Youtube Comments

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  • #140663
    Porpoise WANTED $8

    The youtube comments are absolutely atrocious these days. The top comment is almost always someone spoiling the outcome of the video. We know Steve doesn’t read the comments because he says as much. Can you please go back to disabling them so that I don’t have the outcome of every video spoiled when I click on it? Or can Steve make a comment to block spoilers and pin it every video to avoid spoilers? Not sure what the point of keeping comments open is when it’s completely full of people being extremely negative and rude.

    whoswho WANTED $118

    This comment needs more love.

    i couldn’t have put it better the top comment always ruins it for me too.

    Steve Mate can you pin a basic comment to block the spoilers as suggested it would be far more entertaining for us all.

    one last thing try the pop games different style of game you may enjoy.

    roxy_music WANTED $1

    Coudn’t agree more. Some comments I kind of understand, especially those “complaining” that it gets a bit repetitive, but mostly it’s just whining.

    Porpoise WANTED $8

    I don’t mind the comments about repetitiveness or lately I’m not even as bothered by the commenters who are mad that Steve is doing 40p buys on video and going to the bar to spin 36 quid a spin off video. But there are obviously people who come in as soon as the video is released and look at the first 30s and last 30s and spoil the result just for fun, and then that comment gets upvoted. And if I’m honest, if I see that comment and he either loses a bunch or not much happens, I’m not gonna watch that video either.

    heisenberg WANTED $14

    Dave – if you read this as part of the moderation process can you please tell Steve to pin a comment to each video to block spoilers for those who watch on their mobile. The amount of times these idiots are posting starting/final balances as the top comment is getting ridiculous and given the time Steve spends on creating the video, the least he could do is take the time to pin a comment.

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