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- Town Status : Blocked
- Wanted Reward: $398
- Topics Started : 21
- Replies Created : 724
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@Hacko – my dog goes mental when im mixing liquids mate. Currently doing the blackcurrant millions, red bull (my favourite), Vimto, Rhubarb and Custard, Cola Bottles, Heisenberg and an apple one. She loves the smells and runs round like a lunatic
@green – hope you dont mind me asking mate but whats your budget – lots of decent mods out there at the moment and some belting tanks (Im running three different tanks at the moment lol). What is it you want to get from it? Do you want big clouds and loads of flavour, or are you more into the nicotine hit? Can advise better mate when I know exactly what your looking for. Ive got a spare Isub tank with spare coils (dont use it any more) plus an old cortex mod (can be charged off a samsung charger). They are literally sitting in my spare parts drawer. If you want them I will clean them up and send them over to you for you to try just to get to started. If you like them you can keep them. I dont need them now mate.
My current setup is:
Aspire Dynamo running the Freemax MeshPro Quad Coil
MFENG Snow wolf limited edition with a falcon tank
Speeder Mod with Fireluke pro Tank
Eleaf IPOWER with the Valyrian Tank
I was on the road at 4 this morning mate. And ive just been told that one of my sites is on fire. But ive clocked out for the day so not really arsed hahahaha
How we’ve missed your posts mate.
I’ve got loads of pictures of Kim jong un ready to post in response to.anything he puts up
I’m a very heavy smoker had my first cig aged 11 and never looked back, 42 now and I’m rolling my own and smoking them unfiltered, I go threw a 50g pouch a week and maybe 2 packs of cigs as a treat lol
I’m unsure regards vaping tbh as I don’t think enough tests have been carried out on long term usage, after all superman use to advertise cigs when I was a kid lol
Giving up smoking for me will be much harder than giving up gambling so I’ve got no fucking chance, but good luck and I hope you can beat it.
I think if vaping was bad for u . The government would be all over it by now .
The government fucked up massively with vaping mate. The earlier mods all came from china and wasn’t taxed as heavily as cigarettes as the government never thought it would take off. Then they realised their mistake a bit to late. Only argument they could come out with was popcorn lung which compared to the risks of smoking I know which I would prefer.
Just finished work for the day and about to mix up a batch of blackcurrant millions. 50/50 3mg.
Hi bandit is it ok if i bring ma pal he’s got a knack o sortin oot any problems should they arise . can somebody get this to work 4 me pls
I buzz off your posts mate…… write exactly how a Scottish person talks think it’s funny as fuck (in a good way!!)
Yep the last cigarette before quiting is always the best. Ive had a few of them
Just move mate two bullets dodged then lol
Only thing you can do mate to be fair is be straight with the traveller. Show him the text-to-speak options that are available on phones. Tell him your doing it so that he can read his messages without him needing to ask for help. Also tell him to go to his local library or college to see if they have any reading classes etc. That he could join
Does the dementia lady got any family that you or the old bill could try and get hold of? Maybe they don’t realise how bad she is. Other than that mate all you can do is keep ringing 101. Hopefully they will find some real help for her
I vape mate instead of smoking – I know you said that it is more expensive but have you tried mixing your own liquids? Its really easy to do. It costs me around £8 to make up 200ml worth of liquid (instead of paying £10 per 100ml in the shops). With the right setup you save a fortune.
If your going cold turkey – its always good to have a few rolled up in the house. Knowing they are there helps relieve the anxious “fuck I have none left”. My auntie still has 20 mayfair in the house – she quit 5 years ago but keeps them just in case. When she first tried to stop, she clerared the house out of all tabacoo products and that made it worse.
Didnt consider this at first but av got a good mate that stays in liverpool that i would like to visit also. Anyone any idea how close the towns are? Taxi journey out of the question or is it to far?
Train is cheaper mate from Liverpool. Go to chester then to wrexham. Either stay over in a premier inn or gt a lift back off someone from here going that way. Would be cheaper than taxis.
1what about doing tickets at say £10 each and all the money can go to a charity,and limit the amount of tickets sold .i for one would not mind buying a no ticket no entry that would keep things under control of how many people turn up
Thats quite a good idea that mate. All proceeds go to “Buy Andy a Hyabusa for summer” hahaha
I would be up for it though if it all went to a decent charity – homeless people or an animal charity.
Recently this forum has gone down hill a bit with all the ridiculous beg threads, the affiliate digs and the digs at other members like thisgirl or the many others who are just having a vent.. Although it always seems to be $0 – $5 members doing it..
I was thinking maybe a VIP board or something would be good so only members with a wanted of $50+ can chat there.. Would weed out the trolls and chancers and allow people like justgirl to be able to post without fear of being called a taker. Just a thought (also I wanna be seen as VIP ?)
I reckon maybe a similar principal for the meetup
We could have a vip bar for people over $120 hahahahaha
Hope your well mate
No ones going to do shit if i turn up , ill fucking sit on the bastards. Bandit may have created a few enemies here and there but those dickheads wouldn’t turn up to face him lol This thread is a bit paranoid to be honest.
Nothing paranoid about it. It is what it is. If you advertise a free bar at a location over social media then it will create massive crowds regardless of the location. But as long as your there to sit on everyone then it will be fine hahahaha.
Made me giggle that – had a vision of turning up and seeing you sat on top of a few people outside the bar “yeah bars through there mate, these fuckers are barred”
You just C&P’d what I posted! ?
Didnt know you where still around mate!! good to see you back on here. Hope you treated yourself to something nive after the reactoonz hit ages ago – dont give it back to the fuckers mate.
Why is everyone so suspicious of everyone. The people that would actually turn up would most likely be the ones there to have a laugh and perhaps take the opportunity to meet someone they watch all the time and feel like they already know. We aint all gangsters.
Just my thoughts…
I didnt say that everyone is a gangster mate. What I am saying is that maybe there should be a cap on the amount of people or some sort of guest list for the event. Your active on the forum and have been around for a while so should be there, but I think there does need to be something in place for people who have only just joined or want to bring a car full of their mates who have nothing to do with the forum.