446

    Man I’ve had some harsh ones, bonus buys on genie jackpots have gotta be the worst I’ve had 14p of a 20quid buy before


    Or when any novomatic or murkur lands and dicks you especially flame dancer and knights life its so disappointing lol

    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    Napoleon’s better luck next time. Enough to send you over the edge. ?

    PeachyMike WANTED $42

    Yeah , no expansions in book games…

    Bandit holds the true record though! In one of his videos he gets a zero bonus, plays on for another one in the same game and gets a … zero bonus lmao

    I randomly watched that one a while ago so, if I ever come across it again I’ll link it 😀

    Games that only have one “win” screen after the bonus are the worst though.

    CONGRATS you won 0.00 ! ?


    thatfamousjimmy WANTED $23

    PeachyMike wrote:

    Yeah , no expansions in book games…

    Bandit holds the true record though! In one of his videos he gets a zero bonus, plays on for another one in the same game and gets a … zero bonus lmao

    I randomly watched that one a while ago so, if I ever come across it again I’ll link it ?

    Games that only have one “win” screen after the bonus are the worst though.

    CONGRATS you won 0.00 ! ?


    Bloody hell I’d like to see that?? I felt sick after Pink Elephants but at least had a £5K balance lol


    Hitting 300x on 300 Shields, only for it to completely miss everything, has scarred me for life

    argyl53 WANTED $419

    I’ve had my share of zero win features on games where that’s possible, but I’d actually my worst feature was when I had a bonus on Captain Venture no less, which gave me 10 spins and paid absolutely nothing except for the 2x you get for the initial scatter trigger. So I’ve had bonuses that have paid less than 2x, but you just don’t expect that from the Captain of all games, I didn’t even realise it could do that until it happened. Worst feature by far because the difference between expectation and reality there is greater than it would be on say a zero pay Pink Elephant or Bonanza bonus – at least you go in to those knowing they can be super shit on occasion.

    Mr B WANTED $395

    Fisherman wanky franky. Big bets for me (£0.50 usually) £4 spins and it eventually dropped in while I was begging in the gutter for a moldy sandwich. I was so excited thinking my days of begging are over when it paid exactly £0.00.

    Mr B WANTED $395

    Haz40 wrote:

    Napoleon’s better luck next time. Enough to send you over the edge. ?

    Yea, as you then shoot yourself in the head and miss, it puts up another message “oh come on, even I couldn’t miss from there”.

    Malkychamp WANTED $486

    The new gladiator 1 for me (unsure the name). You pick 1 of 2 sides on 1 side u need a win every spin or u get fuck all. 1st spin dead spin it should end there but it still spins it out showing what could of been very cruel lol

    Edze888 WANTED $10

    Bonanza 1.5 x

    whoswho WANTED $118

    Santa’s wild ride used to do my head in the most zero bonus more than a handful of times, 25spins on a 254way game seems impossible but I guarantee u it is

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