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- Town Status : Blocked
- Wanted Reward: $398
- Topics Started : 21
- Replies Created : 724
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I remember when I was younger using my wages on Saturday (from my paper round lol) and going down the arcade. Could spend all day in there if I wasn’t doing anything else. Playing the old fruity like casino crazy, monopoly 60, bonanza, meet the mob, pacman, crazy fruits, Excalibur etc.
Good times hahaha
Internet cafe? seriously… only place I thought that had such these days was libraries
Yes mate its like a retro place but quite popular with a few gamers etc. Also does the usual such as phone unlocking laptop repair etc
I work in a bookies.The main one .
As a person behind the counter I could not stress enough about their new ideas.Most of canno’t wait till £2 comes in force.It will never stop people gambling how ever it will decrease addiction.
About the issue raised linking terminals to online then no it won’t happen as GC won’t allow as premises licence is not valid and they would have to apply for a casino licence.
Would you need a premesis license for this though? In my town centre there is an internet cafe which I could go into and login to and online gambling site??
I’m hoping we will.get a few more quid in, hopefully it’s a case of most people are just busy at the moment with Christmas etc. We will get there guys I’m sure of it
Thanks for setting this up guys and i really appreciate the gesture, huge respect to those who have donated – i am going to look into whether there is any sort of charity that provide assistance for vet bills when people cannot afford them, basically giving their pets the chance they deserve without potential lack of finances getting in the way, if anyone knows of such a place, let me know!
Steve you have done loads for lots of people on the forum and put so many hours into the videos – least we can do mate
Hopefully we will get some more cash in the pot over the next few days
I know that the rspca offer reduced vet bill services for people on lower incomes etc
11Donated again just so I could have an excuse to bump up, been though this before and it’s awful
Much appreciated mate. I am sure that we will get a decent amount together for the charity of Steve’s choice. Ive set up a twitter account to try and get the word out a bit more hahaha. Took me fucking ages im shit with stuff like this. Took me about 3 hours to set the gofundme page up hahahaha productive morning in work
@seedy – can you pin this on the forum page mate?? Saves me having to bump it.
My BA is in the red atm so if this is still open in a few days when I get my cash out, I’ll send a few squid towards it. Great idea <3
Keeping it open until day after boxing day mate. Then can get the money to Mr B before new year
Mine was the 10 pound i hope it helps im right chuffed you did it
It all helps mate it really does.
Dropped a fiver of my meagre funds in. Mostly out of respect but also solidarity for a guy who flexes his wallet to look after his pets. When my cat nearly died of pyometra I had people look at me funny just for spending 150 quid to save her so to spend thousands is worthy of a nod.
Fair play to you mate. Any amount is appreciated. I don’t have cats, but have a rabbit and a staffy and they really are part of my family.
Really good response so far guys thank you. If anyone is willing can they share it on Twitter or Facebook. I don’t use social media so limited on who I can send it to but if someone can stick a link on somewhere like Facebook or even the bandits Twitter I would be very grateful
you did it man! nice one
I thought the idea had been forgotten in the other thread x
No mate was just waiting for the bandit to say it was ok…….hopefully we will get some decent funds together for him
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