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- Town Status : Blocked
- Wanted Reward: $398
- Topics Started : 21
- Replies Created : 724
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We’ve all been there mate. I did a wad last weekend and felt sick as a parrot for days. Took a while to write it off but it’s gone now. Best thing you said there lesson fuckin learned.
Want to trade your slot session for my blackjack one yesterday?
Haz is right though mate. Just learn from it and move forwards
Sign up with gamstop/gamban mate.
Might sound weird but looking back I would have been happy with a 400 loss if it meant that I could stop back then and not go through years of shit that I did.
Good luck mate
Just take it one day at a time mate. Most of us on here have been through it (and a lot worse to be honest). It always takes a couple of days to sink in and then you can start to rebuild.
If you get tempted to gamble, post on here someone is always around to help/have a chat
21If your unsure about gamstop mate then something must be telling you that you need a break from the gaming sites. Sign up and give yourself a break my friend, you don’t want to be in a position soon where you turn round and say I wish I had signed up in February.
Someone will take over the game; please don’t let that be the only thing that stops you from using gamstop
I would like my dog to live as long as me. Sounds mad but she’s my best mate and I’m so protective of her I get worried every time she is ill. Will be gutted if anything happens to her. Would rather she just stays with me forever.
Oh and for blacko to be better at fixing ovens lol
1It’s like asking a go fund me for a few pints, entry fee to sat night poker and a ruby after. Yes please. And enough for Sunday dinner at the pub while your at it if you would.
Have you been copying my latest gofundme ????
The most important question is though who is organising and paying for the strippers?
Don’t sweat it – Thatgirl2019 has agreed to do it for free
So has AndyWilliams but there’s not quite as much enthusiasm regarding his offer
I will do it mate no problem. Just need to find my gimp mask and leather banana hammock. Can’t remember where I last put them but I’m sure they will turn up.
Nice one Hacko might just do that mate. Depends on the date and where I am in the country at the time lol. Work sending me all over the next couple of months: Scotland (again), Cambridgeshire, Leeds, hull, lake district, London, salou and Milan so will have to check dates etc.
So, i am considering putting on a free bar at a local pub of mine, darts, pool, juke box and alcohol is the plan – semi problem is it is going to have to be on a “School Night” as i can only get the pub on one of it’s quieter evenings, a Monday or a Tuesday. Would anyone be up for this sort of thing? Perhaps we could actually get some face to face poker on the go too? It would be in Wrexham of course.
I’ve been a fan for couple of yrs now and would definitely be interested, how would you pick who’s coming though? Raffle, bids, winning bids go to charity or into a pot for you to play with????
Just who wanted to come could come i would guess, i wouldn’t imagine there would be a stampede lol
I don’t know mate……might be worth having some sort of guest list or something. As soon as people hear that there is a pub with a grand behind the counter I think it will attract quite a few people.
I suppose it depends on what type of night it will be e.g. will the pub be open for normal trade as well or would you be getting it as a private pub for the night? I think that there’s a couple of things to think about mate. I know what your doing is a gesture for the supporters etc but you know yourself that there are some funny fucker around (the one who wanted to meet you at Cheshire oaks, reelwhiskers wanting to get a train to yours etc.). Just things to be mindful of.
There are quite a few big consiracy theories that we will never get the real answer to; moon landings, 9/11, donald trumps hair……..I think the big one that we should discuss is the following:
“Are online slots random or rigged”…….lets discuss this, whats the worse that can happen
I’m not taking the bait Andy lad.
I’m a fully born again Christian poster from now on! ??????????????? ohhhhh ahhhh oooooo
hahahahaha fair enough mate.
Good to see you back on here. Hows your dad getting on mate. Hope hes ok.
There are quite a few big consiracy theories that we will never get the real answer to; moon landings, 9/11, donald trumps hair……..I think the big one that we should discuss is the following:
“Are online slots random or rigged”…….lets discuss this, whats the worse that can happen
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
The vibe has definitely changed. It’s sad really. A few of the more active members are not posting as much or haven’t done for a couple of weeks. It’s a shame really.
Watch what happens after Sunday though when the bandit releases a new video. A load of people will start posting again and the chancers will try it on again.
It’s a difficult one as the whole forum relies on Steve and seedy to manage all the posts etc and it can’t be an easy task especially when you have comittments such as family etc. Hopefully things will get better on here soon.
Ideally you want it to go one of two ways if you can’t add more mods to help out.
1 – all new threads go for moderation before they are put on the site
2 – a new section is made for horror stories and then people can delve into that section if they want to help
It’s getting harder now seedy. You know I’m always willing to help and will continue to do so but it’s getting harder now to see who is genuine and who isn’t. Would hate to not help someone who is genuine or put them off posting but the last few days has shown some real chancers on here. Asking for 300 quid for a phone but 200 of it was for the sake of it is a piss take.
I may have changed my mind aswell. I work my arse off plumbing 6/7 days a week to provide for me and mine, I am all for helping someone in need as I’ve proved previously, but the explanation for the need for funds is mind boggling!
a fucking bonus???
sorry for my language but Jesus Christ!
nothing wrong with being in need we all need someone some time. But I genuinely feel like I’ve had my pants pulled down!
Sometimes it’s better to be cruel to be kind!
I will buy the S7 Edge off you (and will also buy Haz’s as well for Mrs W). Just give me a figure.
Although I’d love to join in the fun for the evening, my home life means I can’t leave but I hope whoever joins the bandit enjoys their night!
Keep in mind the place might be absolutely rammed with takers though
Goodluck! Haha!
Correct me if I’m wrong but I’m sure u have taken things off people on here….awk ?
She didnt take anything to be fair. I sent something. Which is completely different. Thisgirl explained her situation as was after advice; i sent some sensory equipment to her house. Nothing awkward about it.
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